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More aircraft!

Would you like to see more aircraft added?  

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  1. 1. Would you like to see more aircraft added?

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I don't really mind when this could be implemented (if at all) but I would like to see some more aircraft added to the game.

Obviously the current map is a bit too small for any planes (most airstrips have blown-up tanks and such blocking the runway) and you wouldn't be able to park them anywhere even remotely safe anyway, so if we are to see planes, it would have to be in the standalone with improved runways. Something like a C130 would be cool to see, but I think any kind of heavily armed plane would be a bit over-powered, so if planes were to be introduced, they should just be transport-based.

I think there's room for more than one type of chopper as well, I'm sure the addition of a Chinook would be well received.

How would people react to this?

What other aircraft would you like to see implemented?

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I'd like too see a bigger variety of vehicles without increasing the number of vehicles on the map. Saw a video where someone had a chinook, they must have been hacking, but it looked awesome and would be an epic addition to the game!

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Would like to see a bigger map in the standalone and more islands. Therefor the need of more boats and a pontoone planes ^^

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Would like to see a bigger map in the standalone and more islands. Therefor the need of more boats and a pontoone planes ^^

Yeah, Rocket has expressed interest in this as well, transport between islands rather than having them as separate "worlds".

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Yea its like you'd have your own group or clan or even society on your own island and som times get invaded by a rivaling group :P i dream about a map thats maybe 500x500 km2

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I don't really mind when this could be implemented (if at all) but I would like to see some more aircraft added to the game.

Obviously the current map is a bit too small for any planes (most airstrips have blown-up tanks and such blocking the runway) and you wouldn't be able to park them anywhere even remotely safe anyway, so if we are to see planes, it would have to be in the standalone with improved runways. Something like a C130 would be cool to see, but I think any kind of heavily armed plane would be a bit over-powered, so if planes were to be introduced, they should just be transport-based.

I think there's room for more than one type of chopper as well, I'm sure the addition of a Chinook would be well received.

How would people react to this?

What other aircraft would you like to see implemented?


If it flies in DayZ, it should have it's own lootable crash event system. Not a high quality static type like the Venom crashes that spawn all over the place. I'm talking a helicopter or fixed-wing aircraft coasting unmanned into Chernarus from the horizon, splattering goodies over about a 100-900m splash lobe.

Though, it should be rarer than rare. Perhaps once a week for a C130J. In any case, stuff the UH-1H spawns. This is Chernarus!!

Flyable Mi-8 Civilian 'Hip's. Warsaw-Pact helo and aircraft crashes FTW.

Just a thought...

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I'm totally up for more aircarft. I'd like to see 2-3 on the map. Maybe instead of Hueys we could see the little birds, they don't have guns and have a lot more scouting potential then the Huey.

The Mi-8s should be in for realism, but honestly I'm a much bigger fan of the chinook.

Aircraft in the standalone for sure! Tractors are a poor mans game, 1-3 people crop dusters is the way to go. With a bigger map (2x at least) it would be great to have a V-TOL jet, but I'm against armed air craft as it would break the balance. The current Huey is as armed as it should get, and ammo should be hard to come by and cumbersome to carry around (4-5 inventory slots)

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I want to have more aircraft BUT I do not want to see aircraft keep respawning at airbases or other locations. There has to be some other spawn mechanic imo.

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3rd person trip from the north east airfield, round the pobeda dam and landing near the fuel tank outside gorka

Edited by Rastamaus

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The reason whys theres no aircrafts exept helicopters is because theres only a few locations where you can land them. So hiding them would be impossible.

Use your head.

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The reason whys theres no aircrafts exept helicopters is because theres only a few locations where you can land them. So hiding them would be impossible.

Use your head.

with a microlight you can land it on any track, road, beach, dock, field, grassy hill top, and drive/taxi it to a hiding place nearby - it would be about as wide as the ural with wings, narrow as an atv with wings folded.

Use your head

Edited by Rastamaus

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one small aircraft, and adding some civilian helicopters. they must be rare, almost as rare as we find them

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No to more types of aircraft. Yes to more kind of helicopters. I would like to see civilian helicopters, they are more common than military helicopters.

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The helo is supposed to be the pinnacle of loot in terms of requiring organization and such. Add more aircraft and you just degrade that kinda level. The only real thing I would like to see is a technical truck with the option of mounting SAWs and other guns on the back.

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Adding more aircraft variety to the Dayz wouldn't change the game for the 95% of players who never lay eyes on them anyway.

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The Soviet WW2-era Kukuruznik scout biplane would be appropriate for the setting, with some form of VSTOL capability (land on roads, take off in a field, etc.) This plane is an agricultural, cropduster-ish dinosaur...able to be kept running after the zombie apocalypse, and more believable in Chernarus than a microlight.


They'd have two seats and some minor storage capacity. Would be a great machine for "heroes" looking to jet across the map for a blood transfusion.

I personally think that aside from relics like the Kukuruznik, you'd almost never see any civilian-owned aircraft in an Eastern Bloc country, even today. Given the number of former combloc central-European and quasi-Slavo-Balkan states joining NATO, receiving free weapons, and standardizing on NATO equipment and ammunition, the Huey is somewhat believable.

Edited by jaeger0416

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The only real thing I would like to see is a technical truck with the option of mounting SAWs and other guns on the back.


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maybe 2 or 3 more.

i don't want to hear an airplane every 5 minutes while playing.

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I think more aircraft are needed but probably only two. One would be like a Cessna, or another small single engine aircraft that could be used to carry a lot of cargo or give an overflight of a convoy. We could also see a seaplane variety for connecting to islands and landing off the coast.

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