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Nuke end game/ server reset

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As you guys probably find annoying that every vehicle on a server is take hidden and in other words practically none exsistant. And really the only way to find these vehicles unless you are lucky is with a helicopter.

I've been playing day z for a while now about 2 months and i just found my first car.

So i believe that all the hidden vehicles and fortifications ie razor wire and sandbags need to be removed every once in a while for a fresh start.

So what i suggest (A logical reason) is that every month or so (or whenever the server feels like it) there is a server reset Ie everything player placed/ hidden is removed.

And it can be justified by a nuke. Ie just a really bright light

Now of course there will be a warning over the radio 5 mins prior so there is plenty of time to log out.

Just for all those people going on about all your stuff disappearing is just unrealistic etc etc.

Sometimes starting fresh is more fun.

Unless servers already do that.

Which to my knowledge they do not

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Well that's a pretty stupid idea if you ask me , if you want vechiels then take your time finding them, me and my team have found dozens of camp sites up to atleast 20 cars in the matter of 2 weeks maybe? i dont think its a good idea to restart a server just like that and ruin hundren of houers work and effort just so and im sorry noobs like you can have a car...and if you are desperate to find cars , just go to a Private server which have 100% and up spawn rate on vechiels... stop complaining , i would shit my self if i come in now and they would nuke my camp..

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As far as i'm aware atm, when a server dose a restart the vehicles reset to ? well on our server they do anyway

most server do a restart every 6 to 8 hours

am i wrong ?

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  • If the army was still there I think they would rescuing you instead of dropping nukes. Also you've arrived after the aftermath, the infection is over but those who are zombies will forever be so. If there was a chance that there was someone out there to save you, they have already been turned into zombies.
  • I do not think it is fair that people would have to spend hours trying to repair vehicles e.g ural near skalka and the helicopter in skalisty and then only to find that they will loose it within a week or so. Its not hard to find camps of vehicles, you just have to know where to go, I've found 5 vehicles just be guessing where people would put their camps. Also alot of vehicles arnt very well camoflaged so you can spot alot of them from a distance.
  • Its not fair on everyone els, just because you cant find any cars doesnt meen that EVERYONE should loose their vehicles every week or so. In case you didnt know, there are many car spawns, you will not always find a car even though you visit the spawn point. Another thing is that there a new spawn points, some that are not yet listed on the dayz wiki. They are most likely there, you're just no looking hard enough.
  • No one would play DayZ.

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I think you're missing the distinction between nice and fair. It's completely fair for someone to repair vehicles (seriously, what do you need...scrap metal, a tire, a windshield, and engine parts...that's an hour or so of work) and then lose them in a week or less. It's not nice if it happens, but it's completely fair as long as everyone has the same opportunity to find and repair those vehicles later. I found a bike and a tractor in my first two hours of gameplay. And then I ditched the bike and blew up the tractor. This will never happen again because the next guy who found those vehicles put them in the debug forest a kilometer off the northern map and then decided never to use them again. Now new players will never even have the opportunity to find those vehicles while playing the game normally.

It's not nice if it happens, but it's completely fair as long as everyone has the same opportunity to find and repair those vehicles later.

So, I would still play DayZ if it happened. And presumably the OP would too. And we outnumber you two to one. :)

Edited by BazBake

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I think you're missing the distinction between nice and fair. It's completely fair for someone to repair vehicles (seriously, what do you need...scrap metal, a tire, a windshield, and engine parts...that's an hour or so of work) and then lose them in a week or less. It's not nice if it happens, but it's completely fair as long as everyone has the same opportunity to find and repair those vehicles later. I found a bike and a tractor in my first two hours of gameplay. And then I ditched the bike and blew up the tractor. This will never happen again because the next guy who found those vehicles put them in the debug forest a kilometer off the northern map and then decided never to use them again. Now new players will never even have the opportunity to find those vehicles while playing the game normally.

It's not nice if it happens, but it's completely fair as long as everyone has the same opportunity to find and repair those vehicles later.

So, I would still play DayZ if it happened. And presumably the OP would too. And we outnumber you two to one. :)

Took us 5 hours trying to find car parts for the ural in skalka, took us about the same with the helicopter in skalisty to fully repair it. An additional few hours trying to refuel it. Not to mention many other vehicles spawn in the middle of nowhere and take hours to fully repair and refuel. And after all that hard work, we loose the vehicles in a week or so. It will never happen, ever.

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I havent dealt with vehicles much but my clan does/has.. and i tell you what they never seem to have trouble finding them..regardless of server reset(s) HOWEVER, i must stress these vehilces are stumbled upon and not searched for.. theres only about 12 of us.. we work together and keep our shit tight and seem to find them.. but most the time im not around.. so im not taking a side to credit/discredit this thread. Just explainging my experience over 350 hrs of gameplay.

My self personally, I have only found 3 vehicles ^__^

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