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So, as rocket said..

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Can't they do the interview without making me watch a freaking moron playing the game? Wow...just wow.....I guess I will listen to the interview instead of watching some guy search through loot piles of tin cans in one of the worst loot buildings in the game. sigh...

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I was one of they guys running up to him saying "HEEEEYYY"

Too bad hackers nuked the server. Damn hackers.

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Some hilarious moments in that interview :D Shame hackers had to spoil it. Suicidal taliban chopper pilot made me lol for like 5 mins though ><

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Some hilarious moments in that interview :D Shame hackers had to spoil it. Suicidal taliban chopper pilot made me lol for like 5 mins though ><

Indeed, the guy constantly yelling "im on tv" had me in stitches aswell :D

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The guy screaming im on tv and the taliban helicopter guy were the same person XD

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