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So, when can we expect a real helpful update?

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Hi, so after doing so much extensive research on improving FPS, I have to say, i'm sad.

After all this work, i can still ONLY reach 18 fps at it's best.

Yes, I have a very recent laptop fit for gaming, so don't blame it on that, I have litterly tweaked all the settings possible, in-game, aswell as on the outside.

Even used the ramdisk program to use up more vram as an HDD system.

So yeah.

After reading a bit I saw that FPS used to be great on this game, and a recent patch seems to have brought it down.

When can we expect an FPS patch to fix it back again?

Thanks for any useful info. :)

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I would say no.. because this is a mod to another game.. wich is Arma2..

therefor to improve your FPS, its Arma that needs patching, and i bet that wont happen.. EVER :)

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I get 60+ fps all the time, never had any real drops with patches.


Sappire Radeon HD7950 OC Edition

8gb Ram

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Maybe before the standalone comes out...maybe.

I dearly hope so.

I would say no.. because this is a mod to another game.. wich is Arma2..

therefor to improve your FPS, its Arma that needs patching, and i bet that wont happen.. EVER :)

I can understand that, but how is it that the FPS used to be fine? Wasn't it arma-tweaked yet or..?

I get 60+ fps all the time, never had any real drops with patches.


Sappire Radeon HD7950 OC Edition

8gb Ram

Well then I can not understand.

I have a Hp pavilion Dv7

i7-2670QM CPU @ 2,20Ghz (TurboBoost enabled > 3.10Ghz)

AMD Radeon HD 7400M Series

Intel HD graphics family

8Gb DDR3 Ram (Quad Core)

700Gb Sata HDD

(Thanks to SirDieALot)

Internet specs:

bandwith: 2Tb - Unlimited

Download: 42Mb/S

Upload: 24Mb/S

It's litterly impossible that it's my computer.

Edited by Shootmeplx

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When it's out....standard answer although it is a stupid answer.

That I could've imagined, thanks :P

What's the specs?

It's up there! ;)

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Your specs literally double mine and I get 25 to 40 fps depending on whether I'm in a big city or in a field. There is something you are missing. If the game is causing the temperature of your processor to go up too high, then there may not be anything you can do. With it being a laptop, I'm not sure if the cooling system is sufficient.

I personally have never had an fps drop with any patches.

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Oh, in addition to my spec post, if there are some real tech-guys watching,

Let me just sum up my process of changing:

Client side: Not using Six Updater Anymore, turned out a HELL to find friends. Am now using DayZ commander. (Think about hiring this guy rocket, he's actually done well.)

In-game: Specs.png

In the Arma2OA.Cfg:














Steam Launcher Options:

-CpuCount=4 -nosplash -high -noPause -world=empty -exThreads=1

So as you can see, a lot was changed.

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i have the exact same issue. i also use a laptop, a pretty decent one at that. after all the research the best i can come up with (even though EVERYthing else runs great) is its a heat issue. even though arma uses only about 35-45% of system resources, it runs hot for some reason. i notice when i use the extra fan that sits under the machine it runs better. not much better, but fraps says the fps do improve a bit. turns out even with a good laptop they still cheese out a bit on the thermal grease/paste.

of course your problem may be different, just thought id share what i learned regarding a very similar issue.

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I have absolutely zero performance issues with ARMA2/DayZ. I've never had any issues with it. It's run flawlessly for me since day 1.



GeForce GTX 680

I do have an SSD, but for the moment ARMA2/DayZ is running off of just a regular SATA3 7200rpm HDD.

Sure my box isn't a slouch, but you can't blame ARMA2 as if it's just universally at fault. Your hardware is *slightly* important to getting the FPS you want.

Rocket did say that folks could expect better performance in the standalone release since the engine could be tailored for what DayZ will be doing.

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Made an account, Just to call you stupid.

You're stupid.

Well jolly, thanks.

Your specs literally double mine and I get 25 to 40 fps depending on whether I'm in a big city or in a field. There is something you are missing. If the game is causing the temperature of your processor to go up too high, then there may not be anything you can do. With it being a laptop, I'm not sure if the cooling system is sufficient.

I personally have never had an fps drop with any patches.

No idea mate, this computer came out with the new CoolSense system, which is a high advanced cooling system, my computer always remains at a very low temp, So I've no idea. But thanks for the input!

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I would say no.. because this is a mod to another game.. wich is Arma2..

therefor to improve your FPS, its Arma that needs patching, and i bet that wont happen.. EVER :)

That's not entirely true. You can easily see that the FPS in Arma 2 and DayZ are very different. Mostly because Arma 2 map isn't crawling with zombies and a huge amount of loot spawning on the floor everywhere.

So yeah, DayZ has it's issues otherwise servers wouldn't need to restart, since if they take too long to do it, the FPS starts dropping A LOT.

But obviously we can expect some improvements when the game is fully released.

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How does nobody understand that laptops suck?

your 7400M graphics card is a piece of crap. your ram and mediocre CPU wont save you.

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i dont know what all the fuzz is about i have:

CPU: i5 2500K series

Mem: 8 Gb DDR3

GFX: GeForce 560 GTX

wont mention the rest cause it doesnt matter.

and i run the game with 60+ fps in full hd res.. 1920x1080

you tried updating gfx drivers etc? could be the problem. i had fps drops in other games, due to outdated gfx drivers?

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i have the exact same issue. i also use a laptop, a pretty decent one at that. after all the research the best i can come up with (even though EVERYthing else runs great) is its a heat issue. even though arma uses only about 35-45% of system resources, it runs hot for some reason. i notice when i use the extra fan that sits under the machine it runs better. not much better, but fraps says the fps do improve a bit. turns out even with a good laptop they still cheese out a bit on the thermal grease/paste.

of course your problem may be different, just thought id share what i learned regarding a very similar issue.

Thanks a lot for your help, but I recently just told someone I have that new coolsense system in my laptop, which puts the heat-issue far out of the way unfortunately, if that would've fixed the problem though, that would've been amazing ;)

Thanks for the thoughts.

I have absolutely zero performance issues with ARMA2/DayZ. I've never had any issues with it. It's run flawlessly for me since day 1.



GeForce GTX 680

I do have an SSD, but for the moment ARMA2/DayZ is running off of just a regular SATA3 7200rpm HDD.

Sure my box isn't a slouch, but you can't blame ARMA2 as if it's just universally at fault. Your hardware is *slightly* important to getting the FPS you want.

Rocket did say that folks could expect better performance in the standalone release since the engine could be tailored for what DayZ will be doing.

That's an amazing rig you've got there ;)

But i'm sure my PC should be able to fully run this game on high FPS, since I can run battlefield 3 just fine!

But yeah, for now i'm still hoping for a way more advanced standalone.

That's not entirely true. You can easily see that the FPS in Arma 2 and DayZ are very different. Mostly because Arma 2 map isn't crawling with zombies and a huge amount of loot spawning on the floor everywhere.

So yeah, DayZ has it's issues otherwise servers wouldn't need to restart, since if they take too long to do it, the FPS starts dropping A LOT.

But obviously we can expect some improvements when the game is fully released.

I hope the final improvements will affect it overall.

If this game had amazing FPS for everyone too, I'm sure it would grow a lot more popular.

And yeah, Some servers lag to 5 FPS for me, after the restart they're at 11-12'ish FPS.

If i get lucky, i get a server with 18 FPS tops.

Thanks for all the help here.

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How does nobody understand that laptops suck?

your 7400M graphics card is a piece of crap. your ram and mediocre CPU wont save you.

I get decent framerate with an i5 laptop with medium settings, much better than my brother's year old desktop. If it works it works, not sure why people have to get so uppety about it.

Edited by ironman Tetsuo
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How does nobody understand that laptops suck?

your 7400M graphics card is a piece of crap. your ram and mediocre CPU wont save you.

Since i'm a guy that doesn't easily get frustrated, let me just say this:

Your input on this thread is absolutely futile.

Have you even spitted up -anything- useful yet?

If you're here to troll and bite, please just leave the thread, I'm looking for solutions.

But since you're nagging on my laptop, as seen above, there's someone with half my specs, and he runs flawlessly, so please, read up.

I can run Arma II normal with about 60 FPS, and run battlefield 3 on medium settings flawlessly, so don't tell me I can't run this game, thanks.

i dont know what all the fuzz is about i have:

CPU: i5 2500K series

Mem: 8 Gb DDR3

GFX: GeForce 560 GTX

wont mention the rest cause it doesnt matter.

and i run the game with 60+ fps in full hd res.. 1920x1080

you tried updating gfx drivers etc? could be the problem. i had fps drops in other games, due to outdated gfx drivers?

Good rig. :) I don't have the Gfx Geforce card so i'm not sure. But I've pretty much downloaded a new driver a few days ago, yet with no avail.

I will try to look again today though, maybe I missed something.

If anyone knows a link for my specific card (Amd Radeon 7xxxM HD), that would be appreciated aswell.

Edited by Shootmeplx

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I get decent framerate with an i5 laptop with medium settings, much better than my brother's year old desktop. If it works it works, not sure why people have to get so uppety about it.

Yeah I don't know, I've just been looking for a solution for so long, not just for me, but for my friends aswell.

As you can see above, I've tried tweaking so much already, it get's fatigueing ;) Would just love to see a final solution.

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I would say no.. because this is a mod to another game.. wich is Arma2..

therefor to improve your FPS, its Arma that needs patching, and i bet that wont happen.. EVER :)

version 1.7.2

[FIXED] Animal AI routines consuming large amounts of FPS (now in line with Infected AI routines, reduced FPS usage)

[FIXED] Use of "allMissionObjects" causing performance issue on clients (new engine command "entities" used to improve FPS on clients)

[FIXED] Daylight calculations causing slight FPS issue


[FIXED] Performance issue with equipment proxies (improves FPS)

You were saying?

Edited by SillySil
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I hope it will fix your problem.. if not try setting the texture resolution down.. the interface resolution controls the actual resolution of the screen, where the 3d resolution basically controls the resolution of the textures.

for instance try to run it something like this:

Interface res: 1920x1080

3d res: 1440x810

or whatever screen settings you use.. the important thing is the put that 3d Res a bit down.. it will boost your fps a bit.

atleast in my experience

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You were saying?

the biggest problems still lies with Arma 2.. because this is a mod for that game..

You were saying dawg?..

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