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So no continuity? Nothing to do but kill random people and hack?

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That's what I'm more or less seeing now... There's no point even looking for stuff like night vision goggles, it just makes you a target for the hackers. Can't get vehicles, takes hours sometimes fixing them, by the time you fix them you gotta log off, and when you log back on they're gone... Tents don't save, or they save and give you unlimited items making them fucking stupid. No wonder people just run around shooting you on sight, THERE'S NOTHING ELSE TO DO. No wonder people hack, they spent the money buying ARMA2, they probably figure they're going to at least get a bit of fun out of it, and if they get banned then oh well they were sick of dealing with the constant glitches and BS and hearing nothing about anything ever getting fixed. But oh wait, there might be dogs.

I don't know. I love this game. It's Alpha, sure, but the devolopers give us nothing, tell us nothing, and seem to ignore all the real issues while adding in new shit no one really cares about.

I've been enjoying the game because I had the 'light at the end of the tunnel' but with tents and vehicles being completely borked, and absolute silence from the Devolopers about it, I'm just sick and tired of it. This isn't how you treat your community. It's the fans that matter, without us you wouldn't be working with a legitimate gaming company to introduce a stand alone that you stand to make good money off of... At least tell us what you think, let us know if things that are pretty much game breaking will be fixed or not. This last patch seemed to break a LOT more than it fixed...

We need some way to build up a camp, or just store some loot. We need ways to deal with hackers, such as ALT F4ing that doesn't cause us to get teleported to the coast. I've never ever alt f4d in combat, most of the time combat is over before I'd even have a chance anyways, but with hackers.... I've alt F4d so many times, and to get ported wherever they send me, or to the coast if the servers decide I'm just trying to server hop... It's fucking stupid. Why did they do that, instead of focusing on real issues such as the hackers, or the actual gameplay...

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Oh look, I SPY another QQ post.

i think there will be more features in the future tbh.. its still in alpha as you mentioned.. so have patience young padawan.

Edited by Toft
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For me, there's no point in doing much of anything but finding a couple weapons, and hunting other players along the coast. There's no point spending 30 minutes running inland to build up your gear, or find GPS/NightVision/Any of that junk, why spend hours doing that when it's inevitiable that a hacker or some stupid glitch will just take it all away. You can't back any of your items up, no way to store things, so wtf let's just find guns and kill random people. It's just stupid...

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  On 8/28/2012 at 12:43 PM, Toft said:

Oh look, I SPY another QQ post.

i think there will be more features in the future tbh.. its still in alpha as you mentioned.. so have patience young padawan.

Sorry, remind me again, how long has it been in 'alpha' for lol. This is a working game. People need to stop hiding behind it being in an Alpha. You know when you're fucking the same chick on a regular basis, you're fuck buddies, no big deal right, well when you're fucking the same chick for months, maybe a year or so, even if you don't go out of your way to say you're 'a couple' it doesn't really matter, you still are. Oh and if you're living together, look out you might even end up being common law.

So fuck buddies would be Alpha, which I think in the relationship we've all had with DayZ, is LONG past.

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well... if you remove the hacker variable.. it sounds like you are descriping World of Warcraft..

bro i feel you, but.. the matter of fact is.. they cant do much against hackers.. like i have said about 30 times by now.. the problem lies at Arma2, and the way its build.. and maybe BattlEye.. you could wait for the standalone game.. wich im sure will be more hacker proof... but think about it for a bit.. what else is there to do in a Zombie apocalypse ? then finding gear, killing ppl and zombies.. surviving ? its not like you can go to a strip club..

and regarding the base you talked about..

If my memory serves me right, i think Rocket has said that it could be cool to implement the option to build a REAL base.. but it would be a feature for the future..

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  On 8/28/2012 at 12:47 PM, Hysterics said:

Sorry, remind me again, how long has it been in 'alpha' for lol. This is a working game. People need to stop hiding behind it being in an Alpha. You know when you're fucking the same chick on a regular basis, you're fuck buddies, no big deal right, well when you're fucking the same chick for months, maybe a year or so, even if you don't go out of your way to say you're 'a couple' it doesn't really matter, you still are. Oh and if you're living together, look out you might even end up being common law.

So fuck buddies would be Alpha, which I think in the relationship we've all had with DayZ, is LONG past.

Actually no.... obviously you havent a clue about how game development work... things take time.. when you go down to a store or whatever and buy a game.. a finished game... they have already spent 100's of hours testing it... properly in closed alpha version etc...

It just so happens that i was Alpha tester for Battlefield 3, and there was atleast as much bugs etc.. like there is in DayZ.. and Dayz is officially still in Alpha...

Even when Battlefield 3 went beta. there was still loads of bugs etc

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  On 8/28/2012 at 12:47 PM, Hysterics said:

Sorry, remind me again, how long has it been in 'alpha' for lol. This is a working game. People need to stop hiding behind it being in an Alpha. You know when you're fucking the same chick on a regular basis, you're fuck buddies, no big deal right, well when you're fucking the same chick for months, maybe a year or so, even if you don't go out of your way to say you're 'a couple' it doesn't really matter, you still are. Oh and if you're living together, look out you might even end up being common law.

So fuck buddies would be Alpha, which I think in the relationship we've all had with DayZ, is LONG past.

3-4 months in a public alpha. Good video games are in production for years and as small as a team Ricket has it will be longer.

SO go back to, how you say "fucking your chick".

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I don't even mean a base in that sense, just somewhere I can store stuff and meet up with friends... I know the area's I've stored my vehicles in weren't stumbled upon by legit players in the eight hours I was offline to sleep for lol...

I don't know. Yeah that would be a sweet addition, and clearly one for the future right, but there's really no poiint in fixing up any vehicle that requires more than one or two pieces of gear, tires, engine parts, fuel lines, they all take up 6 slots, and you have really minimum gear slots, especially considering holding an extra weapon is 8 slots, then there's ammo which I try and have 6 clips of at all times.... You can't be prepared, with morphine, blood bags, food, water, ammo, an extra gun, and do -anything- else. And Tents/vehicle saving don't work, so even if you did spend all that time fixing up a vehicle, going back and forth between it and industrial spawns looking for engine parts etc, you'll only have the vehicle for as long as you're online, when you log off you might as well kiss it good bye. It's like why even have the ability to own a tent, or to save a vehicle, if there's no way it works. and this has been an issue for a long ass time. Either fix it or remove the option, stop dangling the proverbial carrot in front of our eager faces. :P

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@Op: I feel the same way. My only light at the end of the tunnel is WarZ. Really hope it's going to kick dayz's ass :)

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  On 8/28/2012 at 12:55 PM, Hysterics said:

I don't even mean a base in that sense, just somewhere I can store stuff and meet up with friends... I know the area's I've stored my vehicles in weren't stumbled upon by legit players in the eight hours I was offline to sleep for lol...

I don't know. Yeah that would be a sweet addition, and clearly one for the future right, but there's really no poiint in fixing up any vehicle that requires more than one or two pieces of gear, tires, engine parts, fuel lines, they all take up 6 slots, and you have really minimum gear slots, especially considering holding an extra weapon is 8 slots, then there's ammo which I try and have 6 clips of at all times.... You can't be prepared, with morphine, blood bags, food, water, ammo, an extra gun, and do -anything- else. And Tents/vehicle saving don't work, so even if you did spend all that time fixing up a vehicle, going back and forth between it and industrial spawns looking for engine parts etc, you'll only have the vehicle for as long as you're online, when you log off you might as well kiss it good bye. It's like why even have the ability to own a tent, or to save a vehicle, if there's no way it works. and this has been an issue for a long ass time. Either fix it or remove the option, stop dangling the proverbial carrot in front of our eager faces. :P

Thats why its smart too team up with others.. then some can carry weapons etc.. and others the engine part etc.. Problem fixed.

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Ok, it's not the first thread about the miserable state of the mod. But he's just right that communication is not present at all, and we don't deserve this treatment. And i don't need to loose a word about the bugs, but alltogether they are showstoppers. Dogs ? Sorry, i didn't call for dogs. I now stay at the coast cause you can't achieve anything, you always loose everything by hackers, bugs etc. If we could only have something like an earth hole to safely store our stuff in. So we can loot and collect the gear and have some pvp by doing this.

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  On 8/28/2012 at 12:58 PM, gambla said:

Ok, it's not the first thread about the miserable state of the mod. But he's just right that communication is not present at all, and we don't deserve this treatment. And i don't need to loose a word about the bugs, but alltogether they are showstoppers. Dogs ? Sorry, i didn't call for dogs. I now stay at the coast cause you can't achieve anything, you always loose everything by hackers, bugs etc. If we could only have something like an earth hole to safely store our stuff in. So we can loot and collect the gear and have some pvp by doing this.

"Dogs? sorry i didnt call for dogs" <-- well you didnt make the mod for free, did you?... maybe Dean wanted dogs..

"But he's just right that communication is not present at all, and we don't deserve this treatment." <--- well actually he isnt required to give you guys any news.. its still a mod for a game, made by a private man, for free.. so i dont see any problems.. if you dont like the way he communicates.. or what he adds to the game.. then basically stop playing and go back to modern warfare 3 or World of Lootcraft

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  On 8/28/2012 at 12:57 PM, Toft said:

Thats why its smart too team up with others.. then some can carry weapons etc.. and others the engine part etc.. Problem fixed.

I spend most of the time I am online trying to meet up with my room mate lol... It's a lot easier said than done. Also when we go to play while the other person is offline we end up apart from one another, then when we're online together again we spend literally hours trying to meet up... I don't know, I get what you're saying, but it's reallllly hard to meet people in game and trust them. Only met three people who didn't shoot me on sight, one of them only had a shitty pistol while I had an M4, and he wanted to follow along with me, but I just had this bad feeling that he would jump me the second he had a chance, another time this guy saw me in Elektro and he really needed a blood bag, and so did I, really low HP, so we ended up blood bagging eachother (Why does that sound dirty.) but again I had a bad feeling about him, just his tone of voice over the Mic, felt like he got what he needed and I just didn't feel like ending up dead so I left. The third time was just earlier today, I spawned in Solinchay and there was a car nearby, only needed one tire to get fixed, fixed it up asap and started driving, went offroad ( The car drives reallllly slow offroad ) and randomly saw another player, he had a gun, and I figured If I drove away he might just shoot me down, so I just stopped the car and let him in, we drove from Solinchay to that north western town that starts with a K... anyways, that was the only elongated friendly encounter I've had, and partly only think it was friendly because I explained that I was just trying to get north as fast as I could so I could relog on my other server where my Ural Civilian was stashed. ( It was gone when I got there, 9-10 hours after saving it there. ) I explained all that and told him when we get north the Car is all his, and told him I had just spawned so I had no loot anyway, so he really didn't even have a reason to kill me.... Who knows how it woulda gone down If I had played things differently and had gear...

I do get you though, If I had like five or six irl friends playing this it might be a different story, but at the same time I work graveyard shifts, play alone at night most of the time..... So yeah.

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  On 8/28/2012 at 1:03 PM, Derpy_Hooves said:

Give yourself something to do... hunt vehicles and camps, giving yourself an objective spreads the time out.

I've spent a lot of time in the wilderness, and a fair amount of time around the edge of the map and in the empty area beyond, never found another tent/vehicle that a player had saved, well I've found a few tents but they were always empty. That was on of my objectives for awhile, then it turned to just finding all the spawn points for vehicles and fixing them up, going on joy rides etc... I was blaring music the other day through the in game microphone while driving along the coast, was good times... lol... But yeah I dunno. Most vehicles I find at spawns are very broken down and require a lot of time to fix, hard to spend all that time just for a 20 minute joy ride haha.

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OP ur an idiot!

People didn't buy arma 2 and then had to put up with the glitches because those glitches are in the free mod that's being developed called DayZ. Being Free, the devs don't need to tell you shit.

Oh i found a burger on the floor but it's got pickle in why does it have pickle ewww i hate pickle why couldn't someone just give me a fucking burger without pickle! Fucking assholes!! Fucking pickle!!! Waaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE FUCKING PICKLES GRRRRR U GAY FAG FUCKTARD WHY DID U LEAVE PICKLES IN IT!!!!!

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Yeah ofc, it can be a bit frustating.. when i play with my friends, we often plan a meeting spot in the map. So lets say we have planned to game like 7 pm tonight, then at 7 everyone is at that meeting point..

and no its not hard to find your way to a meeting point if you have a map and some basic navigation skills :)

and i also play alot alone. and often die while playing alone. so i have to run far to the meeting point, but its part of the game.. for the record i only play with 2 friends, mostly just 1. and we have fixed several vehicles, we use the method i talked about earlier.. with one guy carrying all the medic supplies food, and guns.. and the other the parts we need, while the other protects.. both guys have ofc a primary weapon

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  On 8/28/2012 at 1:06 PM, Jex =TE= said:

OP ur an idiot!

People didn't buy arma 2 and then had to put up with the glitches because those glitches are in the free mod that's being developed called DayZ. Being Free, the devs don't need to tell you shit.

Oh i found a burger on the floor but it's got pickle in why does it have pickle ewww i hate pickle why couldn't someone just give me a fucking burger without pickle! Fucking assholes!! Fucking pickle!!! Waaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE FUCKING PICKLES GRRRRR U GAY FAG FUCKTARD WHY DID U LEAVE PICKLES IN IT!!!!!

HAHAHA omg brilliant mate.. Beans for you.

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  On 8/28/2012 at 1:10 PM, Toft said:

indeed :) im gonna go grab a cheeseburger with extra pickles.

Sweet... Grab me one.

I'll go back to "fucking my chick"

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Try living in cherno or elektro. It's awesome! And for me its the only way to make this game worthwhile.

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  On 8/28/2012 at 1:06 PM, Hysterics said:

I've spent a lot of time in the wilderness, and a fair amount of time around the edge of the map and in the empty area beyond, never found another tent/vehicle that a player had saved, well I've found a few tents but they were always empty. That was on of my objectives for awhile, then it turned to just finding all the spawn points for vehicles and fixing them up, going on joy rides etc... I was blaring music the other day through the in game microphone while driving along the coast, was good times... lol... But yeah I dunno. Most vehicles I find at spawns are very broken down and require a lot of time to fix, hard to spend all that time just for a 20 minute joy ride haha.

Gotta enjoy the little things even if it takes alot of effort to get going. Plus if this were to happen in real life, i would spend 5 hours fixing up a car just for the half an hour thrill outta it, i mean aint much else to do haha!

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