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Life time, In game

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Is there a way to tell how many hours you've been playing a single character? I know when you login to a serer it gives you a Day X, but that is character days. If I am in and out of game for a week the character is 7 days older, but I want to know how many of those hours / days are real logged on time... Is there a way to see that?

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Would be nice to have character data like that you could toggle on and off.

Would live to see how many hours play time and rounds of ammo fired.

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Likely to see something in standalone.


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I believe steam tracks hours played.

That's only if you launch it through steam. Most people use six launcher or dayz commander.

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even with choosing a server per day z commander the game launches via steam, at least in my case...

This is a setting in Dayz Commander, you can chose it to launch with Steam.

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That's only if you launch it through steam. Most people use six launcher or dayz commander.

You can make DayZ Commander launch trough Steam as well. :)

This is a setting in Dayz Commander, you can chose it to launch with Steam.

Ouch, quite a nasty echo in here...

Edited by kebman

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yes, god yes.

yes yes yes

Can I see that vid on youtube or anywhere else? Can't find anything. Thanks :)

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Link to the vid about the stand alone, please? :)

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