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AS50 or DMR for single weapon loadout?

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I can't stand carrying two primary weapons. I hate never having room in may bag to pick up anything or drag it back to my tent. So my question is, if you were using a single primary weapon loadout, would you go with AS50 for super-long range sniping and 1-hit kills or DMR for 20 round clip, smaller profile, and night-time sniping?

Also, if you really think 2 weapon loadouts are best, can you give a brief rundown of what you should be carrying? Number of clips for each? Number of morphine/pain pills? Food? Water? Etc...

I never feel like the 2 weapon loadout has inventory room to do anything but PvP, but maybe I'm doing it wrong.

Thanks for the help!

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It really depends on your style of play. If you are with a team and they need a sniper for support, then bring the AS50. If you are running solo then bring the DMR as it is very versatile and even though it's not a one shot kill, it is rapid fire and can take down targets in 2 hits.

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  On 8/27/2012 at 3:03 PM, Snaiperskaya said:

If you're well trained with sniper rifles, then get the AS50, DMR is easy to use.

Dafuq this makes no sense

go for DMR AS50 5 round mags dmr 20 rounds edmr is semi auto as50 not.

ubnless ur going kill for 1000 meter then go as50

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Everything that you're asking about depends on.. You. Your play style. Your day/night preferences.

Personally, i have multiple different setups, but all of them include two primaries. Good combo would be a M14 and a DMR for night play (M14, M24 for day), since they share mags. You don't NEED a sniper-sniper for nighttime, though. In the last few days i'm having an amazing run with the night-scope FN-FAL and silenced M4A1. You can hear the bloody FAL from 600+ meters, but it's simply a monstrosity at night.

I DO recommend using two primaries, and just taking less... food and drinks. You can easily find them in backwater cities, sheds, zombies and - above all else - players. The single exception to that would be times where you are stocked with satchels, grenades, smokes, traps and sandbags.

But then there's the M4A1 Holo for your grenade, flare and smoke needs.

M107 and AS50 are the easiest sniper rifles to use, with zeroing and multi-zooming. With 1-shot kills. Once you get familiar with the sniping in the game, though, you won't need them except for those 1+km snipes.

I find the M24 and SVD to be better rifles for single play. Unless you play with a group, your main weapon is stealth.

Edited by Stworca

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the as50 is a one shot kill on any part of the body but the dmr is significantly easier to use, so its up to you really

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got nvgs=DMR

no nvgs=as50 (point the end that goes booom towards anything and then press play and it dies)

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I agree that the 2 weapon loadout is mostly for pvp. If you are weapon hunting, you should be fine with using just a main weapon (from those two, I'd choose the DMR for the versatility and fire rate).

I use this setup while playing solo (daytime), using a coyote backpack:

SVD Camo - 4 mags

M4a1 CCO SD - 4 mags

M9SD - 4 mags

4 Bandages

4 cooked meat

2 water bottles

2 blood bags

2 morphine injectors

2 painkillers

1 epi-pen

1 antibiotics

Leaving me with 4 empty slots, which is perfectly fine since I don't really need to pick up anything aside from raw meat to cook.

When grouping, I usually am spotting so I swap the m4 for the L85AWS2.



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As most players I have several weapon presets based on how I'm gonna play. This includes; solo/duo/team, day/night, sniping/looting/raiding, and ofcourse the location I'm going.

When I'm sniping I always carry an AS50 with 6 10rnd mags (damage is lower then 5rnd, but still one-headshot-kill), some food and water and medical supplies.

On a solo or duo trip I also carry a second weapon, usually a M4 or AK with 2 or 3 mags. This is for times we find other players while walking around and can't create a proper sniper position or when we go CQB.

The sidearm, always a M1911 or Revolver, is only used for zombies. I actually never carry SD weapons, since ammo is too rare and removes all the fun.

With bigger groups (4+ people) it depends on my role; sniper (see loadout above), spotter (L85 TWS), medic (M4/AK + food + medical), scout (SD only), raider (M4/AK + empty backback).

And when I'm just messing around I take a shotgun and run around cherno/elektro and shoot everything I see ;)

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I dont know what some of you guys are talking about saying the dmr is easier to use.

AS50 is so fricken easy to use because it has zeroing .

Dont get me wrong the DMR is pretty easy just 100m every milldot down but I hate it when I shoot someone with it and they dont die and they have time to disconnect.

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