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My first murder

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I sat in the church having a bite to eat when I heard gun shots. I pulled out my pistol and took cover when a man ran into the church followed by a line of zombies. He took cover and killed the zombies but was injured in the fight bleeding all over the church floor. Could this have been the man who killed the survivors at the market? Not taking anymore time to think I put him out of his misery. What have I done! I quickly took his ak and g17 and the little food he had and decided it was time to leave the city. As I left the church another survivor came running in guns blazing. I took cover nearby only to see him run by me me a few zombies on his tail. I took aim and mowed him down along with the zombie who was chasing him. I took off to the woods and standing on the hill and looking back I could see a swarm of zombies feasting on what was left. For the first time in a long time I feel something other then fear I feel alive!

Seriously though I can kind of understand the thrill of murdering people there is that feeling after you kill them like a little kid on Xmas day anxious to see what goodies await :P

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Welcome to the Dark Side.

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Ehh, killed around 4-5 civilians/heroes today, and raided their camps et.c.. even killed an Anti-Sniper Clan that was against bandit. So the first time you murder something you just get that extra... adrenaline rush! ;)

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Ahh, the first time. Nothing quite beats it, until that moment you find yourself surrounded by 5 dudes in the woods sticking their guns in your face making you do things you'd never even heard of for a can of beans....

banditry. yeah, i'm talking about banditry.

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My first murder...I'll never forget it.

Not only because it was my first one, but also because of the way I killed him. :D

My clan was messing around in Solnichniy when I logged on and needed transport to our camp. Lucky me, they already had a vehicle and were willing to meet up. The only downside was...I needed to go to the east-side of elektro as there were alot of PKs there and they had some nice stuff. I moved out of cherno and finally met them in the bushes outside elektro. They had left their van (the sexy blue one) about 100m further back in cover. When we moved towards our van we suddenly saw it driving our direction and we were like "Shoot him, he stole our van!", and so we all opened fire on him. He managed to drive past us, but when I turned around I aimed for his head and kept firing. Suddenly the van drove into the bushes and there was a nice "1" next to Murders in my debug screen.

That poor sucker, that's what you get when you steal our van! :D

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My first kill was beast, I just got a sniper from a friend (AS50) and I zeroed in to 300m and looked at the church in cherno and my group was recently killed by a guy with a FAL and I see him enter the church and I take a shot, it hit's him square in the forehead :P

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