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Statik (DayZ)

Should I player hunt during day, or night with this setup?

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Hey guys,

So I have a Revolver, L85A2 AWS, AS50 TWS (I did not hack this in, I found it in a tent), ghillie suit, and binos, (Maybe some other odds and ends I forgot to mention.). I am considering for my Let's Play doing some player hunting around NWAF and Stary Sobor. I am not sure if I should player hunt during the day, or night (Since my AS50 has thermal and if I get in a close up sit my L85 has thermal & NV). My only concern about hunting during the night, is I have a feeling that people that loot during the night travel in groups (just a hunch not sure though) and that I would stick out like a sore thumb to enemy snipers. Any info/tips on player hunting during the day and/or night would also be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

P.S. Don't complain because I am sniping looters. Yes I am a bandit, and no I don't trust anyone and I S.O.S. And if you want to know I do/will be looting the bodies of the people I shoot. I need beans too you know.

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Sounds like you're set up for night time, but mind, most people playing at night have at least NVGs and may have thermal as well. :P You might find single targets, but taking on a group (while an impressive feat) will likely end with one or two of them dead and you dead. They'll recover their gear, you probably won't. My two cents.

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1) Obviously ignore people who bullshit you for being a bandit its an RPG it does not reflect you In real life....

2) It all depends what type of people you get and their gamestyle because obviously people who loot night server will have high end stuff E.G NVGs is a clear one but also if its a decent group they will probaly have a L85 AWS in there but it all depends as I said on that persons game style.

3) As long as your not sitting in Cherno/Elektro with that AS50 its ok with me. ^.^

Edit: I would also suggest testing that AS50 TWS out as it can be a hard gun to aim sometimes if they are half way between E.G 800 and 900 so 850 and if you dont have Rangefinders just go into editor on ARMA 2 and just get the ranges from where you think your gonna be.

Edited by Cheese_omg

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I don´t complain about the fact that you are a sniper ...


... your weapon choice is bad, and you should feel bad.

Get a M4A1 or a AK and hunt players with your NVG´s ... more thrill and it shows a lot more ballz of steel than a ... AS50-Hurrdurr-TWS.

Where the hell are all the "good" bandits ... :(

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You dont need the L85, The AS50 TWS is for night and day, Day server will most likely have more players on it for you to snipe, but will increase your chance of being caught, at night most people probaly wont play on night servers so less players to kill.

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I personally HATE player hunters like you, but at least you loot the bodies.

I recommend with your load out sniping at night.

Find a good spot you think would counter the snipers you stick out to.

Call your shots, and count them out.

Hide in the place people are most oblivious to, like outside the city in a bush.

And finally, and most importantly;




Kill ME.

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Thanks Lonrem and Cheese. I think I might stick around during the day until I find NVGs because without them I think it will be quite hard to navigate to dead bodies and such. What do you think? Also whats your opinion to me finding a bandit group on the forums and trying to join them? I know I S.O.S but are bandit groups on the forums trust worthy? Or should I stick to it solo?

And Mikey I really don't give. Saying "I don't complain about the fact that you are a sniper..." then complaining and saying I shouldn't be a sniper contradicts itself. You do get a rush sniping. And I really don't think DayZ is about everyone showing that they have "ballz of steel" I think its about surviving a zombie apocalypse. So if you want to spend forever finding NVGs then waste them by rushing players with an AK or M4, then be my guest.

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My friend, i dont know not one bandit ... not one ... that hunts players to survive. (Sure, i could be wrong .. but IMO the most do it for fun.)

... and when you dont like the close-quarter-ambush ... then you can use a DMR, M24 ... or even a M107 ... but the AS50 TWS ... please ...

Edited by *Regulator* Mikey

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Well you just met one. I need food, water, heat packs, meat for blood, ammo, and other items. Plus I don't see what's wrong with the AS50 TWS. If gives you the extra edge on your enemy. What's wrong with that?

And Arc, you better watch out. I'm coming for your beans ;)

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