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Direct communication update idea

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I watched some videos on YouTube about this new feature (or old, not sure about this information)

Well. If other users can hear you and also reply back, why zombies can't?

Yes... I am talking about something negative for players but, it will make the game look more real.

What you think?

Should direct communication be catched by zombies?

Just imagine:

You are walking alone, three zombies are running after you then, you ask for help, but, you have to speak like in real life... whispering...


Edited by Cupim

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It's a good idea.

Might be hard to implement but it would fit well within DayZ on some servers.

Would give weight to RP-loving people.

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Not very hard to implement I think, and a good idea to boot. But direct chat is still kind of redundant in the game.

I wish there was a way to discourage VOIP and encourage the in-game system but until there is a decent reason, players will communicate via telepathic link and servers will implement TS3 Channels to facilitate it.

EDIT: Hold on! I'm talking shit. Your mic input could continuously monitor the incoming signal strength regardless of what it's being used for or what channel is enabled. This means that skype or TS users would have the same challenge from the OP's suggestion.

Edited by Bribase

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if i may add, i´d like to be able to scream, may it be for help or simply for checking if someone else is in my area. Way farther than the 80 meters currently provided by the game. Possibly by simply holding a scream button while talking so you can be heared over greater distances since it would cause some real life chaos if 1 million dayz players are sitting in front of their screens screaming for help :)

Edited by sixfeetgiantbunnyrabbit

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