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Accidental Weapon Discharge

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Need help! My gun randomly fires when i am not clicking the left mouse button, also happened in vehicles? my mouse is fine? does anyone know why this is happening and have a possible solution? Luckily i have a silenced assualt rifle, but when i dont eventually i dont want to be spotted etc by zombies and players. Thanks.

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Are you sure your mouse is fine? I can't think of anything software wise that could be causing this. But maybe someone else might be able to help you out.

Edited by Erik

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Never heard of this issue before I have heard a few people complain about constantly walking forward. Even a few friends upon investigation it appears its a problem with there keyboard. Not to say this IS a mouse problem but how do you know it is not what checks on the mouse have you done ?

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Can i do checks on the mouse, i dont normally play pc games, but for example i dont randomly click things on the internet? i dunno, im not much of a computer whizz? Is there tests i can do? :/

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Simple steps, have you rebooted your computer? Check your mouse cable and connection? Ensured no debris or anything may have gotten inside your mouse? If none of this works, go to your nearest Best Buy and ask them for a jar of Mouse Tranquilizer, because your mouse might be overreacting.

First three are legit, please don't go to Best Buy....

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I have heard of accidentally shooting your gun when you Alt tab. Actually I have even experienced it and it always scared me to death. The controls would also play crazy like running permanently although I am not pressing any key. The solution for this is to press escape before alt tabbing.

But your problem seems to happen whenever you log into the game?

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How much is the mouse tranquilizer..? :) Nahh, all those things are fine, ill swap mouses with my brother and see if that solves it. Might have to buy a new mouse, but theres a pet shop in town, so isn't to far to go. Thanks!

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Hmm, I have been in groups where this has happened a couple of times.

To the point where we asked one perpetrator to put down his 'dinner bell' and step away from the group. He also liked to take wee peaks into other's packs.

After he 'accidentally' shot another zed in the nwaf and we then proceeded to fight off 30 or 40 more in the large shed, we decided it was time that twitchy and his ND's(negligent discharge - as we call it in the military) could do one and we booted him from the group.

Sans Enfield and the glock we had helped him scavenge.

It sounds mean, but ffs we wasted two blood bags an epi pen and two morphine patching up after this clown managed to shoot team members in the shed firefight.

Against zeds, at least sixty rounds of ammo wasted and all because some clown couldn't keep his index finger under control.

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Ugh the dreaded accidental discharge. Nobody here is judging you for it, don't worry. You're in the right place, we're all friends here!

That being said, I have no idea how to fix this issue but I HAVE heard of it before. My one friend was getting it and scaring the shit out of us. So you're not alone!

I'm interested to see if anyone has an answer.

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I am not sure never had to diagnose a mouse clicking issue normally its people on laptops and the problem is with there touch pad or a touchscreen monitor.

Option A: possibly get an application that records mouse clicks or counts mouse clicks leave it on for a while and don't use the mouse see if it records a click

Option B: see if it happens on other games

Option C: Create a new use profile see if its a problem with windows.

Option D: Scan for malware could be an annoying virus

No Idea what could cause it in software terms specifically for dayz but let us know if any of this helps or if it dose not and I will do some research into the problem.

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I do have a laptop, so it could be the touchpad? interesting .. i'm pretty sure i dont touch it, but ill see. thanks anyway, and i always esc before alt tabbing. But it happens at random points, even when i was driving the vs3 civilian the horn blasted out! fuck that was scary, especially as it was night. Damn annoying. Oh well, thanks for the speedy responses

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I do have a laptop, so it could be the touchpad? interesting .. i'm pretty sure i dont touch it, but ill see. thanks anyway, and i always esc before alt tabbing. But it happens at random points, even when i was driving the vs3 civilian the horn blasted out! fuck that was scary, especially as it was night. Damn annoying. Oh well, thanks for the speedy responses

Mmm, you might be double-tapping the touchpad? My wife used to do that with her headset wire dongle thing on her laptop....

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You could disable the touch pad and play for a while you would be surprised how often you touch the touch pad unaware during games.

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You could disable the touch pad and play for a while you would be surprised how often you touch the touch pad unaware during games.

This. I used to wonder why the cursor on my gf's netbook would jump around like crazy while typing. I haven't really touched the touchpad but apparently it was enough to just hover with your hand above it.

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If you haven't already, I'd doublecheck your key mappings. Maybe there's something set to fire weapon that shouldn't be?

If that's not it, I'd be suspicious of the touch pad as well.

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