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looking for people to help me kill people in elektro

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so me and my friend like to kill people in elektro cuz we are bored was wondering if anyone wanted to help us we shoot everyone we see not just bandits so yea just add me on steam (Loudpack123) or on skype i think its diondre bond or loudpack123 just try both

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Go back to call of duty, douchebag.

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Well age may matter because people who are 18 or older are likely more mature, but that's a generalization. Also do you plan on collecting gear? Otherwise this seems like a waste of ammunition and time. You may have better luck posting this in the bandit section of the forums.

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Every noob who sits on elektro hill sniping fresh spawns has always alt-f4, even after being headshot and I fucking guarantee this dipshit does it as well.

90% of the community have never even experienced nwaf raids or know there is more to this game than bragging about your murders.

You can go to the NWAF on a full server, run around looting while singing "It's Raining Men" and I bet that no one will shoot you. Considering how careful you had to be around there and Stary is just pathetic now.

God I really hate stupid little kids.

Edited by Dev

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Also respect is something people tend to think isn't common among younger teens. It's pretty important someone isn't going to be an asshole to the group.

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Its people like this child that are ruining this game, if your bored go play something else instead of ruining other peoples experience. I really hate this attitude of "theres nothing else to do, so ima snipe people worse off then me". It doesn't make you badass or elite just pathetic and annoying. I've got nothing against bandits they make the experience what it is, but this shit is killing the game.

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You sir are in the wrong section try bandit forums. And i hope you get herpes.

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