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I'm seriously done.

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Arma II.

DayZ is a hacked game mod of Arma II.

Anyone and his grandmother can hack Arma II.

You can thank Rocket for that.

Look for private servers with no dick admins.

Private hives offer much more antihacker protection.

Try some Lingor servers.

I actually stop playing this mod some time ago,

It lost its appeal to me.

Not many things to do.

Its buggy like hell and full of cheaters and hackers.

Looking on forum if Rocket fix things but nothing really change for better.


Farewall DayZ

Welcome Guild Wars II

I love how you are done with a game yet you are on its offical websites forums.

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If you look in these threads you'll find loads of douchbags like you saying the exact same thing...and you flame the guy for spamming lol.

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We just all have to hope,that standalone will be a lot better so fewer hackers, no duping of items, no ammo glitching etc.

If we spent money on standalone and it's nothing like I have mentioned above,then Rocket will feel our righteous wrath!

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Why is everyone bashing the OP? he has all the right to complain, sure its annoying to see 3 threads an hour about script kiddies, but o you think that keeping quiet is going to solve anything?

All those ppl calling the OP a QQer, I would love to see your reaction when a scripter teleports your ass, see if you think its cool.

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Oh look, ANOTHER QQ hackers thread. How original. Seriously, stop the spam... Either get everyone to post all their QQ about hackers in one thread, or don't post anything at all.

Oh look, ANOTHER QQ "people are QQ-ing about hackers" post. How original. Stop the spam... Either get everyone to post all their QQ about people QQ-ing about hackers in one thread, or don't post anything at all.

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Cool story bro, tell it again, but this time, some pointers.

Your intro was good, and the rising action was okay, but he climax and falling action? Weaksauce. I would try adding in something cool, like maybe a panda, or heck, a dragon would spice it up. I look forward to a revised version.

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Arma II.

DayZ is a hacked game mod of Arma II.

Anyone and his grandmother can hack Arma II.

You can thank Rocket for that.

Maybe you should look up information before you start posting compelte bullshit.

Arma has always been open to running scripts, it was intended that way - like Rocket owns Arma - LMAO you tit. The stand alone I imagine will not allow the execution of scripts and thus will not be open to hacking.

Anyone that does hack can be found in server logs. Battle Eye on the last count about 3 weeks agao had banned 12000 accounts globally, meaning they have to buy the game again to play it because they can't play Arma.

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Its because arma 2 is made to be easily scriptable. The engine that is.

Arma 2 was not designed for DayZ , it was designed as sort of a combat simulator, where teams could practice tactics, which means it needs to be configurable in every way to simulate different combat scenarios, enemy placements and so on. This is done by using scripts, which now the "hackers" which is actually a false label are using to do whatever they want in DayZ.

Rocket is in no way responsible for the arma 2 engine..

Why is everyone bashing the OP? he has all the right to complain, sure its annoying to see 3 threads an hour about script kiddies, but o you think that keeping quiet is going to solve anything?

All those ppl calling the OP a QQer, I would love to see your reaction when a scripter teleports your ass, see if you think its cool.

The solution is bind a quick disconnect button incase you get teleported. I have been teleported like a 100 times, haven't died ONCE.

Instead of QQing maybe people should use their own brain for a second find ways to keep the damage done by hackers to a minimum.

The more people QQ on this forum, the more hackers will know that what they are doing is working as they intended, therefor they will get even more enjoyment out of it and be encouraged to script kill people even more.

Edited by Vipala

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I'm legit asking a question. Why is it so easy to hack? I really do want an answer, this is not a pointless thread, I want to know why people enjoy killing everyone for no reason at all.

Why easy to hack: The program was designed, as intended, for it to be very trusting. The program is made for people who want to give it a scenario without kick back.

Why do people enjoy killing everyone for no reason at all: they like to know your mad.

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Rule #1 if you don't want hackers messing with you stay off populated servers!


I was on a server with like 8 people and got hacked =/

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I was on a server with like 8 people and got hacked =/

He said they target high pop servers. That doesn't mean they don't go for servers with fewer people at all.

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So I decided to check forum again.

Expecting new patch or at last fix.


What a surprise. But wait the dogs are coming.

Maybe some bugs fixing.

Nope? Rocket too busy showing his shiny ass before cameras?

Too bad that some guys on private servers fix it.

Rocket is against a private servers?

Where actually things works people have fun and hackers are under control(if admin know what to do and is not a dick).

Oh wait isn't Rocket play only on his own private passworded server because he don't wanna that some kiddo spoil his fun?

That is so brave.

My group get some like 70 registered members. Too much but most come and go. At best times we have like 15-20 online. Now its like max 6 playing Lingor. Mostly the same 3-4 hardcores.

Most just leave it for greener pastures.

I really have low hopes that situation get better.

It is rather clear that this mod was abandoned.

At last Rocket should pass this mod to community but no.


We can soon see disappearing servers.

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Maybe you should look up information before you start posting compelte bullshit.

Arma has always been open to running scripts, it was intended that way - like Rocket owns Arma - LMAO you tit. The stand alone I imagine will not allow the execution of scripts and thus will not be open to hacking.

Anyone that does hack can be found in server logs. Battle Eye on the last count about 3 weeks agao had banned 12000 accounts globally, meaning they have to buy the game again to play it because they can't play Arma.

I love how everyone keeps saying "Just wait for the standalone, No more hackers!".

Every game made has been hacked in some form or another. I remember when BF2 came out. Hacks were made before you could actually buy the game retail.. WTF?

Do you really think the standalone will be different? Silly rabbits! Your in fantasy land!

Edited by RogueSniper

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For the first time in forever, I spend like an hour searching around the fields on chenarus on one of my favorite servers, I find a downed helicopter, I get NVGs, AS50, and two DMRs, (One for my friend) I walk for 5 minutes, and a hacker kills nearly 36 people all at once on the server. This is the third time in a row I've been killed by a hacker. 3rd time. I've literally died to hackers more times than zombies. In a zombie survival. Wtf. All on server I know and have played on for a while. What the hell is going on with this game.

Then your sig is out of date

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I'm legit asking a question. Why is it so easy to hack? I really do want an answer, this is not a pointless thread, I want to know why people enjoy killing everyone for no reason at all.

Arma 2's engine is trusting. Overly trusting, actually. Because of this, the hacks can't be fixed until standalone, which is the first thing on the priority list.

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Dont go on highly populated servers. Ive only ever seen 1 hacker in months of playing

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I want to know why people enjoy killing everyone for no reason at all.

I'll tell you why.

Look at my avatar. Now close one eye and place your thumb on the bottom border and index finger on the top border of the avatar, as if you were trying to crush it.

That's how big their penis is.

You're welcome.

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Oh look, ANOTHER QQ hackers thread. How original. Seriously, stop the spam... Either get everyone to post all their QQ about hackers in one thread, or don't post anything at all.

Oh look, ANOTHER QQ about people QQing comment. How original. Seriously, stop the spam... Either get everyone to post all their QQ about people posting about hackers in one thread, or don't post anything at all. Holy shit, if nobody complained they'd never do anything about it. That's like going to a car insurance place that tells you that they cover your car incase of an accident, and when that time actually comes, they just shrug their shoulders and do nothing about it, only it doesn't just happen to you, it happens to everyone. What would you do? QQ about it and contact the bbb? Or sit quietly and take it like a bitch. The same goes for hackers.

edit: also, anyone who says "omg i died by hackers like 6 times and i never QQed, you're QQing like a puss right now about other people QQing so it really doesn't matter as you're now on the same level as them. And if you're not QQing about hackers then you're probably QQing about the artifacting, duping, being banned, something. Don't come on here to yell at people for QQing when you're just QQing on another persons thread about QQing.

Edited by Littleassassin2
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Why all the frigging hate for the OP, he's just as entitled to his opinion and ability to air it as the rest of you. It was obvious from the title it was gonna be a moan, if that's not your thing then don't read it but Jeez, cut the guy some slack ffs.

As for the hackers, I've had more bad experiences with trees, deadly little bar stewards can kill you in a blink of an eye.

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Why all the frigging hate for the OP, he's just as entitled to his opinion and ability to air it as the rest of you. It was obvious from the title it was gonna be a moan, if that's not your thing then don't read it but Jeez, cut the guy some slack ffs.

As for the hackers, I've had more bad experiences with trees, deadly little bar stewards can kill you in a blink of an eye.

People on the internet seem to think they have brass balls the size of Russia on the internet because their face can't be met with a baseball bat for the amount of disrespect and utter stupidity they have behind the safety of a computer.

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There are no hackers in Dayz, just children copy and pasting scripts, better known as "script kiddies"

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I'm legit asking a question. Why is it so easy to hack?

Because the client is trusted.

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Arma 2's engine is trusting. Overly trusting, actually. Because of this, the hacks can't be fixed until standalone, which is the first thing on the priority list.

Right.. and that comes from the same devs that are (as today) unable to fix the problem in Arma2? Why it should be different for DayZ? They got the skill to do so ... now?

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