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Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

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well if it is this weekend i might not be able to come this saturday Due to me going to Canterlot Gardens Possibly but if i cant go to canterlot Gardens i will be more than happy to come even though i will be sad that i cant go to canterlot gardens

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21:00 Saturday night.... not tomorrow night!!

Haha got the dayz mixed up :P Well i'll be there saturday!

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Would I be wrong to assume that there's something slightly homoerotic going on here? Seriously, are these meets some sort of circle jerk or what?

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Would I be wrong to assume that there's something slightly homoerotic going on here? Seriously, are these meets some sort of circle jerk or what?

What are you doing? why are you here? If you have no input then kindly vanish!

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well if it is this weekend i might not be able to come this saturday Due to me going to Canterlot Gardens Possibly but if i cant go to canterlot Gardens i will be more than happy to come even though i will be sad that i cant go to canterlot gardens

Okie Dokie Lokie, i'll pass you details anyway later this evening so if you can make it you have everything!

PS. Canterlott Gardens... Jealous much!

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I know that it's UTC+3 in summer time.

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But i will be there anyways :3

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Just private message me when it starts and I'll be there :3

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Okie Dokie Lokie, i'll pass you details anyway later this evening so if you can make it you have everything!

PS. Canterlott Gardens... Jealous much!

nope dont look like i can go so looks like i will just be heading to the Meetup with you guys then

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Tomorrow is upon us. This is going to be amazingly rad!


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Also check this out, we are siding with a group called "The New Luna Republic" http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93300-efs-clan-recruiting-new-infanteers-medics-and-snipers/

if your looking for a group to play with the EFS and New Lunar Republic are always after more player (NLR page in construction)

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you still looking for snipers?

Well after you signing up we need 1 more sniper, another 2 medics, 1 support gunner and 3 more Assault Infantry, oh and a driver wouldn't go a miss too

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Well after you signing up we need 1 more sniper, another 2 medics, 1 support gunner and 3 more Assault Infantry, oh and a driver wouldn't go a miss too

Well i would love to apply for sniper/Heli Pilot i am not the best Flyer but its not like i crash into the ground the second i try to take off

(if you need a heli Pilot of course, but if you dont i can still be a car driver if thats what you mean)

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Well after you signing up we need 1 more sniper, another 2 medics, 1 support gunner and 3 more Assault Infantry, oh and a driver wouldn't go a miss too

I'm fine at being a support gunner, maybe even an assault infanteer.

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