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Constant teleports

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I started to play DayZ yesterday, and really liked it. Like every other noob, in that space of time I died like five times. What upsets me, though, is that only twice I died by my fault (cornered by zombies both times). Three times I died because of god knows what:

- I just started the game and enter a house to look for supplies. I get teleported to the Debug plains along with all the players in the server and a message pops up: "Zombies incoming, hold the line". I have no equipment, so I die.

- I'm at a barn near Cherno when I get teleported to near a bunch of players and zombies start to attack us, and I die.

- I was in Pavlovo minding my own business when suddenly I get teleported to the middle of the sky. I try to disconnect and go to a new server, to no avail. I fall to my death.

The first instance seemed to be an Admin teleport, for an event or something. But couldn't you just, IDK, OPT OUT of that? Because I had no equipment or anything and was not ready to fight any zombies. And there seemed to be really no indication an event was about to start.

The second time might or not be Admin action (there was no message), but I repeat my question: if it was, CAN'T I FUCKING OPT OUT OF THIS SHIT?

And the third time, well... It can't be anything other than hackers. No admin would teleport anyone to the highest height possible for them to die with the fall. This time I got really pissed: I had an AKM and a lot of food/water/soda. However there was nothing I could do. This happened like 10 minutes before I posted this.

And all three occurrences were in different servers, just so you don't tell me the server sucks or something.

So, what am I supposed to do? Has this happened to you? How do you deal with the frustration? Share your stories/opinions below.


PS: It isn't a rant or something, I'm just trying to understand WTF happened, why, and how I can avoid it. I didn't stop playing DayZ because of this.


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just hackers who had nothing better to do. they are very common in dayz right now and it might not be solved until the standalone is released.

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This my friend is just the pure nature of hackers in dayz. all three of those instances were performed by a hacker, they can teleport to you, or you to them. They can also spawn things not in game and have a message displayed on your screen. In more just disturbing ways they can make a gun and shoot you that has you teleported 1000 feet in the air and fall to your death. The only way to opt out is alt-f4ing which is bannable in combat situations, but if your teleported or anything try to log out as fast as possible to prevent death.

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just hackers who had nothing better to do. they are very common in dayz right now and it might not be solved until the standalone is released.

Are you implying that there are still players who don't hack?

Name ONE guy.

Oh.. right.. Name 17 more.

Edited by Stworca
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This is the first time I've heard of this "hold the line" situation. It sounds interesting. :)

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Are you implying that there are still players who don't hack?

Name ONE guy.

Oh.. right.. Name 17 more.

Why on earth would you use hacks?

Wait, is there a hack to protect you from hackers? Like... one that detects other hackers and gives them a blue-screen-of-death while formatting their hard-drive?

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Wait, is there a hack to protect you from hackers? Like... one that detects other hackers and gives them a blue-screen-of-death while formatting their hard-drive?

There is Windows Vista. But it keeps doing that to everyone, regardless of hacking.

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@Stworca LOL that was the most I laughed for a while now :)

@All Oh, no, ok then. I just wanted to see if it was just me or something, but it happens to everyone.

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Dont call them hackers please, they are lame little skiddies.

Because you have to be either 5 years old or have a mind similar to our walking hungry friends in chernarus to do stuff like this.

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First post here as well!

Been playing for a while now and got killed a few times by hackers as well. This last time I got teleported into the sky somewhere and fell to my death. This after carefully scavenging the countryside for almost four hours and finally starting to get the basic gears in place. It wont make me quit, but sure is frustrating and keeps me from telling other people to invest in A2:CO for this.


Can anyone explain to a non-programmer how it could be impossible to stop the server from accepting anything but valid commands from the clients? Seems to me (again: non-programmer) that it would be quite easy. Is it because the mod can't control all aspects of the server, or what not?

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it is because dayz has been built on arma 2 engine which is both enabled for multiplayer action and scripting commands to edit missions/adding stuff to your game.it's used like a simulator too. servers which want to avoid that those modification come ingame, because they host competitive multiplayer (like dayz is), use battleye, which gives to every account a code (guid) and scans the the server logs, searching for code which you don't want in your game, put in by players, and ban them. this open client system makes possible that you can add the code which represents an as50 (hack hardly detected because the weapon is ingame) and shoot noobs in the face.

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:thumbsup: Welcome to dayz all our lovely new bambies! :)

thecrawly - I'm a non-programmer to but I was told that arma's easy to access so that we can make our own mods or maps easily but that it makes servers vulnerable to hackers too. Arma 2.5 will be different, and I think that's what the standalone dayz game will be written in (or is that arma 3? hmm I think it's 2.5) :thumbsup:

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Ok. I think I understand it somewhat better then. The big question is why anyone does this(?), but I suppose that need to be answered by a shrink or similar. Still a bit frustrated by my last (almost) five hours geting spoiled, but think I will give it another go soon anyway.

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I've only played a few days now. Ran into a couple cheaters. Always on public hive servers with 10 or 20 people playing. I'd suggest spending some time finding a private hive, private servers, ran by admins who give a damn. Had much better luck on them!

One cheater was actually pretty cool. He pulled up in a mini-bus and I hopped in (didn't know at the time he was a cheater). We drove around and picked up a couple other guys. Then he asked if I needed a gun... sure! So we got out and he said it was in the van. I check the van and it's filled with badass stuff.... hmmm... suspect but whatever, I grab an awesome rifle and some ammo. We all get in and speed off. Eventually he drives off into the wilderness and stops.... we all get out.

Magically some big box appears and it's filled with blood bags and all kinds of goodies. OK... I know he's cheating now =P Then somehow he attaches green and purple smoke grenades to the van and pops them. We all pile in again and drive off leaving a funny purple and green rainbow in our wake. It was pretty funny; he called it the hippie bus. Then it starts getting really crazy.

He teleports us into the ocean and we plunge under water. Glass all starts busting. Then we teleport to an airfield. One guy gets out and starts shooting at the van. We all laugh and drive around. Eventually we all get out and it's just a mass-shoot-out. I die pretty quickly. It was somewhat comical. Didn't really care I died because all the stuff I had wasn't legit anyway.

Then on another server I was running along the coast and POP some guy appears.... great. I say HI and then he disappears again. Hmm.. whatever... I keep running. I mention this occurrence over side chat and some other people start complaining about "hackers" too. An admin was on and was like "Oh we have anti-cheat code... no way he's cheating." Couple of minutes later I just drop dead... no people / zombies were around... no bullet noises... just dead. Neat. Restart and start running again. Didn't get very far and I drop dead again.

This is where shitty admins are as bad as hackers. They should have done something about this guy. They knew he was on and a bunch of people were complaining about it. Heck you could even see the server spamming BattleEye messages about the same guy over and over again. Instead they just pretended it couldn't happen and ignored it. Something tells me they knew it was happening and were apathetic or they were in on it =P

So again I say find a good private server & hive ran by people who actually police the server and weed out the asshats.

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