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Does sniping need a nerf?

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snipers dont need nerf

i never get hit by them i just lol at how bad they are when they miss thier shot lol :D

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The ammo and gun duping is the problem, when AS50s become extremly rare again and you cant make 50 to stick in the tent with ammo to go with it then less sniping will occur.

In standalone i hope he reduces sniper guns and ammo to really really low spawns so it makes them valuable.

Not as common as makrovs which they are atm

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A sniper rifle (especially the as50/m107) can be as much a handicap as it is a powerful ally. Its a double edged sword really. If someone gets in close to you, your fucked. If you have a 400 meter distance advantage, they're fucked. I think they are fine just the way they are.

EXACTLY!! I cannot infiltrate what so ever, I need my team to do it for me now and I can just overwatch.. I almost wish I never found it but we need it so badly...

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In real life sniper ownz you with 1 shot without you seeing him. Its the same in dayz.

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As50, rare?

It's by far the most common gun I come across, more than the makarov back when people spawned with it.

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If you have played DayZ for even a few days, I am sure you've been the victim of a sniper at least once. But, how powerful is sniping compared to normal assault weapons such as the M4A1? I am going to keep my criticism out of this discussion, but what do you guys think. Should sniping be nerfed in stand alone or perhaps even buffed?

Please don't flame or leave one word answers.

no its fine as is, you are a faggot also, go play counterstrike

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try to play as sniper. sometimes you camp for few hours and at the end someone come from you back and kill you. i know it looks like a peaco of cake when somebody snipe you but last few days i had sniper and i lost around 10h waiting for targets and didnt saw anyone and i was on high populated servers and on places like cherno, NW and NE airfield. It is not easy to kill a lot of players with snipers. In popular places there is allways chance someone will come from your back and in the middle of nowhere (deer stands, heli crash sites) there is a risk that you will wait few hours and nobody will come in front of you.

try it than jugde it. if you asked me this 3 days ago i would tell yes, nerf them, but now i tell No they are good as they are now.

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I think sniping should be alot harder than it is , because i see too many snipers in cherno/electro just sitting up in their nest taking down noobs... it really is not fair on people who have winchesters/makarov's/enfields because they don't stand a chance even if they see them.

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I think it's great the way it is right now. But AS50 or M107 should be replacing the backpack slot, like the rocket launcher. No why you can put that thing inside a backpack

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I think sniping should be alot harder than it is , because i see too many snipers in cherno/electro just sitting up in their nest taking down noobs... it really is not fair on people who have winchesters/makarov's/enfields because they don't stand a chance even if they see them.

If you go to those cities you know what to expect. Nobody cares if they don't stand a chance, they chose that option. The only thing that i'm against is killing unarmed player. Every time i spawn near cherno or electro i always know that any minute i will get shot, if not well, lucky me.

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It's fine. Sniping takes a degree of skill not found in another games, and the only exception to this rule is the AS50. However, it's rare enough so that most people won't have ready access to it.

You'd be quite surprised how easy it is to locate an AS50 with the duping/scripting quite rampant.

As for OP, I like sniping as it is. It's probably the worst aspect of DayZ's PvP because 99% of the time you will just die without any warning or indication. And when it's a sniper practically trolling a residential town it can be a pain in the ass. But this game is survival for the majority and if players have an advantage over you, it's not 'balancing' something by nerfing something they've earnt per say. Survival means considering that if this was real life, would you risk going into a large town of infected that is highly travelled and most likely watched by bandits...of course not.

So proceed to play in a different style and this will leave sniping perfectly balanced. Luckily enough, 75% of the snipers I am shot at by they have no understanding of how it works based on the arma 2 engine.

Edited by Banicks

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try to play as sniper. sometimes you camp for few hours and at the end someone come from you back and kill you

Please explain to me how this is a problem exclusive for snipers. ANY player, with ANY weapon, doing ANYTHING can be shot in the back and die without warning. Any player who risks their life looting a town/city/airfield is 100x more vulnerable than a sniper.

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The only nerf I would like to see on the sniper rifles is the sound. No joke, you should be able to hear the AS50 or the M107 firing in cherno from elektro. When you fire a round with an anti-vehicle weapon - thats it - the whole town and the next one over should know you are there.

I think the rifles themselves have a near accurate amount of damage. Yes, it sucks to be one-shotted when you werent paying attention, but thats the way snipers operate.

I would like to see fewer of the AS50s and M107s though. The M107 is just not all that common of a weapon, and wouldn't be on every chopper and every military output in a population control setting.

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Please explain to me how this is a problem exclusive for snipers. ANY player, with ANY weapon, doing ANYTHING can be shot in the back and die without warning. Any player who risks their life looting a town/city/airfield is 100x more vulnerable than a sniper.

I agree with your point with the one exception of sniper hill in elektro or the tall building in cherno. No one is going to server hop the grocery store or balota airstrip looking to spawn in on players and get them from behind, but people will definitely do that on sniper hill in elektro.

So, you could be the worlds perfect sniper - stay concealed, leave no trace, only fire one round per target, move after each shot, and in all other areas be an absolute ghost, yet there will still be people that server hop the hills looking to get lucky and take you out.

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Sniping needs a massive nerf in this game. It is way way too easy. AS50 needs removing completely as it is too quiet. M107 should be INCREDIBLY rare and should be a bolt action with a 3x slower fire rate than it currently has. All other snipers are balanced as they require a HS to one shot kill.

From what iv seen only noobs run with AS50s now.

Game is broken by AS50 spawning hackers. Rocket should close the mod and just work full time on cheat protecting the standalone

oh, and L85AWS is gamebreaking, who needs hacks when you have that, there should be no thermal scopes in the game at all.

Edited by FRANKIEonPCin1080p
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A sniper rifle (especially the as50/m107) can be as much a handicap as it is a powerful ally. Its a double edged sword really. If someone gets in close to you, your fucked. If you have a 400 meter distance advantage, they're fucked. I think they are fine just the way they are.

I've been point-blank no-scoped multiple times by AS50 users.

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oh, and L85AWS is gamebreaking, who needs hacks when you have that, there should be no thermal scopes in the game at all.

I consider this weapon a necessary evil in the current situation we have with so many duped/hacked .50 cals, unfortunately there's nothing stopping the snipers from also using the weapon. Once the sniper situation is under control I'd be quite happy to see the l85 gone. It's absolutely awful as a close/mid range weapon anyway, the thermal scope is the only reason people use it.

I've been point-blank no-scoped multiple times by AS50 users.

Ditto, it's because the as50 has pin-point accuracy even when being fired from the hip. It's deceptively effective for running and gunning at close range.

Edited by porkus_maximus

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But, how powerful is sniping compared to normal assault weapons such as the M4A1?

In a head on engagement over 800m, M4A1 is going to loose

In a head on engagement over 20m, M24 is going to loose

What more would you need to understand about comparing assault rifles to sniper rifles?

Unless you have a DMR with a crosshair-enabled server you're not going to win in CQB while using a sniper rifle

Edited by Hawk24

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Sniping needs a massive nerf in this game. It is way way too easy. AS50 needs removing completely as it is too quiet. M107 should be INCREDIBLY rare and should be a bolt action with a 3x slower fire rate than it currently has.

So basically increase the damage on an M24? I don't think the M107 should be made bolt action, as I'd like the game to be kept slightly realistic, but I'd be fine with taking it out.

I do agree with you though on the noise. You fire a 12mm x 100 round and everyone should know you're there.

Another way to make it more realistic might be to make it take up more of your inventory, or make you move slower. The barret really is a big ass gun.

Love your videos BTW.

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Of course it shouldn't be nerfed dude.

The thing is due to the amount of hackers, there are too many snipers around.

Their damage is just fine, the only problem is the amount of high-power snipers due to the dupers and scripters, apart from that everything is just fine.

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switch out the m107 for a bolt action .50 cal then would be better, but a semi auto close quarter spam machine like the as50 currently is, makes the assault rifles pointless.

before i realised as50 was nooby, if i got one and didnt have an l85 i ran with it out all the time, because its simply the best gun both as close and long range, with a m107 10 round clip in it, given that hipfire is laser accurate.

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Unless you have a DMR with a crosshair-enabled server you're not going to win in CQB while using a sniper rifle

Have you actually tried using the as50 from the hip? It will still hit a target dead-centre of your screen, and as Frankie pointed out above me with a 10 round mag it's extremely deadly in CQC.

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