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Crimson Guards United - Recruiting Survivors!

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Check out our recruitment video at the link below.

About CGU :

CGU (Crimson Guards United) Gaming has been established since 2003. Our goal has been aimed towards uniting friends and expanding our game play on multiple gaming platforms.

Ways To Contact Us :

website : www.cgunited.net

Ventrilo : vent25.gameservers.com Port : 4419

Also Try : YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter, Steam

What CGU offers :

- A Ventrilo Server

- The opportunity to network with a wide range of diverse gamer's

- In-game Events

- A well organized group of leaders to help strengthen your abilities as a member and a gamer

What do we ask from you :

- Be active for our weekly meetings

- 15+ years of age

- Please have a headset/mic to communicate with (exceptions may be made)

- Don't be afraid to ask questions

How to apply :

Come on our Ventrilo server and speak with a admin with the title G.C. (Global Council)

vent25.gameservers.com Port : 4419

*Apologies - Reposted not realizing the other recruitment post was already in the proper channel.*

Edited by S_poon
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Be -VERY- careful joining this clan as the server owner tends to abuse his server powers and some members are known to hack and hunt each other without warning. Their server has mild hacker protection most likely because their members cheat, and it is full of hacked gear which their members are seen using on a regular basis. They also vehicles horde the map. BEWARE of the server and clan. Just a heads up.

Edited by Digital

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Be -VERY- careful joining this clan as the server owner tends to abuse his server powers and some members are known to hack and hunt each other without warning. Their server has mild hacker protection most likely because their members cheat, and it is full of hacked gear which their members are seen using on a regular basis. They also vehicles horde the map. BEWARE of the server and clan. Just a heads up.

And now he's DDOS'ing Us.

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He was no more hacking in that instance than you were and you know it. Guilty of keeping bad company yes, one of you started hacking after that little show and tell, and one didnt.

Edited by S_poon

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He was no more hacking in that instance than you were and you know it. Guilty of keeping bad company yes, one of you started hacking after that little show and tell, and one didnt.

So you posted that link to confirm that "I'm a hacker" and now that I've exposed your admin as a hacker with the same link you're attempting to back pedal?

I think it's obvious to everyone who reads this thread at this point, if they even made it this far without exiting the thread, what kind of organization CGU is.

P.S. your server and vent seem to be down. Guess you guys must be pretty rag tag to not be able to keep a ventrilo or server online. Did you scam those guys out of donations for the server and then take it down too?

Edited by Digital

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