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rS Clan - Recruiting New/Experienced - [TS3 | 2 servers | 18+]

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Hey Everyone,

We're a US based clan looking for new/experienced players to join us for DayZ. We currently have around 20+ active DayZ players located in USA and several other countries. Some have been playing for a couple months, others a couple weeks and other for a few days. We're looking to expand our numbers.

My goal is not to lead a squad. I want to put together a large group of people that enjoy playing together I want to expand our numbers to the point where there's always someone online for you to play with. Playing alone gets boring, I'll make sure you don't have to play by yourself.

We have people of all play styles. Bandits and survivors alike. I'm setting up as many Teamspeak channels as needed, so people of different play styles can buddy up in their own channel.


Requirements: 18+ as long as you're mature and don't act like you're 12. We don't allow younger players to join us. Don't act like an idiot. If you can handle that, we're good.

Communication: Teamspeak Only

Server: We currently offer 2 servers, both on ViLayer's private hive. One is dedicated to Lingor Island and the other changed between Takistan and Chernarus. I work from home so I watch logs all day. I do my best to deal with hackers as I see them.

If you want to come play on the server and tryout the hive, search for vi 400

Skill Level: We don't care how good you are and we're willing to help you learn. Like I said, we have members that have played anywhere from 2 months to 2 days.

Play Style: We generally roam around up north. I wouldn't peg us as bandits or survivors, but we generally shoot on site instead of risking it. Like mentioned above, we're looking for bandits and survivors. We have separate Teamspeak channels for both.

Location: We don't mind where you're from as long as you speak English. We have members from the USA, UK, Ireland, Holland, Wales, and many more.

How to apply

Send a Steam friend request to barrycarey66. I'll be accepting all request and sending Teamspeak info around 6-7PM EST each day.

After you send a request, please reply to this thread and let me know. IF you're comfortable doing so, add your current Steam name in the reply as well. This will make it much easier for me to keep track of everyone due to the volume of requests.

Edited by barrycarey

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yo hmu i wanna talk 1on1 with you

I'll be home around 6pm EST. I saw your Steam invite. I'll get in touch when I'm home.

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I won't be online at that time, i work odd hours so I'm usually online in the morning time est

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If you register here,http://renegadesoldierca.enjin.com/ You can come play with us we always have some guys on teamspeak willing to play with people and we never mind taking in new players of all shapes and sizes. You can apply for our Bandit squad if you wish.

Thanks for checking us out!

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I won't be online at that time, i work odd hours so I'm usually online in the morning time est

What time in the morning? I usually have time from 5-9 or 10

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hey im 20 and I play dayz enough and im really good at killing snipers im gonna add you on steam because I dont have a team to kill with

Edited by unbornrockie

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If you register here,http://renegadesoldierca.enjin.com/ You can come play with us we always have some guys on teamspeak willing to play with people and we never mind taking in new players of all shapes and sizes. You can apply for our Bandit squad if you wish.

Thanks for checking us out!

Way to Hi-Jack a thread... Dont know how to make one i am sure a mod can help you ;)

@ barrycarey - I sent you a invite you and your team sound cool to play with i added you on steam.

Edited by ChernoHumper

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Hey i've been looking for a clan, im fairly new but i am pretty sure i know what to do. It gets boring without people to play with.... i would love to join

We have no problem help new guys. We all have 2nd characters we use to run down south to help people out.

I'll be getting to Steam request in a bit. I've gotten a ton of them so far.

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hey im 20 and I play dayz enough and im really good at killing snipers im gonna add you on steam because I dont have a team to kill with

Sounds good, I'll be approved steam requests shortly

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All requests approved.

Still looking for more people. If you're interested add me on Steam Barrycarey66

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I'm interested. Usually on at just about any time of the day and usually on late at night as well. Steam invites sent

Edited by Bohica.420

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I'm interested. Usually on at just about any time of the day and usually on late at night as well. Steam invites sent

I'll get in touch with you tonight. Unfortunately my bosses are keeping me busy this week. I'll be home around 6-7pm EST.

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Hello i got a couple of questions

How mature is this group?

Im Western European, i speak fluent English although not native, would that be a problem?

Edited by Hexa88

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Hello i got a couple of questions

How mature is this group?

Im Western European, i speak fluent English although not native, would that be a problem?

We're all pretty mature, for the most part. A lot of profanity gets thrown around but that's about as bad as it gets. We had to remove a member yesterday due behavior. If there's someone that disrupts the community we deal with it

You're welcome to pop in and hang out to see if you like it. No hard feelings if you think it's not for you.

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You totally ruined my day :( Yes I am only 13, but I'm mature for my age :(

Sorry bud, nothing personal. Just a lot of bad experiences with it in the past. The majority of us are 25+ so we prefer to keep the group older.

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I just sent you a Steam invite, my name is Titty Sprinkles.

I'm 22 and I've been playing for about a month, currently well geared with DMR/ MP5SD, NVG's and Ghillie. I like to play a Sniper/Recon role. If you use DayZ Commander, add me on there as well.

I generally play after I get done class around 4 or 7 until 12-1 EST, and sometimes before hand around 11-2. But I'm on at least once a day.

Edited by Sprinkles

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I just sent you a Steam invite, my name is Titty Sprinkles.

I'm 22 and I've been playing for about a month, currently well geared with DMR/ MP5SD, NVG's and Ghillie. I like to play a Sniper/Recon role. If you use DayZ Commander, add me on there as well.

I generally play after I get done class around 4 or 7 until 12-1 EST, and sometimes before hand around 11-2. But I'm on at least once a day.

Sounds like you'll fit right in. We've picked up a ton of really cool people over the last 48 hours. We have people from all over the country so there should be people on when you play. Luckily the time you play usually has the most people on.

I'll be going through steam requests around 6:30-7 EST tonight. I'll shoot you the Teamspeak info when I get home. Look forward to playing with you

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Hey, i'm sort of interested in starting to play with a team. I dont really want to play with more then like 4 players cause I think a team any bigger then 8 is too many team members. I am 19 years old and I play for at least an hour every day of the week at the moment. I currently have an AS50, M9 SD, Range finders, NVG and a pretty legit tool belt set up. I consider myself to be really good with a sniper also. I have been playing for a few months now and I know how to play this game from fully geared to nothing but a flashlight. My IGN is BlueEyedDevil & my Steam should be the same.

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