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Still haven't found...

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I've been playing for what I think is over 3 months now. Largely as a lone player who seeks variety in my evening of gaming. I've trekked the entire length of the map just to see what a town looks like, have set myself personal challenges and yes, unfortunately, have also sat in a bush with a sniper rifle waiting for some poor unsuspecting player to wander into my sights. I enjoy the thrill of potentially being seen though and an happier with an assault rifle so wander most frequently between Stary, Vybor and NWAF. This is all only said to paint the picture on my chances of finding rare items, versus time spent looking versus actual rate of finds.

So, in 3+ months now I've found only 1 ghillie suit, am yet to find a single max-slot backpack, haven't seen a range finder, don't have a clue what a pair of NVG's look like and have only been on 2 working vehicles: a bike and a tractor.

I guess these items are supposed to be rare but is this my luck taking the Mickey just a touch?

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Sounds like you've had bad luck and or don't visit vehicle spawns.

I've been playing for about a month now, and haven't ever found a GPS/NV on the ground, but have found a few on corpses heh. I've found three ghillie suits, one in a church, one in an office building in elektro, and I can't remember where the third was, nwaf I think... I've found a downed helicopter that had 20rounds of m4 ammo and 5rounds of silenced m4 ammo, found two ural civilian trucks, an offroad 4x4 truck, two of those shitty little cars, two busses, and probably seen five of the max slot backpacks on the ground before, but looted more off corpses... Also found a few bicycles and my room mate just found a motorcycle at a spawn location I told him to go to on our server so that was at least half me. :P

I spend a lot of my time looking for those types of things though.. When I die, and go north, I make a plan to hit up every vehicle spawn that's on the way.

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I've been playing for what I think is over 3 months now. Largely as a lone player who seeks variety in my evening of gaming. I've trekked the entire length of the map just to see what a town looks like, have set myself personal challenges and yes, unfortunately, have also sat in a bush with a sniper rifle waiting for some poor unsuspecting player to wander into my sights. I enjoy the thrill of potentially being seen though and an happier with an assault rifle so wander most frequently between Stary, Vybor and NWAF. This is all only said to paint the picture on my chances of finding rare items, versus time spent looking versus actual rate of finds.

So, in 3+ months now I've found only 1 ghillie suit, am yet to find a single max-slot backpack, haven't seen a range finder, don't have a clue what a pair of NVG's look like and have only been on 2 working vehicles: a bike and a tractor.

I guess these items are supposed to be rare but is this my luck taking the Mickey just a touch?

As it should be. It just sounds like youa're playing as the game was intended to me, so well done. Although it's much easier getting these items when you're part of an organised team.

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Ive been playing for about 1.5months. I personally have only found 1 ghillie suit and 3 NVGs. Never found or even been given range finders. 2 of the NVGs Ive had where from Military Zombies at Deer stands. The others were at NWAF. I was fairly lucky getting the NVGs at NWAF because I have graphical bug and can't enter there very often.

I regularly get Coyote backpacks and Alice back packs though. If you get some deer stand loot runs going you can get them pretty regularly. I do loops of Deer stands depending on where I am.

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...wander most frequently between Stary, Vybor and NWAF.

So, in 3+ months now I've found only 1 ghillie suit, am yet to find a single max-slot backpack, haven't seen a range finder, don't have a clue what a pair of NVG's look like and have only been on 2 working vehicles: a bike and a tractor.

Maybe broaden your horizons a bit. I think I've been playing for about 8-9 weeks on and off and I've always got a coyote 24 slot (usually find one in a supermarket), I have had cars, atv, bicycle, boats, tractors (no chopper yet though), ghillie suits and camo clothes etc etc. but I tend to wander all over the map

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Wow; just unlucky.

Been playing for exactly 3 days over a month now. Had 2 Ghillies but seen around 6 (given to friends), worn around 2 or 3 sets of Camo gear. Recently got the largest Coyote backpack. I can't count how much AS50's we have or have seen. On my first day in the game i was given NVG's a GPS and the majority of the tool belt and handed a pair of Range Finders so i could help practice sniping by hunting animals. Owned 3 ATV's (on separate occasions; found on the same server). A big army transport truck (the VS3). Found a civilian truck the last time i played (lost it due to a server restart). Found around 3 boats... The list goes on.

In other words it helps a hell of a lot to have friends who play regularly. But equally to hit Airports, crash sites and vehicle spawns as often as possible.

Edit; oh and i had a pedal bike... fun times. Changed server due to suspected hacking shortly after however.

Edited by reddeer01

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I havent found tons of cool stuff either, been playing for like 1 ½ months now.. and i just LOOOOOOOOVE this game.. anyway..

found like a 4-5 broken ATV's, 1 Ghilie Suit and a M107 once.. other then that i found tons of M4A1's and some M24 etc.. i think its just a matter of luck and where you look.

but a general rule is:

If you keep looking you will find it... or something like that :D, just made it up.. but it has some truth to it actually..

looked for a heli crash a couple hours yesterday, and in the end i found one.. unfortunatly it had been looted for all the good stuff..

But i still hope that one day i will find a Heli that works, that is stocked with nice gear (not hacked, or dupped gear). So i keep looking

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Get your basic routes. My crew operates mostly around Stary, NWAF and vybor also and we got like 2 guys with the L85 AWS and ghillie for all of us. Of course everyone who hasnt a AWS got some other nice gun.

3 Days ago we just found 2 crashsites in a row with like 4 NVG in total.

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Sounds like luck. I've been playing a few weeks and have found tens of Ghillie suits and Camo Clothing, never in a Military location btw. Cafes, red brick buildings or offices are where I've found them all. Usually I give them away though because they just make me a target. I found no vehicles for weeks and then I finally found an ATV, a few hours later I found a bus and a chopper too. Luck is all crazy and such.

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Stuff on the ground, I have to agree I haven't found a lot. Corpses and tents are where I've found most of the little high end gear I've found.

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a9carlos. Sounds like you are playing in the spirit of the game mate.

I'll trade you my ghillie suit for your civilian clothing. I am a loner medic and, long story short, I lost my civilian clothing to the ghillie suit/backpack bug. :'(

This makes being a medic quite difficult as no one will trust the pot plant.

Best place to look, I have found, are the flats in cherno. 5 buildings with multiple spawn sites in each. All withing a few meters of each other.

Remember though, if you enter a building and there is nothing in there except trash - throw it all out(this is good practise for getting rid of zeds using noise and grenade throwing). Leave the building for 10 minutes and there will be loads of shiny new spawns inside.

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Remember though, if you enter a building and there is nothing in there except trash - throw it all out(this is good practise for getting rid of zeds using noise and grenade throwing). Leave the building for 10 minutes and there will be loads of shiny new spawns inside.

Maybe I'm wrong, but from what I've seen, it's not a time limit, but more of a distance limit. I find if I empty a building, run away for around 100-200 meters, then run back, it's respawned. That takes a lot less than 10 minutes.

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