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A way to keep vehicles between servers

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The current system only saves a vehicle to the server you find it on, and as I understand it's a bit unstable. There is probably a way to get vehicles working between servers which will be implemented in the future, but until then I have a suggestion which should be relatively easy to implement as a stand in until vehicles are fixed properly.


Make vehicles able to be packed up, like the tent is currently, but make them only take up one inventory slot and force the player walk quite slowly while holding it. The intent would be to pick up you vehicle when you disconnect to keep it safe in your inventory, not for walking around with. I was thinking make the player completely stationary while holding it, but they would have to be able to move around a little bit, just in case they need to move to a larger area to set it down again.

The only down sides I can see are not being able to keep the items you store in the vehicle (the tent can't do this when you pack it up, but I suppose it was on purpose and might not be difficult to change). Or someone could pack up your car and flee the server, putting a long delay before the packing happens could probably fix this though

I know it's a bit hacky it's not meant as a permanent solution, until rocket gets vehicles bug free it would make finding and fixing them a lasting reward, nothing is worse spending hours fixing up only to lose it to a bug.


It may be 'unrealistic' but it wouldn't effect game play at all, only disconnecting, which is already an unrealistic practice.

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have you ever dissasembled a car and packed it into a back pack in real life?

ye didnt think so

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Let me get this straight, you want to pack a full car into your backpack? Wow, thats a bag of tricks there mate.

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I don't usually use the same server day after day, sometimes a server just won't let me in, or is particularly laggy one day or I want to join a friend already playing, I figured there were people out there who also don't stick to the same servers but would like to keep vehicles they find.

It's not supposed to be realistic, I know that's the cardinal sin for a Day Z suggestion, but as I said, it's not a permanent solution, it's a means to an ends, to stop a bug eating your car, which might I add, is not realistic. Also players would only ever do this right before disconnecting, again something that you don't do in real life. Sure they can pack it up at other times, but with the reduced walking speed, the inability to shoot or some other deterrence, there would be no point, so no one would do it. There are countless pointless things which you can do in the game, but they don't break the realism because they don't affect the game play.

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So you want big groups of people to be able to hoard 10 ATV's to one server? (leaving the other servers ATV-less since there's a limited amount of vehicles spawning)

I no like. It's fine how it is, just find yourself a stable server and get your vehicles on that.

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"blablabla ....keep it safe"

i stopped reading here.

Why would the dev team add that kind of C A R E B E A R mechanic?

if you want to have your vehicle, take coffee and do not sleep, be sure no one followed you, and hide your car.

Or get smart and have friends in various timezone, take coffee and cocaine, do not sleep

ho and...

and do not sleep

QUICK edit: i just read the last sentence and i'm so happy to havent read what is between the begening and this last sentence.

Honnestly, don't affecting gameplay? man i spend most of my ingame time stalking people to find their vehicules and wait them to log off while their car is full of shit ,and there i go.

It affect gameplay, completly, imagine having your car safe any time you log off...thats... weird man

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"blablabla ....keep it safe"

i stopped reading here.

Why would the dev team add that kind of C A R E B E A R mechanic?

if you want to have your vehicle' date=' take coffee and do not sleep, be sure no one followed you, and hide your car.

Or get smart and have friends in various timezone, take coffee and cocaine, do not sleep

ho and...

and do not sleep

QUICK edit: i just read the last sentence and i'm so happy to havent read what is between the begening and this last sentence.

Honnestly, don't affecting gameplay? man i spend most of my ingame time stalking people to find their vehicules and wait them to log off while their car is full of shit ,and there i go.

It affect gameplay, completly, imagine having your car safe any time you log off...thats... weird man, sorry but are you really happy with this game? it seems you failed to understand the game phylosophy



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Kuerk maybe you should have a crack at learning how to spell Philosophy before you start criticising people for suggesting 'carebear' mechanics. Actually, just get a basic grasp on grammar before being so pretentious.

Do you know what's a totally unrealistic game mechanic? Blood transfusions. You heal yourself from all manners of gunshot wounds by getting someone with likely very little if ANY phlebotomy training or medical training in any sense, by getting a blood transfusion without any aseptic technique or procedure to limit infection. That's asking for a slow and painful death from a blood infection.

He's not suggesting that you physically take from the server, make a copy of it or something to mitigate the fact that most of the servers here in Australia are absolutely awful, or full, or unstable.

I often find it funny that people often complain about 'carebear' mechanics, but are likely the same people who had never even played ARMA2 because they were intimidated by how complex it was.

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So you want big groups of people to be able to hoard 10 ATV's to one server? (leaving the other servers ATV-less since there's a limited amount of vehicles spawning)

Yes' date=' that sounds awesome! I'm not familiar with the spawning mechanics of vehicles, but it seems strange to artificially limit the number per server, do you know if there is a technical reason for this or if its just arbitrary?

QUICK edit: i just read the last sentence and i'm so happy to havent read what is between the begening and this last sentence.

Honnestly, don't affecting gameplay? man i spend most of my ingame time stalking people to find their vehicules and wait them to log off while their car is full of shit ,and there i go.

It affect gameplay, completly, imagine having your car safe any time you log off...thats... weird man

If you read my post you might be surprised that I mention items stored in vehicles might not be able to be packed up with them, so you could still loot after someone disconnects with their car. I don't really care either way, I use vehicles for transport not so much storing items, but it's good to see people have an opinion on the matter.

I actually didn't know that cars stayed in the server after you disconnect, I read somewhere rocket talking about how to 'save cars' to a server, I only assumed they disappeared with you if you managed to save them, forgive my ignorance. Though I don't think this is optimal, to me it makes sense that if you logged out you get to keep the spoils of your game, not all of us have time for long gaming sessions. I guess it is a 'care bear' solution in that manner, but I would argue it makes the game more accessible rather than simple.

(Before people get upset by the word accessible, I mean usable by those who do not play the game for large stretches of time, not dumbing down)

I really didn't expect people to defend the existing vehicle system so vehemently :P

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have you ever dissasembled a car and packed it into a back pack in real life?

ye didnt think so

you ever hate in real life to someones face?

ye didnt think so

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have you ever dissasembled a car and packed it into a back pack in real life?

ye didnt think so

Never fought a zombie in real life either.

In all seriousness though, OP, I like the idea of keeping vehicles between servers (especially when the server they're on goes down for 6+ hours), but your idea isn't exactly the best out there. Packing up the car into your backpack just doesn't seem at all logical.

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So.. what happens when a large clan gets a crap load of vehicles onto one server? Lag? Crashes?

Also, servers with low population would be farmed for all the vehicles and then they would be taken back to the clans home server.

And finally, how easy would it be to repair a vehicle when you can carry it around in your back pack?

Vehicle system is better the way they it is now.

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And if you lose said car on another server? Then there would be servers with an abundance of cars and those with little to no cars.

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How about adding a car key to your inventory, and if you click it it wil spawn your car with all items inside to the same location you left it in, but on the different server, and while the key hasn't been used leave the car in the original server. could that be possible? this could add to realism, you could for example implement lockpicks which you could use to steal someone's car. and when picked the car would revert to the original system so that nobody owns it anymore, so that it's more worthwhile to build a car from scratch then to steal one. or perhaps it could make a new key for the new owner. this really doesn't take away any realism and would still appeal to the people that want to move to different servers. and the lockpicking could be usefull so nobody can steal your car and flee the server. some kind of car alarm could also be funny for an interrupted or failed lockpicking attemt. you won't be so eager to steal someone's car when you know a horde of zombies could be coming your way if you try :D.

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Maybe attach the cars to the player.

If you log out in a vehicle it gets saved and you spawn with one.

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And add more incentive to server hopping? No! Then your going to end up with servers over loaded with vehicles, and others that have few to none.

As it is now, vehicles are already hard to find/repair due to the hording by the larger bandit groups and clans. It will only get worse if they are capable of taking vehicles from other servers back to their "home" server.

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@dayzpvp.com, you ar right xD just thought about it and my way would require linking servers, which is way to much effort if not impossible lol.

and doing it any other way would rob us of the fear of losing our vehicle which is kinda fun in some way.

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