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How to zero your gun?

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I have a sniper rifle now but how to I adjust the zeroing? Pressing page up or page down doesn't change the number in the top right corner, which is set to 300. I've tried this with and without num lock on. I'm using a Logitech illuminated keyboard. Help! :(

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Use Page up and Page DN just above your arrow keys :)

it depends on the rifle how high it can go, are you sure it can go higher than 300? :) (aka wich gun are you using)

else check the controls

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Use Page up and Page DN just above your arrow keys :)

it depends on the rifle how high it can go, are you sure it can go higher than 300? :) (aka wich gun are you using)

else check the controls

I don't believe there are any zeroable weapons that cap out below 800.

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I would go with what Wuggie suggested, and if that doesn't work just go into options and change them to whatever you want. Good luck ;)

Edited by Havok.

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