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Hacker GUID for other admins to ban with log proof:

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Just some guids of some hackers:

Faze snipzz/elektrogorsk

26.08.2012 13:00:38: FaZe sNiPzZ (IP) 68eea214ffede754f969fdb6be38b045 - #0 "RUVehicleBox" 21:182 [13341,5473,7]

26.08.2012 13:17:12: FaZe sNiPzZ (IP) 68eea214ffede754f969fdb6be38b045 - #0 "

if (isServer) then {

_object = createVehicle ['hilux1_civil_2_covered', [4204.06, 10832.6, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];

_object setVariable ['ObjectID', 1395, true];

dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object];

_uid = _object cal"


26.08.2012 13:04:40: Pyro (IP) b367087b689ca056e69eeb65de49e8b5 - #0 "RUVehicleBox" 17:57 [4785,2546,10]

lolol haha im cool, thesilentbadger, thesilentshrimp

2012 19:17:11: Lolol haha im cool (IP) cdf9036929e1431d4d5902eb1c22a8ca - #0 "AmmoBoxBig" 33:9 [11123,3072,5]

27.08.2012 19:17:12: Lolol haha im cool (IP) cdf9036929e1431d4d5902eb1c22a8ca - #0 "USBasicWeaponsBox" 33:10 [11119,3070,6]

27.08.2012 19:21:27: TheSilentShrimp (IP) 4db2e29c87d11f94a9569787614ef06a - #0 "AmmoBoxBig" 34:9 [1205,2245,5]

27.08.2012 19:22:30: TheSilentShrimp (IP) 4db2e29c87d11f94a9569787614ef06a - #0 "HelicopterExploSmall" 34:16 0:0 [1055,2204,22] [0,0,0]

27.08.2012 19:29:04: TheSilentShrimp (IP) 4db2e29c87d11f94a9569787614ef06a - #0 "USBasicWeaponsBox" 34:49 [646,1825,7

27.08.2012 19:57:38: TheSilentBadger (IP) 425094f9054e704e4079a14f81c3e272 - #0 "HelicopterExploSmall" 35:181 0:0 [3567,2362,7] [0,0,0]

27.08.2012 19:57:38: TheSilentBadger (IP) 425094f9054e704e4079a14f81c3e272 - #0 "HelicopterExploBig" 35:182 0:0 [3567,2362,8] [0,0,0]

Edited by LewisUK

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Please remove the IP. The GUID is enough to ban with, the IP is a privacy thing.

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Please remove the IP. The GUID is enough to ban with, the IP is a privacy thing.

Don't think ip is an issue?

OP make sure to post these at the CBL http://code.google.c...st/issues/entry so everyone can benefit. :)

No privacy issue unless this forum takes a position on it.

Alright, done.

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Reported for exposing players GUID's and players IP (sensible informations) publically. They should be sent privately if anything.

PS: i understand the importance of fighting those kids, but you all should understand what's the right way to do so. You are doing damage: if an idiot comes here and he'll fake a log, we'll end with a mess of legit players being banned. Please turn on your brain before posting.

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Reported for exposing players GUID's and players IP (sensible informations) publically. They should be sent privately if anything.

PS: i understand the importance of fighting those kids, but you all should understand what's the right way to do so. You are doing damage: if an idiot comes here and he'll fake a log, we'll end with a mess of legit players being banned. Please turn on your brain before posting.

If you report every single person who shows a hackers guid, that will be alot of work for the mods. posting hacker GUID's is what it is ment for, and the ips, i didn't know they weren't meant to be shown? -removed them-

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Also, i actually need elektrogorsk/snipzz and zues92/pyro banned as they are perminatly following me. and hacking me.

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Reported for exposing players GUID's and players IP (sensible informations) publically. They should be sent privately if anything.

PS: i understand the importance of fighting those kids, but you all should understand what's the right way to do so. You are doing damage: if an idiot comes here and he'll fake a log, we'll end with a mess of legit players being banned. Please turn on your brain before posting.

Also whats bad about GUIDs? you cant do anything with them besides ban.

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Posting IPs & GUID's is perfectly legal, If it wasn't then there would be ALOT of closed/deleted threads/topics by Moderators & Administators.

1. If you dont want your IP posted then tuff shit, you shouldnt have anything to worry about anyways. Chances are your not running any vunrable/exploitable services/software on your machine/network and if you are then you should know just as damn well how to secure it. If you get hacked then thats your own fault.

2. GUID's are just as public as your name ingame is. GUID's are posted when ever you join a server to EVERYONE. Know how easy it is to just use screencapture from Xfire or any other 3rd party software and boom I have your GUID or just by simply checking logs.

3. Unless your a moderator and can actually do something about it, STOP telling people to remove IPs/GUID's from threads/topics because your not the boss.

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Also whats bad about GUIDs? you cant do anything with them besides ban.

Faking a log and have an innocent player banned for no reason? What's the authority here to say that LewisUK is a good admin, while WalkerDown is just a troll? Why i should believe what you say? I can post anytime a log and claim that it is legit.. while it's all bullshit.

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Faking a log and have an innocent player banned for no reason? What's the authority here to say that LewisUK is a good admin, while WalkerDown is just a troll? Why i should believe what you say? I can post anytime a log and claim that it is legit.. while it's all bullshit.

Why would i go through all the time and effort of going through my logs just to post the guid when it won't even help me? Plus, i know these guys hack, they have been following me, and also your not a moderator so what you say means absolutely nothing to me.

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Faking a log and have an innocent player banned for no reason? What's the authority here to say that LewisUK is a good admin, while WalkerDown is just a troll? Why i should believe what you say? I can post anytime a log and claim that it is legit.. while it's all bullshit.

A falsified submission would be unfortunate but like I said in reply to you in another thread that is why admins should be submitting to the CBL (http://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/). There is a rep system behind it that allows them to compare submissions and better identify cheaters then we could on a singular basis. Another thing I said in reply to you in another thread is that any admin compiling bans based on the information here is foolish and doing their players a disservice IMO.

If anything comes out of this tonight I hope it will result in directing more people to the CBL.

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Why would i go through all the time and effort of going through my logs just to post the guid when it won't even help me?


Plus, i know these guys hack, they have been following me, and also your not a moderator so what you say means absolutely nothing to me.

You may know anything, but that's what YOU know, you have no authority to expose players GUID's or IP's on a public forum based on what you believe to know: you may be the best admin or the worst one.

I'm also not forcing ppl to do the "right" thing, i'm reporting those posts for a moderator intervention.

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A falsified submission would be unfortunate but like I said in reply to you in another thread that is why admins should be submitting to the CBL

I don't think there's any problem into submitting cheating reports in a private area, as along these information are kept (and handled) by who really need em (admins).

I'm not criticizing how the (cheaters) GUID's are handled, i am against publishing these informations by random ppl here, exposing em to the whole net.

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Wind your neck in WD, you're becoming irritating.

Lewis the closed group in my Sig is for serve admins to exchange GUIDs, bans etc

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I don't think there's any problem into submitting cheating reports in a private area, as along these information are kept (and handled) by who really need em (admins).

I'm not criticizing how the (cheaters) GUID's are handled, i am against publishing these informations by random ppl here, exposing em to the whole net.

It isn't private, it's just the best way for administrators to organize.

Wind your neck in WD, you're becoming irritating.

Lewis the closed group in my Sig is for serve admins to exchange GUIDs, bans etc

The CBL is for admins to exchange bans/GUIDs, every administrators first stop should be the CBL. The group in your signature is your preferred method for administrators to communicate.

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It isn't private, it's just the best way for administrators to organize.

With private i mean not "official" (this is the official DayZ forum). Nor that anyone can check any place on the net where IP's may be published without the user authorization... but avoiding inexpert admins or trolls to spam people IP's and GUID's on this (official) forum is a good start.

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It isn't private, it's just the best way for administrators to organize.

The CBL is for admins to exchange bans/GUIDs, every administrators first stop should be the CBL. The group in your signature is your preferred method for administrators to communicate.

The CBL has come in for criticism due to the veracity of bans not being confirmed, the AdminZ group was born out of that misgiving and the lack of facilities and misinformation that permeates this forum.

Jens helps run the AdminZ group, he also does the CBL, you sound like you don't know what you're talking about, hopefully I've set you straight.

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The CBL has come in for criticism due to the veracity of bans not being confirmed, the AdminZ group was born out of that misgiving and the lack of facilities and misinformation that permeates this forum.

Jens helps run the AdminZ group, he also does the CBL, you sound like you don't know what you're talking about, hopefully I've set you straight.

Oh please spare us, any tool used to identify cheaters will be subject to criticism. Out of the 500+ admin submissions only recently a couple have been overturned, which is a good thing. The submissions are based on the output of the filters we're provided which are constantly evolving, thus the bans are only as good as the tools. A private forum of unorganized admins in a back closet isn't even a comparison to a rep based ban collective maintained by devs in their spare time.

Any admin worth their salt knows who Jens is and appreciates all the hard work he puts in to assist us. You and other other guy who spam that URL on these forums are so pompous. IMO you guys would be best served staying over on that forum, you just can't help but embarrass yourselves here.

Edited by (OCN)Vortech

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A private forum for Admins to exchange information, that is all it is, with ideas submitted from other members for improvement.

Not really sure why you've got a bee in your bonnet about it. Unless, in general, you're just a bit of an antagonistic knob?

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29.08.2012 20:20:31: Matthew (ip) 2df2a6369b8c1c1feaf355498907b765 - #0 "AmmoBoxBig" 12:16 [3191,1946,2]

Another one.

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Not really sure why you've got a bee in your bonnet about it. Unless, in general, you're just a bit of an antagonistic knob?

No bee, I just don't like how a few people spam it shamefully everywhere. Kinda cheapens it IMO, poor judgement, and poor representation. I'm actually all for it, I think it's a solid concept. I just wish you guys would be honest with people. That bs line about due to the failure of the CBL our community was started was an outright lie. I don't Jens or anyone who contributes/participates to it would appreciate that. You misrepresented that community in an attempt to direct people to it. Worse off at the expense of the CBL which is a real community resource.

Anyhow we're off topic, hopefully admins utilize every tool at their disposal.

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No bee, I just don't like how a few people spam it shamefully everywhere. Kinda cheapens it IMO, poor judgement, and poor representation. I'm actually all for it, I think it's a solid concept. I just wish you guys would be honest with people. That bs line about due to the failure of the CBL our community was started was an outright lie. I don't Jens or anyone who contributes/participates to it would appreciate that. You misrepresented that community in an attempt to direct people to it. Worse off at the expense of the CBL which is a real community resource.

Anyhow we're off topic, hopefully admins utilize every tool at their disposal.

Nothing to be honest about, the concerns about the CBL were all raised by admins questioning the veracity of the CBL bans, its never been bad mouthed at all.

Admins post here, then they get lambasted by people on this forum for being dishonest, over zealous or other things - we just point out there is a private place to discuss/get advice, without all the dick heads.

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