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How do you actually meetup to group?

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Let's say I found somebody on the forums who is willing to group with me. How would I find that person in game. How do you actually meet? I assume you can't spawn right to them. So how's it done.

Man these forums are slow today.

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It's simple, the magical forum chopper transports everybody to where they need to go. Just head over to NW Airfield. It'll pick you up soon. Just type in Direct Chat, "Forum Transport Needed."

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Currently, you run or find a vehicle. Rocked touched on group play briefly in the Reddit Q&A, he said it is a key design priority for standalone but they need to figure out how they will make it work without disrupting the disorientation that currently occurs when you die.

Edited by smasht_AU

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Let's say I found somebody on the forums who is willing to group with me. How would I find that person in game. How do you actually meet? I assume you can't spawn right to them. So how's it done.

Man these forums are slow today.

Much like real life you just have to meet up with someone at a common location, somewhere in a city/town/farm or at landmark (hill/rock/lighthouse) that you both recognise/know the location of. Comminication over your particular flavor of voice comm's software (Skype/Vent/TS/Mumble) i would say is pretty vital for meeting someone in game and then once you're together...staying together.

Get on voice comm's, agree to meet the person at X location and when you finally find them...that's it, you're as 'grouped' as the current version of the DayZ mod will let you be :)

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That's what I pretty much figured. I just wanted to ask before I started asking around for potential group buddies. Long time Arma fan but didn't know dayz existed until yesterday. I was lucky enough to spawn at dawn on my first time which left a very memorable experience. Awesome mod. Needless to say I was shitting bricks

Edited by nuggetz

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Just pay attention to where you're at when you spawn in, indicated in the bottom right hand corner. From there use a map to determine a good meeting point. Using map markers helps if the server you are on allows it.

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