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global banned after a hacker teleported myself and a friend against our will?

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So I'm camping out stary last night with a friend...we are waiting for someone to eff up so we can shoot them. All of a sudden my friend starts laughing in mumble...some dude in a blue ural teleported right in front of me and said "you guys look bored"...then a second later we were with him at the opposite end of the map on a hill in his blue ural. He spawned a ton of things in front of us. Then disappeared as we sat in a random field near the PBX boat. I have not, nor do I have any clue how to hack this game. I am one of the people who rages all the time about hackers ruining for the rest of us. Now I have been globally banned and will NOT be returning. I also pay 97 dollars per month for a multiplay server for others to enjoy the game and help it grow. That's also going byebye. Grats on establishing such a wonderful relationship/communication level with battle-eye who has banned me and thousands of others by mistake.


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I wouldn't go as far as you would but still I agree. Those mistakes are... terrible. They've done it 3 times now? It's just sad that this happends :(

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The problem you face is the fact that you simply will NOT be unbanned, also BE does not ban people by mistake. 'Grats on hacking and trying to play it off like you're some victim.

Edited by Moshine

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The problem you face is the fact that you simply will NOT be unbanned, also BE does not ban people by mistake. 'Grats on hacking and trying to play it off like you're some victim.

You must be the most retarded person i have seen post. Let me just put this here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/65572-global-bans-for-legit-players/ Also Battleye have admitted that they have banned innocent players before so you just look like a tard. :)

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i actually got global ban for getting spawned in the empty lands of hell and got my self somehow banned. i never used hacks and condemn it but i just purchased another copy of the game. People who value money like i do will not waste it by hacking a game that requires time and effort.

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You wouldnt have been banned for being Teleported, Otherwise hundreads of players would be banned everyday as Scripters just jump into servers run a Script to TP everyone to a single area and Mass kill them. None of these players who get Teleported get banned, because it's nothing to do with them!

You don't understand how Scripts or BattleEye work, The person who runs the Scripts will be the one who gets banned not the People who get teleported. My guess is, you found yourself some Scripts, started to play around with them had some fun then tried a Teleport script and Teleported your friend too (Which is a detected script now, Thank god.) and you got nailed by BE.

Go buy another CD Key and stop using Scripts, It's only a matter of time until the rest of the Scripts are detected :) So don't come here giving a sob story about "Waa some hacker tpd me and im banned" cause it does not happen.

PREVIOUSLY scripters could run there scripts through other players, but that's been fixed a while ago. So enjoy your ban, You deserve it.

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All I know is I was teleported around the map while within a Blue Ural. I logged off with my friend and we have both been banned. You can research my posts...I'm always complaining about being aim-bot killed etc by hackers. How hackers have ruined the game. I'm 30 years old...not trying to troll like a child. You can say whatever you want to say...I'll be taking my money elsewhere instead of providing a server for others to play this horribly managed game.

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