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How many of you are actually prepared for a real zombie outbreak???

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Im fairly fit, live not far from the end of suburbia but do not have any firearms readily at arms reach however a police station is down the road so it may be possible to get something there but highly risky. I'm in no short supply of non perishables and I have a box of ration packs from when I was in the army. I live not too far from a water supply, and have many basic survival tools avail again from the military such as a field water filter.

If I managed to avoid being killed jn the initial outbreak I could probably do ok, but if my kids didn't make it I'd probably be opting out somewhere, and my partner and I are separated living on opposite sides of the city which makes my ability to get over there in a panic next oto none.

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I got a cellar of cans, a hatchet, a fueled and fully operational UAZ, and a safehouse to hide.

Hell, I live in Russia! We do have zombie outbreaks here all the time!

Not zombie outbreaks but vodka outbreaks actually, but you get idea!

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Dude guns would be "Eh" I'd prefer a sturdy melee weapon and a pistol with a clip or two for just-in-case situactions. I'm more focused on finding a place and creating a farm.

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This world isn't going to end any time soon for any reason whatsoever and I can guarantee that most of the people with a plan are just as fucked as anyone else. This is reality, not a video game.

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Here in the U.K we have Chav's,

With Idiots like this then I will survive.

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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Got my Zombie Survival guide, but not really prepared myself in the sense that I haven't bought a thing... (Crowbar, weapon, emergency kit, ect, ect.)

I have a fully written out plan though, that I've told a few close friends. ( It is perfect in every way. =] )

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id love to think that id survive but in reality 99% of us will become zombies....

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I always considered zombie preparation as a cover. When kids/teenagers do it, it's to feel like a badass. When older people do it, it's an interesting excuse to prepare for martial law and/or a violent revolution. Tip number one, don't broadcast your real life arsenal across the internet, even if you are an American.

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Anyone read "Ender's Game"?

We could actually be controlling real people in a real Zombie Apocalypse every time we log on!!


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It's always interesting to me that people seem to think "Having gear" == "Being prepared".

Some reindeer herder in outer Mongolia probably wouldn't see, let alone fire, 20,000 rounds during his entire life but would barely notice a global zombie pandemic.

People who live in rural areas and know how to get their food from someplace other than a supermarket would probably do ok. Beyond that, how's your luck? Other than that, mental resilience would probably be the other big deciding factor and I doubt most of the people here have ever been in a situation that significantly tests that. Most of us are to busy dealing with first world problems. "Oh no my game hasn't been patched in a month!!!"

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I actually stopped on the way home from work tonight and got a backpack for my survival gear, and a couple things to put in it. Got a nice light weight hatchet, military compass, and magnesium stick. Now I gotta dig up all my other survival gear and put it in the pack so I'm ready for the infection.

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I dont need To be scared I got My AS50 My Backpack(coyote) and my

FN FAL AN/PVS-4 And some BEANNZZ what DRINK I GET? (ONE IS CLEAR NOT A SINGLE CAN OF MOUNTAIN DEW) Maybe Milk lawl no seriously we got 3 shops by us

what i use as wepaon A FREAKIN FLAMETHROWER MADE OUT DEO AND FIRE!! i live in Germany D:

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I am in an appartment at 10th floor.

I am in a 6 millions+ people city.

I have no guns, only a knife, a hammer, and a flashlight (hopefully it works on dynamo).

I have a bike, not a car, so I would probably be exposed a lot if trying to drive.

In fact there is a lot of chances I would be fucked as hell and would end up in barricading myself in hope... in hope...

Edited by Thadeum

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Of all the people who posted, including me, most of us would end up dying.

I like to think I'm a good shot with my wittle shotgun. I'm pretty fit and fast. I've got a bike, various camping/survival gear, and respectable distance from an urban area. I can hunt, skin and cook an animal. Plus I've got a handy little survival book. Knowledge is power and all that.

But honestly, none of that makes a difference. There's just so many variables to something like an apocalypse. Plus, there's really no way to accurately assess your mental ability. Who could actually stay calm, avoid crowd paranoia, make rational decisions, hell, avoid just going completely crazy? Who knows!

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So who will survive?

Big leader marine corp guy or the backstabbing coward only driven by selfpreservation?

My buck is on the coward, he will kill the big leader marine corp guy in his sleep and take his things.

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I have an airsoft gun spray painted black...can't kill people, but I can threaten people with it :3

At least until they learn it's not real and then they kill me...

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Everyone acts so tough but I bet if a zombie apocalypse every comes we will all scream and hide in our basements.

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I've got 2 tins of beans in the cupboard. Bring 'em on!

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I'm not prepared and i don't think i ever will be. I live in a big city, It would be matter of time before i get shot or a zombie catches me. =p

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