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Car Disappeared NZ8

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Date/Time: 7:08am 11/6/2012

What happened: Myself and my mate was on NZ8 when we Got "Session Lost" we had just found a place to hide our newly repaired car, It was saved on the location twice and several times on the way there. It was not in the location we left it when the server came back up

Where you were: North of NW Airfield

What you were doing: Standing looking at my pretty car when the server crashed.

*Current installed version: 1.6

*Server(s) you were on: NZ8

*Timeline of events before/after error:

-Vehicle found at Green mountain, Spent several hours obtaining parts.

-Driving Vehicle to a safe location

-Saved Vehicle 3-5mins later server crashed.

-Logged back in after server restarted, Car Gone.

I know i wont get the car back but i was wondering what the point of the save option is if it doesnt actually work?

inb4 flames about it being alpha

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No one has an answer for this yet? This just happened to me as well. Except the server didn't go down, and I was on a totally different server -NY7. My brother and I went maybe 200 yards away from the vehicle after saving it, came back, it was gone. I reported this as a bug as well on the developer site, but hopefully someone has already gotten the answers. I'm currently using DayZ build and the 2nd to latest Beta patch for Arma II.

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Fear not, I too currently have this problem from time to time.

But I can confirm that vehicles dont allways spawn in when a server restarts. Try check back later after another restart and see if its there.

That is your best bet.

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We sometimes have that problem on EU27 (After a server reboot). So we do a second reboot and the cars appear.

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cars dissapear when hive didnt start proparly. tents + vehicles dissapear and the server need a second restart.

so I guess your car when the server have been restarted.

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Dallas 26, server moved to Seattle, on arrival they booted it up. I joined and found my whole camp was gone.

Bus, Truck, Van and numerous guns and ammo (Such as FN Fals, Bizons, M107, etc).

Oh well, I stole most of that from someone else, the rest was found on crash sites on our way to the new camp, so you win some and you lose some.

(Checked the old camp we stole from, it was gone. The stuff is just gone.)

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Our Camp on LU20 got wiped aswell probably due a server restart or something

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