kingpootis102 28 Posted September 4, 2012 (edited) A teamspeak server would be nice.bumped Edited September 4, 2012 by killerdude765 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sparks (DayZ) 14 Posted September 5, 2012 Like the server settings, but the server is getting repeatedly attacked by hackers. Every time I have played hackers have been having a field day.I think we either need more admins, or password the server and get some kind of white list. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MadeinChina (DayZ) 0 Posted September 6, 2012 yeah well me a my buddy just got teled to and killed in middel of no where time was about 10:50 est look at ur logs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Soupee 57 Posted September 6, 2012 Finally decided to give it a shot tonight... won't be back. Was killed 4-5 times by hackers as was everyone else.Plus there was literally almost no loot anywhere... is this normal? I found a can of pop and a crowbar. General stores and fire departments were completely clear as were most of the houses and garages. :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Soupee 57 Posted September 7, 2012 Number of times I've been killed by hackers on regular servers in about two months: approximately once.Number of times I've been killed on this private hive by hackers in approximately two hours of playtime: eight.What gives? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vacalouca 86 Posted September 7, 2012 Script kids everywere on this server Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ivolinna 0 Posted September 7, 2012 anyone with some morphine near vybor? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 31 Posted September 7, 2012 (edited) Server updated to 2 Updated to 96584Teamspeak 3 added as an alternative to side-chat. You can create your own private channels to chat with your group.I will also be sitting in the Admin Corner on the TS server as much as possible to assist with ban requests/server issues/scripters running wild.As I have been getting a steady flow of traffic on the server over the past week, I am looking into setting up a forum site to have players register to receive a password. Once I see that enough people have signed up and received the password, I will lock the server so that random script kiddies can't server hop to this server because it is always on the top of the lists for populated servers. Once this happens, I will look into upgrading the server hardware to allow even more players to connect and play at the same time.So come play! The scripting isn't worse than on public servers. If it was I would have ditched this server a week ago. I created this to get away from the massive attacks public servers get from scripters. I am going to add a whitelist in the near future to increase the protection even more so that our DayZ experience isn't destroyed by scripts.Once the password and forums are up. I will hold weekly contests for members. I am looking to do a weekly scavenger hunt to get players moving around the map for some in game prizes like vehicles and guns (Mountain Dew Can and an AS50 with 5 clips anyone?). As long as I keep seeing people play on the server. I'll keep doing my best to make sure your experience on my server is fun and uninterrupted. Edited September 7, 2012 by Denalb Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LittleTragik 0 Posted September 7, 2012 nother' ArmA update :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LittleTragik 0 Posted September 7, 2012 me and friend missing debug moniter? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LittleTragik 0 Posted September 8, 2012 lost 2 cars in 1 hour T-T Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 31 Posted September 8, 2012 me and friend missing debug moniter?That is a bug with I believe some users have a fix if you search around on the forums. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sparks (DayZ) 14 Posted September 12, 2012 Hey, I just wanted to say some serious stuff went down in Krasnostav tonight.My friends Hugh Jazz, ShineShooter, TonyRockyHorror, and I went were running around that area near the NE airfield for a few hours tonight. We encountered some guys that had what we think was a GAZ at the NE airfield. They decided shooting at Tony and I with a sniper on the slope of the south hill would be fun. We managed to get away and meet up with Jazz and Shine and shortly there after Tony logged off.The interesting part began when two of us decided to head out west like 45 minutes after the sniper incident and began going through the trees north of Krasnostav and west of the airfield. Shine had headed out east to find a place to log off for the night in the trees. We see to the south a huge billowing column of black smoke. We decide to check it out thinking it was a helicopter crash and begin heading over. We had no idea just how right we were.From the tree line, we look out into the middle of the field south of the two big barns and we see a crashed HUEY, complete with the bodies of 2 or 3 survivors next to the burning remains. We tell Shine over TS what we found and he reconnects and quickly begins making his way back. In the mean time I take up position on the hill north of the barns with my DMR as Jazz heads down the hill to the barns to get a closer look. Just as I look through the scope I see that someone had just arrived at the crash and was looting the bodies.At this point I wasn't about to let someone take anything from that crash, after all, we saw the smoke first right? RIGHT! That was our Crash now! Also it looked like he had a giant gun and personally I didn't want that in the area able to fire in my direction. So I opened fire with the DMR. I hit him once and he started bleeding. Very quickly he got up and begin zigzagging south. I sent a an entire clip of ammo at him to send him on his way and hopefully make sure he would not be coming back.Jazz waited at the barns for a few minutes after the gun shots to give the the guy I was shooting at plenty of time to GTFO. After that he made his way to the chopper. Trying to be quick he aggro'd several nearby zeds but between my covering fire and his AKM he got to the chopper in relatively short order. Knowing that anyone within two kilometers would be able to see that billowing smoke I urged him to very quickly look at the bodies, take the most valuable thing and get back so we can make our escape. He went quickly but took a little longer than I liked while I continued to cover him and shoot zombies off him.Finally he began running away from the crash north back towards barns. Five fresh zeds began to follow him. I start trying to pick them off. That's when I hear, "Someone is shooting at me!" I reply "Its me getting zombies off you." and I hear "No, its someone with an automatic weapon!" It is currently raining and I cannot hear the gun shots firing at my friend. I frantically try to find the shooter while Jazz runs for the barns but I just could not locate the guy. Unfortunately, they hit Jazz's leg just as he was getting to the safety of the barn and then quickly finished him off.Heart pounding, I continue scanning. All I could do now was wait for Shine to there. After about 5 minutes he manages to get to a position SE of my location and begins making his way to the crash. It is at this moment that I see someone new. A female character with a bandit mask on their head running along a concrete wall (I think) west of the crash chopper. I waited until they stopped at the edge of the wall to look at the crash and then fired. I broke her leg, and she began to try and roll away. However, thinking that she might be the person who shot Jazz I took no chances and fired until I saw "eye_socket has been killed". Sorry eye_socket but I wasn't in the mood to take chances, especially after losing a buddy and a second buddy about to put himself in mortal danger to get Jazz's stuff back.Over the next 5 to 10 minutes Shine made his way to the barns and got to Jazz's body. He looted the valuable items he could and made his way back to me without another shot being fire. We quickly GTFO of there with 5 minutes left before the server restart.HOLY HELL that was intense. So for those of you reading this I just want to ask:What the hell happened there?Why did that chopper crash?Who shot Jazz?Who was the guy that ran into the woods after I shot him?Who were the guys with the GAZ that decide to take shots at Tony and I?If you have any information about your side of the story I'd love to hear it.Your mostly friendly neighbor,-Sparks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 31 Posted September 12, 2012 (edited) Hey, I just wanted to say some serious stuff went down in Krasnostav tonight.My friends Hugh Jazz, ShineShooter, TonyRockyHorror, and I went were running around that area near the NE airfield for a few hours tonight. We encountered some guys that had what we think was a GAZ at the NE airfield. They decided shooting at Tony and I with a sniper on the slope of the south hill would be fun. We managed to get away and meet up with Jazz and Shine and shortly there after Tony logged off.The interesting part began when two of us decided to head out west like 45 minutes after the sniper incident and began going through the trees north of Krasnostav and west of the airfield. Shine had headed out east to find a place to log off for the night in the trees. We see to the south a huge billowing column of black smoke. We decide to check it out thinking it was a helicopter crash and begin heading over. We had no idea just how right we were.From the tree line, we look out into the middle of the field south of the two big barns and we see a crashed HUEY, complete with the bodies of 2 or 3 survivors next to the burning remains. We tell Shine over TS what we found and he reconnects and quickly begins making his way back. In the mean time I take up position on the hill north of the barns with my DMR as Jazz heads down the hill to the barns to get a closer look. Just as I look through the scope I see that someone had just arrived at the crash and was looting the bodies.At this point I wasn't about to let someone take anything from that crash, after all, we saw the smoke first right? RIGHT! That was our Crash now! Also it looked like he had a giant gun and personally I didn't want that in the area able to fire in my direction. So I opened fire with the DMR. I hit him once and he started bleeding. Very quickly he got up and begin zigzagging south. I sent a an entire clip of ammo at him to send him on his way and hopefully make sure he would not be coming back.Jazz waited at the barns for a few minutes after the gun shots to give the the guy I was shooting at plenty of time to GTFO. After that he made his way to the chopper. Trying to be quick he aggro'd several nearby zeds but between my covering fire and his AKM he got to the chopper in relatively short order. Knowing that anyone within two kilometers would be able to see that billowing smoke I urged him to very quickly look at the bodies, take the most valuable thing and get back so we can make our escape. He went quickly but took a little longer than I liked while I continued to cover him and shoot zombies off him.Finally he began running away from the crash north back towards barns. Five fresh zeds began to follow him. I start trying to pick them off. That's when I hear, "Someone is shooting at me!" I reply "Its me getting zombies off you." and I hear "No, its someone with an automatic weapon!" It is currently raining and I cannot hear the gun shots firing at my friend. I frantically try to find the shooter while Jazz runs for the barns but I just could not locate the guy. Unfortunately, they hit Jazz's leg just as he was getting to the safety of the barn and then quickly finished him off.Heart pounding, I continue scanning. All I could do now was wait for Shine to there. After about 5 minutes he manages to get to a position SE of my location and begins making his way to the crash. It is at this moment that I see someone new. A female character with a bandit mask on their head running along a concrete wall (I think) west of the crash chopper. I waited until they stopped at the edge of the wall to look at the crash and then fired. I broke her leg, and she began to try and roll away. However, thinking that she might be the person who shot Jazz I took no chances and fired until I saw "eye_socket has been killed". Sorry eye_socket but I wasn't in the mood to take chances, especially after losing a buddy and a second buddy about to put himself in mortal danger to get Jazz's stuff back.Over the next 5 to 10 minutes Shine made his way to the barns and got to Jazz's body. He looted the valuable items he could and made his way back to me without another shot being fire. We quickly GTFO of there with 5 minutes left before the server restart.HOLY HELL that was intense. So for those of you reading this I just want to ask:What the hell happened there?Why did that chopper crash?Who shot Jazz?Who was the guy that ran into the woods after I shot him?Who were the guys with the GAZ that decide to take shots at Tony and I?If you have any information about your side of the story I'd love to hear it.Your mostly friendly neighbor,-SparksAll I have to say is. THANK THE HEAVENS WE FINALLY HAVE A STORY WITHOUT SCRIPTERS RUINING THE MOMENT!Thanks for sharing this. I am going to love reading more stories like this in the future.To answer your question about who crashed the heli. Huey's that are player usable don't smoke when crashed, so that must have been a spawned heli crash site that someone was camping and killed those survivors you saw. I upped the limit to 7 crash sites so you should be able to find them more often. Also, if you saw zeds spawning around it, then it must have been a heli crash site.The next time you guys get into firefights. I have set the server to start displaying "x player killed y player" instead of "x player was killed" to make a more personalized death. Now you will know; so you can plan your revenge. :) Edited September 12, 2012 by Denalb Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 31 Posted September 14, 2012 The whitelist has been a success so far. I have finally been able to play for a few hours without getting teleported and killed by a scripter. I hope more player would like to try it out. We currently have over 150 unique players added to the whitelist. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 31 Posted September 17, 2012 Updated original post to show the recent changes to the server. Implemented many fixes/changes/anticheat to the server. This is definitely turning into a nice community. I am very pleased with the groups that have shown up to call this server home. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roshambo 8 Posted September 17, 2012 I played over the weekend on this server and it has been very nice, I haven't ran into any cheaters yet - the closest I've come is the admin messages when it catches script kiddies. Two thumbs up will play again.-Brandon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roshambo 8 Posted September 17, 2012 @Denalb I noticed your fixes for vehicles and wanted to let you know it may be conflicting with something. I parked a jeep I had mostly fixed up (Engine orange but rest were light yellow/green) and hopped out and waiting a few moments after saving then logged out for a server restart that was about 3 minutes away. I came back and it was pretty busted up and luckily I had an extra 2 tires in the back (they weren't destroyed but it drove like crap). Does anyone else have this issue on the server or was it just a fluke for me? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 31 Posted September 17, 2012 @Denalb I noticed your fixes for vehicles and wanted to let you know it may be conflicting with something. I parked a jeep I had mostly fixed up (Engine orange but rest were light yellow/green) and hopped out and waiting a few moments after saving then logged out for a server restart that was about 3 minutes away. I came back and it was pretty busted up and luckily I had an extra 2 tires in the back (they weren't destroyed but it drove like crap). Does anyone else have this issue on the server or was it just a fluke for me?I have been working on a few things as well as running updates to the hive I am using. There may have been an issue with vehicle damage not saving properly, but if you could try it out for few days, it should be fixed. Please report back if it is still being finicky. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LittleTragik 0 Posted September 29, 2012 server is so empty now, what happened? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LittleTragik 0 Posted October 1, 2012 *sigh* i love this server, but it is getting so empty i might move to a new one T-T Share this post Link to post Share on other sites