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maximus (DayZ)

Chernarus Airforce

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Chernarus Airforce

I am looking to start an airforce. The force would consist of helicopters on many different servers across dayz. Each chopper would look like this: The captain is the leader of the crew. He is the primary pilot and he gives commands and plans flight missions. Next to the captain is the copilot who must be good with a map and also must be a good pilot in case of emergency. In the back there are the two door gunners. With them is a medic and the engineer.

People can become a captain in two ways. They either are the one to donate the helicopter or they work through the ranks to become the captain of one. The crew answers to the captain and the captain to HQ. He also gets to name the chopper.

We will basically function in our own seperate crews. When Hq has an event such as a raid or security then whatever crew is on the server that the event is operating on, will be the ones who are called in. The rest of the time the captain is free to do his own missions with his crew. There are two kinds of crews. One kind will be set up for member pick up and supply drop off. The other will be outfitted for fighting.

Right now we are looking for helicopters so if you want to become a captain and donate a chopper then pm me and we will assign you a crew. We also need crew men so if you would like to become a crew member then pm me.

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All fine as good, but choppers have the expected life-span of a rat in a homeless man's mouth. Glitches/Desync/Crashes are bound to happen within a few days. Nevertheless, i'll be donating chopper locations when I find em'. (considering they have no real use to me)

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Great idea for an air force, but as Dr.Lyme said, most choppers are only going to last a few hours, if that. Still support your idea, though. If/when the An-2 gets added to DayZ, it can also be incorporated.

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Hi guys thanks for the support

The deal with the choppers not hanging around too long will be hopefully fixed by each captain having to maintain his. Were going to really stress that they keep them in working order and functionall. Also we cant really do anything about the desyncs or glitches but we fix the cashes by having each pilot train in arma before they can take over as pilot.

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