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Reduce amount of weapons, encourage teamplay

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Right now, everyone who is half competent at the game is running around with an AK or better. Everyone has more than enough food, water and medical supplies. The only slight challenge to the game currently is getting a vehicle running and even then in a group its not to difficult. Dayz is no where near hard enough and because of that it is no longer a survival simulator its a deathmatch game in the arma2 engine, which is just bad. Here's a few ideas that i think would fix this.

- New characters shouldn't start with a pistol or any type weapon.

- All current powerfull guns (such as ak74kobra, silenced m4 CCO etc.) should have their spawn rate severely reduced to the point where they are incredibly rare. Same goes for all ammo in the game.

- "Low tech" weapons should be emphasised more right down to the most basic weapon such as throwing a rock or bottle. Crossbows should stay as common as they are and i think bolts should actually be craftable.

- On death, some items in your inventory should have a chance of being destroyed.

So firstly these points raised above would force players to conserve ammo. Sneaking into a town would be a much better course of action rather than shooting zombies. Killing players would be much harder aswell and bandits would be forced to make quick clean kills using as little ammo as they can. It's even possible that bandits would actually start holding up players and robbing them rather than wasting precious ammo on a player kill.

- More emphasis should be placed on items and tools rather than weapons.

- Hunting should be made more difficult with animals actually hard to kill (like the rabbit). With the reduced amount of weapons and ammo in the game, player skill would be rewarded here.

- All water in the game should have to be boiled before drinking or risk getting sick.

- Players shouldn't start with a backpack, inventory space should be really important and harder decisions need to be made on what to carry. Finding a backpack should be a big deal. This would also force players to group together to accomplish the most basic of tasks. You couldn't carry a weapon, an animal, all the tools to cook it etc. by yourself.

These are just a few suggestions that i think would make dayz alot harder. It would reduce the amount of distrust that currently exists between survivors whilst making bandit playstyle more of a challenge but possibly more rewarding with more player interaction other than killing.

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Heh heh I look forward to having to raid the school in Cherno for a mickey mouse backpack.

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Agreed with pretty much everything. We need to spawn with absolutely nothing on us, including backpack. As well as having zero chance at carrying EVERYTHING we need to wander and explore. At least not without severely hindered movement speed.

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Agree. Would like to see alot more common weapons, regular double barrelled shotguns and hunting rifles instead of so much military grade stuff.

Would be nice to do away with all the semi automatic sniper rifles which are almost exclusively used for player hunting, something like the CZ is overkill enough.

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Makes sense to me. It would be hella tense to walk through a town holding a torch for your buddy with the gun.

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I would likely stop playing if the only way to accomplish even the most basic tasks was to group. I can't speak for anybody else, but I really enjoy the freedom I have as a lone wolf, and I shouldn't be punished for playing this way. It's difficult as it is right now. There need to be options for all play styles.

I do agree with more common weapons, like ranch rifles and hunting shotguns. I think that is what the winchester and Lee Enfield are supposed to represent.

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The Winchester and Enfield are good as "normal" guns, but as i said you could expand that niche of weapons with double barrelled shotgun, maybe an "over under" or what they're called with one shotgun barrel and one rifle.

There's room for alot of different calibers aswell, not all guns need to use magnum ammo, .22's and similar competition calibers could be used.

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Also change to spawn loot types.

So Deer stands should NOT have pistols and automatic weapons/military sniper rifles.

Just hunting equipment, some rifles, hunting rifles and shotguns.

Fire stations(I will call them police station) should have pistols, submachine guns shotguns than military weapons. The same apply for train station and maybe industrial complex.

City buildings should have more sidearms and maybe some low caliber sport carbines.

Western weapons should be extremely rare. Also the same apply to silenced and sniper weapons on general.

Maybe some of the most powerful weapons should be assembled from few parts you need to collect.

Add more sidearms shotguns rifles carbines and low caliber weapons.

Remove bloody bags and instant blood recovery from food.

Instead make blood slowly regenerate when hunger and thirst marker is green and very slow when yellow. Make food (canned food/military rations/cooked meat/chocolates) give not stackable heal over time buff(with half the efficiency over 9000 blood and beyond 3000).

It will reduce somebody was here and eat everything problem or I eat 30 cans of beans in 10 minutes and still i can eat more paradox.

Let the players transfer their own blood to heavy wounded. No more instant magic red blood bags.

Reduce amount of soda cans and replace them with mineral water bottles instead.

Make the zombies hit harder and make them more resistant to damage. Head-shots should kill instantly but increase amount of body shots needed to kill single zombie.

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I would likely stop playing if the only way to accomplish even the most basic tasks was to group. I can't speak for anybody else' date=' but I really enjoy the freedom I have as a lone wolf, and I shouldn't be punished for playing this way. It's difficult as it is right now. There need to be options for all play styles.

I do agree with more common weapons, like ranch rifles and hunting shotguns. I think that is what the winchester and Lee Enfield are supposed to represent.


theres no reason, with my ideas implemented into the game, that you couldn't still lonewolf. But yes, you would be at a disadvantage. But thats no different to how it is now where the chance of you ever getting a good vehicle or helicopter is zero.

The reality is that for the difficulty of the game to be increased, playing solo is going to have to be really, really hard. It'd still be possible though.

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No weapon at start would be great. Would double the mortality rate against zombies though as you'd have to crawl around in towns to get your first lousy weapon.

In the same idea, having the smallest backpack (isn't it the czetch vest?) as first bag would be great, as the starting one is too good for a newborn survivor.

I'm not for reducing military grade weapons too much but their ammo quite a lot. Ammo as a rare resource, but the weapons still "acceptably" common would be nice, as you'd be torn between a good gun with rare ammunition or a common gun with quite frequent ammo.

For drinking water, there are pills in real life that should be used. Drinking from soda cans though should be safe.

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Weapons are a key part to this game. I think a .92% chance of looting something that only spawns in one location on the entire map makes stuff pretty rare.

If someone wants to go balls to the wall and light up a city full of zombies, they should totally be able to. With obvious risks, but they should be able to... lest the zombies become completely irrelevant to the aspect of survival. Weapon variety is part of what makes this game fun for me, as the "scavenging" dynamic is largely fueled by climbing to the top tier of weaponry.

I don't want to be forced to carry a cliche'd double-barrel shotgun 24/7, and don't want to be forced to carry an equally cliche'd worn AK-74 just because somebody thinks the only weapons available in Chernarus ought to be Russian. Variety is good, there are already convincing reasons why NATO weaponry is as available as it is in Chernarus.

You're already -not- finding assault weapons in houses and barns, which is ludicrous... as many households keep assault weapons. You only find them at military installations and occasionally in deer stands (which are a good thing, as they make for a contrast with the speed/risk dynamic of Stary and NWAF). I think military-grade weaponry spawn rates should be toned down for deer stands, but not removed, and not in areas where it's fitting.

Get assault weapons out of Cherno/Elektro/Berezino, and it will make sense to me. I don't know why there's so much of a distaste for military weaponry, and moreover, NATO weaponry. Warsaw-pact exclusive games already exist in Metro 2033 and STALKER. I like using an M4, is that a crime? Nobody's seeking to throw out AK's altogether

I don't think soloing should be made any harder than is prudent. It's already incredibly risky roaming Chernarus with no backup. If there are massive groups of people working together, this would only be exacerbated. Which is fine, but no additional hardships should be placed on soloing outside of the parameters of social interaction (i.e. gamey-mechanics).

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Great suggestions. I seriously love it all.

I think the only problem will be when new players spawn in without a gun, and the Zed AI breaks and they get attacked through a wall or something. What are they going to do?

There has to be some way to either break zombie aggro without using a weapon, or give the survivors the ability to distract zombies effectively. Currently, if you pop a flare too close to zombies, they don't go after the flare, they go after you. That's a bit of a problem, because you can only really pop a flare outside of town.

Maybe you can start with a pile of rocks and you can get infinite rocks from the ground (Just use the context menu to get more rocks), and use them to distract Zeds?

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The game is supposed to be realistic.

It very likely to have place in eastern Europe where common citizen must have really a lot of luck money connections or some specific backgrounds to have weapons in house.

It is not Scandinavia it is not USA or Canada where common citizen can have dozens of guns many of them scoped or automatic.

It is post Soviet country where Party(and government generally) keep their arms monopoly.

So yeah.

Army is armed.

Many militarized formations like Industrial, Railroad, Forest or Border Guards units is Armed.

Also Police.

There is some hunting weapons but is mostly in the hands of Hunting Organization(very often consisted by (former)Party members connected strongly with nomenclature) rather elite and closed not open for common people. Anyway hunting without permits is no allowed. So anyone with hunting weapons outside hunting circle will be very likely poacher.

There is some weapons on shooting ranges(not really common) and sport organizations(low caliber).

There is also some remains of WWII hided in many places in the countryside but is mostly forgotten and not easy to find.

Most common weapons(still rare) in the hand of normal citizen will be sidearm. Rarely some sort of shotgun or rifle(extremely rare).

Criminals have some weapons but not that much.

Of course events of the dayz take place like today but still not many things changes in that aspect.

There is more weapon in the hands of private security contractors but still mostly light weapons like submachine guns or shotguns.

Hunting is still elite sport.

Getting weapon is easier for criminal but not that easy.

Chernorus face some sort of western intervention so there should be some western weapons but they should be less common than soviet ones also with less common ammunition.

So yeah.

Even if you take Chernorus for some Balkan country there is still more logic for common post soviet weaponry than western ones.

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Not bad ideas. I'd reduce all military-grade weapons to a couple of places:

--airfields (where the troops probably made their last stands to get out of the area, or attempted to get in). Lots and LOTS and LOTS of Zeds. Should be one of the most Zed heavy places on the map.

--military barracks/tents. Reduce chances of high end/rare items (COO's, silenced weapons) to almost nil, but keep current % chance of common (AK74, M16) military weapons. No country arms its normal troops with silenced rifles.

--a few random "last stand" areas near towns; the wrecked HMMWVs should have a chance for something.

--Fire/Police stations--only civilian small arms (pistols), shotguns and the very, very rare sniper rifle. Again, heavy Zeds.

--Farms, barns, etc. Only shotguns, the occasional low-caliber (.22 cal) hunting rifle, and the very rare CZ.

--Deer stands. Occasional hunting gun (CZ or shotgun), mostly food and other necessities (matches, hatchets, hunting knives)

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