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Found AS50 with Thermalscope

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There is no way for a player to know if you hacked in a weapon or you are using one you found and or duped, I say report as the gun is not meant to be in game. The reason the dayZ team have said its ok to use the weapon is because some people don't know what guns are legit and what ones are hacked, so it would be unfair to ban them for not knowing.

Double Standard about to be posted below by MurQ....

You on the other hand know its a hacked weapon and continue to use it and you also encourage others to use the hacked weapons so I would say that you are part of the problem.

Yeah go ahead and report this name please. It isn't going to get you anywhere; as for me knowing it was a hacked weapon...well I didn't learn it was a hacked weapon until AFTER it was in use. As for being part of the problem; nope I am not part of the problem because I don't go around killing the "coastal cuties" unlike what you probably do on high population servers with the other asshats that do it. I on the other hand like to hunt for ass hats that take pleasure from killing newbies on the coast.

Reporting someone for using a hacked weapon is the right thing to do as its the only way we as a community can try to stop the rampant cheating.There is a huge differnce between it and the legit weapon, it can be used at night(dark nights) and its fuckin thermal.

The way to end the hackers is the following way and its pretty damn simple...IF you execute a script on the server you get killed...period and you get automatically banned by Battleye...end of the story. Want to guess how many times mom and dad are going to hand over the credit card so junior dick can keep buying the game keys on STEAM or somewhere else before they cut that crap off. Punishing players who have picked up and use hacked in weapons is not how it is done. You sound just like a liberal eurotrash whiner talking about gun control...if you control the guns; you control the crime....BS!

Edited by reschke

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Double Standard about to be posted below by MurQ....

I fail to see these double standards that you mention

You accuse me of killing noobs, yet I make no mention of my playstyle or yours

The attack at the end is just icing on the cake


Maybe its just me but is it not bad form to encourage others to use this weapon on the main forum for this mod?

Btw Well played to the OP

Edited by MurQ

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If its hacked, It should be removed, and anyone picking it up. should get a kick. They might then go look at why they got kicked. I give a msg "hacked in weapon" This gives them the idea of what they got kicked for, and hopefully they will learn.

But this idea of "its only a gun" bull ... Its a game, we need to strive to keep it fair.

You can really see who the hackers are in this thread....meh

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If its hacked, It should be removed, and anyone picking it up. should get a kick. They might then go look at why they got kicked. I give a msg "hacked in weapon" This gives them the idea of what they got kicked for, and hopefully they will learn.

But this idea of "its only a gun" bull ... Its a game, we need to strive to keep it fair.

You can really see who the hackers are in this thread....meh

You do realize this is a 4 month old thread, right?

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I stick to my original OLD post....Bring the wipe!

(although now we are close so I can say bring the standalone! w00t)

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