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DE 144 - Hacker Banlist

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Logs are available to Dayz devs upon request.

So here we are again. thx fraggle for your pm's.

a guid is no ip-address or a phonenumber which are clearly deserving of protection

3b0ec96a90598d825e226e56af6d81f5 -1 Hi People DE144 15.08.2012 TTT5NamePl

5e926d20ba4ae2313e144b90088a9473 -1 [ArG] FastFo0d! DE144 16.08.12 Invisible

4e5101c2742a83e4c8e63c03108775ff -1 ARG Rouch DE144 16.08.12 Invisible

86df3e3187de7c1f48a66931e39ca8a1 -1 Ben DE144 19.08.12 createVehicle hilux1

15cefcf35ecc954bc1827b46f7eca5d0 -1 Werner DE144 19.08.12 beeeh = this

ec4f3333259b57dfeeffa89e2cf6525a -1 n1ss DE144 19.08.12 createVehicle M1030

dd22cc062e56ee246b306adc44ac3f94 -1 zekoni007 DE144 19.08.12 createVehicle Old_bike

b3ec1943c3255997f173f7c83f8cdc00 -1 plovers DE144 19.08.12 createVehicle M1030

44a372453eced2e7beff6f7dbc0c13f3 -1 Neopolitan DE144 19.08.12 Invisible

f8aca81f273dd3a6b43c6b7bce602b65 -1 Hendo DE144 20.08.12 createVehicle Old_bike

8ef5316028447e034874ea41d03382e4 -1 Jonas DE144 20.08.12 createVehicle Volha_2

879e2450f7dce7d51c9cf491b04f76b2 -1 Fritz DE144 20.08.12 Invisible

c248a8ffd5530eb38e2f5d22617a70e3 -1 Miron DE144 20.08.12 createVehicle Old_bike

508ed6ffa0dfdcf8c6b8695581722584 -1 REDE NICHT DE144 21.08.12 Invisible

48fa7d60aabcf65175f49f8395845e38 -1 Mackster DE144 21.08.12 createVehicle TT650_Civ

137540dd4abcff6089c7fc01f5afbe41 -1 Castle DE144 21.08.12 Invisible

7f0e32c7489fb84cec8a7c7b155e2aae -1 FAFTH5051 DE144 21.08.12 createVehicle ATV

548d7f1e0062afb5affcba3497e7f84e -1 DE144 21.08.12 Invisible

b6aac80a1fdb0afbad8efed66d111323 -1 Tommy DE144 21.08.12 createVehicle UH1H_DZ

64db63c0c8ad33120e801959bf61ff90 -1 YouDeath DE144 21.08.12 createVehicle hilux1

278000187943d766edea52fefa7df2ea -1 John DE144 23.08.12 Invisible

4cb98ee354aa3b4d1b45eedde469f86e -1 Garold Green DE144 23.08.12 trtrtrtrtr0n

61297834eb103faf5737c7af0381c701 -1 - Pj DE144 24.08.12 TTT5derCode

eeda8800e3b91b3cdbd846765e474e1d -1 Kwiatek DE144 26.08.12 removeAllWeapons

2409d6e96859d4e98d102d3f611bfe53 -1 -=JeW=- DE144 26.08.12 createVehicle M1030

04a4a942dcbc22c69de7eb9a156f10a8 -1 San DE144 27.08.12 createVehicle ATV

9d8b2de41bbcd76c0ad20e852a8864c9 -1 Sniper DE144 28.08.12 "RUVehicleBox"

36fc2118fb04af49d8bdf039c76038f6 -1 Master _LA DE144 27.08.12 enablevoting

c03ef77f8976afaf754310e3c8e53563 -1 Angry_ pony DE144 26.08.12 "RUVehicleBox"

0f58c3f57b12dd227b5ac5653d532973 -1 McEwan DE144 29.08.12 "beeeh = this"

73a8893a6c7ec82ee3c83e2755e6a50b -1 Nekolay02 DE144 29.08.12 "beeeh = this"

bd0463e0e70d53c3ebe733667fd9d016 -1 Lux DE144 29.08.12 player setDamage

257c8477499d5ca30b7cc438a474a36d -1 oldschool DE144 29.08.12 "AmmoBoxBig"

b75d76bccb1f7755a8db923bf8175b99 -1 Bin Laden aka Iraq DE144 30.08.12 "RUVehicleBox"

c8bb569e9c3065aac12cc2c98d5a0085 -1 Oxaraperdosoka DE144 30.08.12 addWeapon

743db453048b8d4fc55ff4c9be201353 -1 MOL DE144 30.08.12 setDamage 1

Edited by BlackBeret
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Battle eye should get this verified and global ban their asses.

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Please keep player IP's private. They are open to abuse.

Edited by Fraggle

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k than i wont post in this forum again and i wont answer anymore for any request on de144.



#13 says that i have to post it here.

erverybody (player/DayZ Staff/DayZ Forum Staff) take the piss out of server admins.

this is an other fact for defending cheaters

Edited by BlackBeret
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OP submit your findings to the CBL (http://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/entry) Username, GUID, and IP welcomed! Just as public, even more official then a forum post, and same devs! ;)

Please keep player IP's and Guides private. They are open to abuse.

This is the first I've heard of this and completely contradicting the current best practices..? Very confusing.

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This is the first I've heard of this and completely contradicting the current best practices..? Very confusing.

This is a matter of being adult and have some common sense. I hate the script kids/cheaters/hackers like most here (see my other posts in the general are), *BUT* they must be handled in the correct way. You know on the internet there's a way too many trools and idiots, they are not all fair like we like they to be, now imagine these chaps playing the same game but with their own rules:

- I'm a troll and i cheat with your nickname... ppl will hurry here on the forum saying that Vortech is a cheater >> trolling beings;

- I'm a troll and i found regular players GUID's, i come here on the forum saying they are chearing, copy&pasting a log but changing the GUID's with their own >> trolling begins;

- I'm a troll and i start to post ppl IP's, so other idiots will start to flood and ddos those players just to annoy em (i'm a troll after all);

....and other many "jokes" that a troll can imagine.

(to not count the fact that in certain countries publishing a user IP is against the law, because it is a private information .. like your phone number or address)

Now you understand why make these informations public is a VERY BAD thing? This is not about defending the cheaters.. this is about not making the situation even worse.

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This is a matter of being adult and have some common sense. I hate the script kids/cheaters/hackers like most here (see my other posts in the general are), *BUT* they must be handled in the correct way. You know on the internet there's a way too many trools and idiots, they are not all fair like we like they to be, now imagine these chaps playing the same game but with their own rules:

- I'm a troll and i cheat with your nickname... ppl will hurry here on the forum saying that Vortech is a cheater >> trolling beings;

- I'm a troll and i found regular players GUID's, i come here on the forum saying they are chearing, copy&pasting a log but changing the GUID's with their own >> trolling begins;

- I'm a troll and i start to post ppl IP's, so other idiots will start to flood and ddos those players just to annoy em (i'm a troll after all);

....and other many "jokes" that a troll can imagine.

(to not count the fact that in certain countries publishing a user IP is against the law, because it is a private information .. like your phone number or address)

Now you understand why make these informations public is a VERY BAD thing? This is not about defending the cheaters.. this is about not making the situation even worse.

Being an adult or having common sense? It's about being responsible and contributing information for your fellow administrators. There is no difference posting information such as username, IP, or GUID here then there is over on the CBL which is maintained by the developers. You seem to have some sort of agenda all of a sudden so sorry for questioning your actions. Which by the way are very suspect as you seemed to make it you job to report every post with an IP or GUID in it. Nothing personal but that seems like something a cheat would do to cover his or her tracks and make administrators lives more difficult. If you want to protect users from forum eyes and still do some good then educate yourself on the options and link OPs to the CBL so that they can contribute and we all benefit.

- Ok so cheat with my nickname, the very fact my IP, and GUID would be easily searchable here would disprove it. What you're doing gives them further anonymity and makes an admins job harder to do.

- That is why the CBL exists, there is a reputation system behind it. Any admin coming here to compile a ban list and not utilizing the CBL is foolish IMO, and I feel sorry for player that visit their servers.

- Trolls gonna troll, IPs are useless as most people have dynmaic IPs but in the rare case they have a static IP and they get targeted then they'll have a bit of work. Very rare occasion and I've yet to read about this happening to anyone here.

In regards to local rules & regs, when you play the game you agree to whatever policy BIS put forward, it is their responsibility to enforce whatever rules & regs they want. We live in their world, you are not the police, you are not even a moderator. Your opinion is just as valid as anyone else but you're not in a position to force it on others.

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What's the point in reporting hackers here in the DayZ Forum if you can't post the IP/GUID? Identifying someone by his Playername is impossible. It's just the name of the player profile and can be changed within seconds from the main menu. The only method to identify someone for sure is the GUID. If you are supposed to post hackers hre, but without the GUID, then there is no point reporting them here at all.

I post all my reports over at CBL anyways. There I get more responses from other Admins so I don't accidently ban innocent players and I can also help others by providing extra evidence to already reported hackers/cheaters who I also have found in my log.

Edited by System98

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It could be resumed in few words... those are private informations, especially the players IP's. So they should never and ever being posted on a public forum.

This is not my idea, this in a general rule and always true.. no matter what they did, no matter if they are really cheaters, hackers or just suspected of being so.. these informations shouldn't be published.

Imagine me doing shit on this forum.. do you believe that the admin is authorized to expose my IP to the public? No, he's not.. he's not the police, he's an admin: he can ban me, he can add my IP to a banlist, he can even pass my IP to certain ppl for technical reasons (ie: adding to a remote list or whatever), but he CANNOT expose it to the whole internet.

There's something called "privacy" and it is more important than any cheater-war. This has nothing to do with DayZ.. it is always true. And no DayZ developers (neither forum admins here) can enforce a rule that sounds like "if you play this game, your IP *may be* exposed to the public", it's against the common sense.. and against the law.

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What's the point in reporting hackers here in the DayZ Forum if you can't post the IP/GUID? Identifying someone by his Playername is impossible. It's just the name of the player profile and can be changed within seconds from the main menu. The only method to identify someone for sure is the GUID. If you are supposed to post hackers hre, but without the GUID, then there is no point reporting them here at all.

I post all my reports over at CBL anyways. There I get more responses from other Admins so I don't accidently ban innocent players and I can also help others by providing extra evidence to already reported hackers/cheaters who I also have found in my log.

In fact you may describe what happened here, but the private informations should be sent privately.

This forum is not opened only to the server admins or to who needs those informations, but to ANYONE .. me.. others.. trolls.. hackers.. cheaters.. you're making them a favour publishing players GUID's, IP's and whatever.. and i don't want to see my IP published it because of an "admin" that doesn't know how to cut/censore a log properly.

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It could be resumed in few words... those are private informations, especially the players IP's. So they should never and ever being posted on a public forum.

This is not my idea, this in a general rule and always true.. no matter what they did, no matter if they are really cheaters, hackers or just suspected of being so.. these informations shouldn't be published.

Imagine me doing shit on this forum.. do you believe that the admin is authorized to expose my IP to the public? No, he's not.. he's not the police, he's an admin: he can ban me, he can add my IP to a banlist, he can even pass my IP to certain ppl for technical reasons (ie: adding to a remote list or whatever), but he CANNOT expose it to the whole internet.

There's something called "privacy" and it is more important than any cheater-war. This has nothing to do with DayZ.. it is always true. And no DayZ developers (neither forum admins here) can enforce a rule that sounds like "if you play this game, your IP *may be* exposed to the public", it's against the common sense.. and against the law.

In fact you may describe what happened here, but the private informations should be sent privately.

This forum is not opened only to the server admins or to who needs those informations, but to ANYONE .. me.. others.. trolls.. hackers.. cheaters.. you're making them a favour publishing players GUID's, IP's and whatever.. and i don't want to see my IP published it because of an "admin" that doesn't know how to cut/censore a log properly.

You have a very basic understanding to internet security and rights. This is a private forum for a game you choose to play, you have no more rights to privacy then they choose to allow you. While I''m all for privacy, transparency, and all things warm & cuddly.. We admins have a job to do.

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so this thread can be closed or deleted. I wont post my bans anymore. If the dayz dev team have any requests feal free to send me an e-mail.

Edited by BlackBeret

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You have a very basic understanding to internet security and rights. This is a private forum for a game you choose to play, you have no more rights to privacy then they choose to allow you. While I''m all for privacy, transparency, and all things warm & cuddly.. We admins have a job to do.

This is a public website (it doesn't count if it's a forum), you don't even need an account to read the posts here. Sorry to tell you, but you don't know what you're talking about: you have absolutely NO rights to expose private informations here, neither players GUID's, neither players IP's, and forum admins and moderators have already warned to NOT doing so.

For my understand of how interner works: having your static IP published on a forum may get you in serous troubles, even a kid with no knowledge may use a botnet to DDOS you and you'll be fu**ed to use internet until you'll ask your ISP (and in certain case you need to pay for..) to change your IP (it may take days). Yes, most ppl have a dynamic IP, but many others have a static IP, so stop talking about stuff you don't know, PLEASE.

If you believe to have the rights to expose ppl data (considering that you don't even know what a static IP is) to the public, because you have to do a "job", then you shouldn't admin anything.

Thank you.

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So wait, do I bother to keep the UK22 ban list updated on this forum or not bother ?

I dont care either way to be honest, either way wont slow down the volume of bans it just means I am no longer reporting them here as per the ruleset

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Thank you.

I'll just leave this here :) http://everythingfunny.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/1510.jpg

So wait, do I bother to keep the UK22 ban list updated on this forum or not bother ?

I dont care either way to be honest, either way wont slow down the volume of bans it just means I am no longer reporting them here as per the ruleset

I'd make a final post directing users to the CBL and continue to post your bans there.

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I wouldn't bother submitting GUID's and logs to the DayZ team, they don't care and don't do anything.

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What a waste of time, who the cares if your GUID and IP are posted publicly? This is a anti-cheat measure, and it alone can be used to detour cheating.

I'll post my information right now if anyone wants.

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In my opinion the best way to handle this is to avoid posting private data in a public forum, neither to post it on an amateur (where for amateur i don't mean unprofessional, but not official) service like CBL (or similar), but to ask the developers to provide a guideline to handle the situation properly.

In example they may setup an email address where you may send the reporte, they will investigate them, and if the supposed cheater is really cheater, they will add his guid to the banlist. In this way:

1) You won't be the court and the judge: that's to avoid inexpert admins to post private informations when they are unsure if someone is really cheating or don't;

2) You won't risk to break the forum rules posting user private information to the public;

3) Anything happens there will be "official", so decisions will be taken at an higher level (again: you cannot know the preparation of an admin: admins are just users that have decided to spend some money to run a server, none knows about their technical preparation).

@Beans: this is why internet is a mess.. because of ppl that doesn't understand the importance of having certain information reserved. I'm not asking you to learn anyway, you don't need to... the admins and moderators already knows.

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1) Admins are required by server rules to post about bans

a) So what now we post i banned player Bob because he ran such & such a script.... why the fck would i bother now ?

There is no unique id in the logs for Bob, he could be anyone, no way for dayz staff or any other admin to ban him, without asking for the complete logs....

2) DayZ Staff atm, rarely ban anyone, it is left to server admins & battleye banning for people running bypasses it detects..

a) Last i check dayz staff dont ask admins for logs of cheaters

B) I highly doubt dayz staff are gonna start looking at log entries wondering if they are faked, comparing them to hive data logs of logins etc...

I mean its not like the hive is under pressure atm, so much spare cpu i/o power it gives us leadership boards & u want them to monitor hacking now ?

c_) Also they arent gonna waste time & resources on setting a system up with a standalone around the corner that will solve alot of the current issues inregard to people scripting

3) Are u gonna request that dayz-community-banlist gets taken down aswell ? All those public ip address & GUID's quick time to grab the pitchforks, everything must burn

Its not like dayz-community-banlist, ever did anything for our community i.e the new updated scripts.txt etc

4) Your ip address isnt private data, its just a fcking address

If u get denial of service attack, u cycle your ip address. If thats impossible u talk to your isp & involve law enforcement if necceasry.

If this is unacceptable to u, then u shouldnt play a game where a 12 year old kid with daddy's credit card can rent a server for 25 us dollars & get your GUID & IP address period.

This 12 year old kid now has all the IP / GUID's he wants. How many unique players u think his server could get over 30 day period.

5) All u are gonna accomplish to hand tie the server admins, and we are just gonna post the GUID / IP's elsewhere.

Even if its a private forum, some scripter / hacker will rent a server to get access to the private forums.

Scrape up all the GUID's / IP's, keep afew for himself & post the rest on a hacking forums. Only takes 1 individual todo this

6) In essense u turned this sub-forum into a blackhole for admins, whenever we ban someone u ask us to u ask us to post info here that is completely useless,

And hackers still have ability to get GUID's cheaper than buying another copy of arma2 oa...

Come back when dayz forum support have got a chance to talk together & made up new server hosting rules inregards to posting about banning, ok thx bye now

Edited by Torndeco
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If this is unacceptable to u, then u shouldnt play a game where a 12 year old kid with daddy's credit card can rent a server for 25 us dollars & get your GUID & IP address period.

This 12 year old kid now has all the IP / GUID's he wants. How many unique players u think his server could get over 30 day period.

The fact that there are idiots on the net doesn't means that anyone is authorized to do the same idiocy. You suggest to make all these information public, since there's someone that already have them? You're not entitled to break the rules just because someone else is doing so.. it's like saying: i cheat because the others cheats as well. This is wrong on many levels.

Also, it seems that this is my personal opinion... but if any of you have ever surfed an official game forum, you know that a "name and shame" is *NOT* accepted, and you know why? It's because of kids and trolls.

Doing otherwise is abusing of your admin position, since these informations aren't public available.. there's nothing to think about.

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There is/was no written rule saying server admins cant post GUID / IP info on hackers end of story.

Find me a quote on saying this is a rule , and not a recent change of minds from our forum moderators....

edit:- http://dayzmod.com/f...anned-list/��my banlist never got any complaints about it. sure u wont like it

U are basicly saying forum admins cant share a public banlists & dayz community ban-list is broken because its complete public info, incase scripters get a hold of the GUID info...

If u want to fix GUID spoofing, complain to BI studios / Battleye

Then get battleye does do 2 tier authorization with a central server, or go play another game till standalone


key 1 = player id

key 2 = dynamic verfication code from battleye central server

To prevent hackers from spoofing GUID's

So bascily its admin abuse for us to work together to ban known cheaters from our servers, before they get a chance to wreck havoc....

Without the public lists, hackers could get banned on 1 server, jump to the next server & not worry about that ban.

I mean there is like 4300+ servers, without public banlists, hackers would never need to spoof GUID info

Private hives here we come

Edited by Torndeco

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On the rules you won't see mentioned that you cannot post their name and last names.. or their naked pictures or whatever... it's not that they have pin point the obvious.

Moderators have invited to not do so, it's not that they changed their mind, posting private informations is obviusly WRONG, is that hard to understand that a IP address is a personal information? You can collect IP addresses if you whish, but YOU CANNOT POST THEM ON A PUBLIC PLACE .. especially if associate to other informations (like where the IP "was", the nickname associated to the IP, and stuff like this...). Is that hard to read a law or to follow the rules?

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