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Want to start a new elite group for day z standalone.

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age: 20+


time: gmt +10

blah blah

blah blah some more

getting bored of being raped in the woods by clans. :)

so im keen to join ya group/clan thing for the knew one as ill hate it even more after another $30+

hit me up wigga.

Edited by tfam

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still looking more people to join us.

Any chance i can trial in your group? im 25, European with fluent english and i often play late hours GMT.


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Any chance i can trial in your group? im 25, European with fluent english and i often play late hours GMT.


sure you can. we play in private server for group practice. whats your steam? my steam is kickthewall

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sure you can. we play in private server for group practice. whats your steam? my steam is kickthewall

I've send you a invite from my Steam page because my Steam ID is Alex wich is pretty common, so you may get a ton of hits.

I'll be online later on tonight [GMT] Thx

Edited by 4Lex

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Age: 15

Timezone: PST

Bandit/Hero-Hero, which is why i go around with the name "FriendoftheWastes"

Play style in day z- I never kill onsight. I usually ask if they're friendly or i tell them to just ignore each other and walk away, i got killed a couple of times doing this but i will not stoop down to the bandit level

Will you be getting standalone-Yes

Edited by YeOldeRapist

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Age: 15

Timezone: PST

Bandit/Hero-Hero, which is why i go around with the name "FriendoftheWastes"

Play style in day z- I never kill onsight. I usually ask if they're friendly or i tell them to just ignore each other and walk away, i got killed a couple of times doing this but i will not stoop down to the bandit level

Will you be getting standalone-Yes

whats your steam?

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Age 31 
Timezone uk 
Bandit/Hero? Hero 
Play style in day z? team player. scavenger. soldier. Mercennary (Not for bandits) scout

Playing standalone now 


sent a friends request on steam: credops 

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Age: 15
Timezone: UK
Bandit/Hero: I can play either
Play style in day z: Either Squad-Leader - i like to call the shots and i know Arma / Dayz Well or Navigator since i legit know the Chernarus map off by heart.
Will you be getting standalone:  Already got it :)

Edited by Jamro

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