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About ir3mix

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  1. Tents and Vehicles and all other sorts of storage do not actually SAVE anything. That's right. Anything you could ever work towards just disappears for whatever reason. Rocket, I haven't played in a couple weeks because, like you said, we should play this game not to have an all out battle, but to survive and thrive. How can I even begin to survive when I can't establish a camp, a base of operations, in the middle of a forest in the middle of nowhere? I had a car full of goodies, I walk maybe 100 yards from it, I come back, it's gone. I have tents full of goodies that me and some friends spent days gathering for. Somehow everything disappeared within those tents. If there is ONE single thing breaking this entire game for me, it is not being able to live a PERSISTENT life in the wilderness. You even said it's supposed to be persistent, but it's really not. Now I would understand this is happening because it's Arma 2's engine, but any form of assurance that this will be fixed in the future will secure me and about 10 others at playing the game later on. There is a trend after all - you play for a couple weeks, you learn how to dodge zombies, scour towns for goods/weapons, kill other players, dodge other players, etc. After a while, you want to actually SURVIVE a different way. But you find out you can't.. because the world isn't really persistent at all. Only your character is, making it so very unrealistic and repetitive and boring to have to scavenge town after town every single time you login. Easily fixed by having tents and cars WORK. Yeah it's drives me insane lol
  2. "Hall: There’ll still be guys running around, guaranteed, there’ll be guys running around saying, “Anyone in Cherno?” It’s never going to stop. And what a lot of people don’t realize, at the moment, if you use VON, it actually attracts zombies. Really. Hall: And if you eat, it actually makes the zombies walk to your position, because I saw an interesting post on the forums… This guy’s saying, “I’m sniping people in Cherno, is there an AFK zombie? Because when I’m sniping people in Cherno, after a while, it seems like the zombie will walk right up near me or see it at the last minute and get away, he’ll walk right to where I’m sitting.” He didn’t realize that there’s this… I secretly put it in, and didn’t put it in the build notes, that zombies will investigate a lot of sounds. Like drinking, eating, hunting and that, they’ll walk to the location." I like these hidden details.
  3. ir3mix

    Car Disappeared NZ8

    No one has an answer for this yet? This just happened to me as well. Except the server didn't go down, and I was on a totally different server -NY7. My brother and I went maybe 200 yards away from the vehicle after saving it, came back, it was gone. I reported this as a bug as well on the developer site, but hopefully someone has already gotten the answers. I'm currently using DayZ build and the 2nd to latest Beta patch for Arma II.
  4. ir3mix

    Issues with DayZ 1.7.1 *Resolved*

    yes what is CO and where are the launch options please wait CO = combined operations and Launch options is referring to Steam.. XD
  5. ir3mix

    Different game version

    try this http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php and maybe the latest version
  6. ir3mix

    Best Server?

    I really mean I want to find servers that are popular especially with gaming news industries like pc gamer, gamespot, and so on.
  7. ir3mix

    Best Server?

    I'm just looking for a server list with up and down votes for best playablility, community, average life, etc. I don't want to pick a random server anymore, I want to pick a 3rd person-allowable, no crosshair enabled, badass community-filled server. Is there a dayz top 100 servers site yet? lol and why do general forums always get taken over by crying children who.. anyway, any recommendations would be cool, thanks!
  8. ir3mix

    Combining ammo for 1911??

    i think you're playing resident veil.. not dayz..
  9. night time is altered by real time events in real life.. moon phases for prime example. a full moon allows us to see fairly clearly at night, anything less is pitch black in areas with no lights. pitch black is normal.
  10. ir3mix

    Map Locations

    yeah deadly habit, thats the map im always looking at, but it doesnt show medical tents, only hospitals.
  11. I'm finding some pretty cool maps on the webz but I have yet to see an extensive map with locations of everything. So with that said, does anyone know where I can find a map with locations of all possible medical supply locations, including the tents, hospitals, etc. and whatever else? Tents specifically since I need medical supplies top priority (I'm always far north so I'd like to explore options besides the "deathmatch coast")