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rS Clan - Recruiting New/Experienced - [TS3 | 2 servers | 18+]

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Hey, i'm sort of interested in starting to play with a team. I dont really want to play with more then like 4 players cause I think a team any bigger then 8 is too many team members. I am 19 years old and I play for at least an hour every day of the week at the moment. I currently have an AS50, M9 SD, Range finders, NVG and a pretty legit tool belt set up. I consider myself to be really good with a sniper also. I have been playing for a few months now and I know how to play this game from fully geared to nothing but a flashlight. My IGN is BlueEyedDevil & my Steam should be the same.

I agree, squads that are too large are just a pain to deal with. Right now we've taken in a lot of new members over the last 48 hours. Everyone is still getting to know each other. So most people are hanging out in the general DayZ channel and jumping in to meet up with whoever is in Teamspeak. Going forward I'll keep adding DayZ Teamspeak channels that people can break off into along with encouraging people to use those channels to avoid chaos when playing.

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hey man im still kinda new been playin a couple days now but id be interested in if ur willing im 22 my name on steam is sevinski it kept saying it couldnt find u add me if ur interested

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All request now approved and Teamspeak info sent. If I missed you, shoot me a reply on here.

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We're still looking for more people. It's been really cool meeting everyone so far. We've picked up people from all over the world including the UK, USA, Ireland, Wales, Holland, Germany and other places.

Keep those requests coming. We're picked up some really kick ass people so far and I'd like to see more coming in.

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Added you on steam.

My steam name is KFieLd. When you get a chance, shoot me a message and I can answer any questions you may have. Been playing this game since may. Have lead a squad of 10 people successfully, and I am able to provide a 40 slot NY server that I own/admin. I have no problem teaching newer players the ropes, but as for me...I know the ins and outs of this game, and I have it down to a science. I'm 26 years old from new york, I'm mature but yet know how to have fun without being overly serious. If you don't like sarcastic humor, you may not like me though. :P

Looking forward to hearing from you.

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Added you on steam.

My steam name is KFieLd. When you get a chance, shoot me a message and I can answer any questions you may have. Been playing this game since may. Have lead a squad of 10 people successfully, and I am able to provide a 40 slot NY server that I own/admin. I have no problem teaching newer players the ropes, but as for me...I know the ins and outs of this game, and I have it down to a science. I'm 26 years old from new york, I'm mature but yet know how to have fun without being overly serious. If you don't like sarcastic humor, you may not like me though. :P

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Sarcastic humor is what we specialize in. Also good to have choices of good servers that are well taken care of.

I'm going through requests in a couple hours. I'll shoot you a message then.

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Added on steam as wi7s. Quick info, 26, NJ, been playing for about two months. Mainly a survivor, but I always enjoy a good raid.

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Sarcastic humor is what we specialize in. Also good to have choices of good servers that are well taken care of.

I'm going through requests in a couple hours. I'll shoot you a message then.

Sounds good man. I'll be around. Probably be streaming on twitch or something to pass the time. Although my shit upload(1.5mb) pretty much limits me to 480p(FUUUUU).

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I just back from vacation so I'm behind on requests.

Also, we have brought our server online. It's a 40 East Coast on ViLayer's private hive. If you don't like the idea of a private hive, keep this in mind. It's the biggest private hive out there. They have fixed tent and vehicle saving, taken much stronger measures to combat hacking, and they give admins the ability to kick/ban without dealing with the normal red tape.

The server is very fast and has great loading times.

We're working on bringing a West Coast server online shortly.

If you're interested in joining up, shoot me a request on Steam.

Edited by barrycarey

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For the record:

rS, you might want to correct some spelling, grammar, and sentence structure issues. It isn't really much of a deal for me since I'm a single person here, but you're representing a group of people here. Some people might not be as impressed.

P.S. I'm a CSA clan member, and I hope we'll be able to spar some fair competition in the future.

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For the record:

rS, you might want to correct some spelling, grammar, and sentence structure issues. It isn't really much of a deal for me since I'm a single person here, but you're representing a group of people here. Some people might not be as impressed.

P.S. I'm a CSA clan member, and I hope we'll be able to spar some fair competition in the future.

Gee Imma sorry i dont spell real god. wish i waz smartz enuf to corct peepol on the internetz like u!

"PvP experience: Very SKills"

Note: We expect you to use proper phraseology, sentence structure, grammar, spelling.

"Favorite Gun/Combo: As50/M4ai CCO SD"

Note: These are abbreviations, so you say AS50/M4A1 CCO SD... no i's included

"Team Experience: I have played with two other 10+ clans"

Note: 10+ <- State definition of number. Persons, I'm assuming

"How familiar with the map are you?: I know the ins and outs"

Note: ' I am very familiar with Chernarus' is much more effective

"Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?: I know how to use and have had a lot of expeireince making call outs "

Note: "have had" makes bad sentence structure. "I know how to use" Complete the sentence please.

If correcting grammar use on the internet makes you feel more intelligent, more power to you. If, in the future, I need advice on proper grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation, I know who to contact.

Edited by barrycarey
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Hi I done did played with these peoplz alotz now adn thed r relly smarts. You sir soulvirtue are don didly smart as well maybe i can cumz play with youz all sometime?

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Now that the initial influx of new people has settled down. I'm opening up for more requests.

We now have 2 servers. 1 Lingor and one that changes between Takistan and Chernarus.

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