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Encrypted (DayZ)

A little honesty would go a long way...

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If it is an anti server hopping feature would be nice if something official could be posted in the 8+ page thread about in bug reports.

It isn't a feature.

It is a bug caused by trying to log into a server with the wrong software versions. You get stuck on the loading screen and have to ctrl_alt_del to get out of it.

Next time you log into a server with the correct versions you will be transported to the beach - with all your gear.

FIX - make sure you log into a server with the correct software version. If you aren't sure how to check then ask your Mommy. She will know.

Edited by EMT - Jasz

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I have tried every suggested workaround and I have still spawned on the coast. You can't realistically play if one in every three servers does this :(

Good grief. There are hundreds of posts on why this happens. Se mine above.

If you are going to server hop, I do it as I love to chase the night and I have many friends in many countries that I hook up with. Then use commander to install the correct 'versions' in the 'versions' tab.

It is so unbelievably simple to avoid the beach trip and a naughty exploit if you don't want to run the length of the map. ;)

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Good grief. There are hundreds of posts on why this happens. Se mine above.

If you are going to server hop, I do it as I love to chase the night and I have many friends in many countries that I hook up with. Then use commander to install the correct 'versions' in the 'versions' tab.

It is so unbelievably simple to avoid the beach trip and a naughty exploit if you don't want to run the length of the map. ;)

I used DayZ commander to filter both versions correctly and it still happened.

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I used DayZ commander to filter both versions correctly and it still happened.

I refer you to my post then.

Go ask your Mom how to check properly.

Read the information about the server you are joining properly.

Sometimes the server description and the real software versions are different the tab in the centre will confirm this for you.

Stop trusting that a piece of fan boy software will get it correct every time and use your peepers to check for yourself.

I bet you are the type of person that goes when the light is green, without first checking that it is actually clear to proceed.

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I refer you to my post then.

Go ask your Mom how to check properly.

Read the information about the server you are joining properly.

Sometimes the server description and the real software versions are different the tab in the centre will confirm this for you.

Stop trusting that a piece of fan boy software will get it correct every time and use your peepers to check for yourself.

I bet you are the type of person that goes when the light is green, without first checking that it is actually clear to proceed.

Why don't you go actually read the thread in bug reports about this since your so &^^@%$ clueless.

You can join servers with the latest versions and still have this happen. Confirmed by many in the thread.

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Why don't you go actually read the thread in bug reports about this since your so &^^@%$ clueless.

You can join servers with the latest versions and still have this happen. Confirmed by many in the thread.

Seriously dud.

Read what I am posting.

I have told you what causes it. I have told you the solution.

I visit half a dozen servers every night and may only be on one for a few minutes. I change between dayz versions and I also change between the various arma2 versions.

I use commander to install the various versions as I require them. Yes, you can chop and change your installed versions of the software.

I make sure that what I have installed EXACTLY matches the server versions.

It isn't rocket science.

The issue is caused by NOT having the same version of the software as the server.


Now away and have some bitty.

Edited by EMT - Jasz

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Seriously dud.

It isn't rocket science.

The issue is caused by NOT having the same version of the software as the server.

Lawl. It is confirmed that joining servers with the same version of you the same problem happens. Obviously from the responses in this thread, it affects only a small portion of players. It seems your one of the lucky ones where it doesn't happen very often.

Now can you please go back down to your moms basement and jerk off to your massive collection of bieber pron and leave normal people who can think properly and read alone?

Thanks bud.

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the updates really aren't as often as you appear to think they are. not to mention the fact they said 1.7.3 would be released after gamescom, and then that it was being tightened up based on feedback from gamescom. then the thing about the 6th.

really does help to read up on something if you're going to throw your toys about.

Why does it seem like all of the posts I ever see from you are aggressive and/or demeaning in some way?

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@ OP

It's a cultural thing. You have the expectations of a westerner who is used to instant gratification from a western developer who uses western marketing tactics. Just wait till the stand alone releases and many of the key features you expect to see aren't in the game and aren't being planned for. Then you'll really be pissed off, lulz.


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step 1- get stuck on loading screen

step 2- ctrl alt del and open up task manager while dayz minimizes to task bar.

step 3- start ANOTHER game.

step 4- if you load, go to step 5. if you get stuck again, go back to step 2.

step 5- once you load you should be where you were originally. alt tab out and end the dayz process from your task manager (end the one that is using the least amount of your cpu).

step 6- add successfully loaded server to your dayz commander favorites list to pool together a few safe loading servers incase step 1 happens down the road.

step 7- survive on survivor (or in the case of banditry, die soon hehe).

step 8- gimmie beans if this worked for you!

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I would think that getting a bit more stable version of DayZ mod would appease the hungry crowd and give Devs more breathing space for DayZ standalone.

Anyway I'm holding my breath hoping that DayZ standalone will :

1. crush item duplication and other exploits giving infinite ammo

2. curb hacking to acceptable levels

3. eliminate combat disconnecting

4. provide more content continuously

5. that Devs will remember how to communicate with players here on forums and provide some update

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19 days since an update. As for 'game breaking' bug, what have you encountered? Have you reported it? Yes, there's artifacting, but you can still play the game. Tents and vehicles don't save contents after server restart and some vehicles disappear as well, but you can still play. Annoying bugs? Absolutely. 'Game breaking'? Definitely not.

Again, if you have run into a real game-breaking bug, please tell us about it so we can join in testing it and make a detailed bug report.

I would be so bold as to say the tent and vehicle bugs are VERY bloody game breaking. I mean what's left if you can't fix up vehicles or place some bases/tents around the maps. Only really pvp in Cherno/Elektro left with those.gone.

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I would be so bold as to say the tent and vehicle bugs are VERY bloody game breaking. I mean what's left if you can't fix up vehicles or place some bases/tents around the maps. Only really pvp in Cherno/Elektro left with those.gone.

Continue playing, surviving. Look for better gear, assist friendlies, play medic, play trader... Heck, my friends and I have been living out of our packs and been hunting for snipers and bandits.

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