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Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

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why on earth would you type "Pony Porn"??

Because I was reading the thread and saw that guy make an assumption you were all gay for being older guys into a little girls cartoon, but then he was pointed to google and found that first wikia result which is maintained by the same people. So actually then I did google my little pony and saw children and a few mature women at conventions etc. Still no older guys sitting in basements. Then I thought oh yeah Japan has Hentai. Of course, I figured, its a sexual thing somehow. So I put the word porn after the word pony and there it was - the true face of iton the plus side you arent necessarily gay, but the other possibilities are far more concerning

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Because I was reading the thread and saw that guy make an assumption you were all gay for being older guys into a little girls cartoon,

Key word.. Assumption. But anyway you're throwing the thread off topic... if you aint interested in the meetup then could you kindly stop posting here, Thanks :)

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Because I was reading the thread and saw that guy make an assumption you were all gay for being older guys into a little girls cartoon, but then he was pointed to google and found that first wikia result which is maintained by the same people. So actually then I did google my little pony and saw children and a few mature women at conventions etc. Still no older guys sitting in basements. Then I thought oh yeah Japan has Hentai. Of course, I figured, its a sexual thing somehow. So I put the word porn after the word pony and there it was - the true face of iton the plus side you arent necessarily gay, but the other possibilities are far more concerning

To presume the brony as the usual sterotype of distrubing, overweight individuals or creepily worship the show (in a different manner apart from ours) is quite a common assumption in the fandom, and there are a couple of people who actually do that. However, they do not make up the majority of our fandom.

Now, unless you want some buisness dealt with with the choreographer of the Meet-up, I recommend you be on your way, and have a nice day!

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To presume the brony as the usual sterotype of distrubing, overweight individuals or creepily worship the show (in a different manner apart from ours) is quite a common assumption in the fandom, and there are a couple of people who actually do that. However, they do not make up the majority of our fandom.

Now, unless you want some buisness dealt with with the choreographer of the Meet-up, I recommend you be on your way, and have a nice day!

On the money right here!

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Ya, Saturday is fine with me.

*epic retrack of the thread ehehe*

Sweet Saturday it is then, and ill do Sunday too if anyone can't make Saturday!

Yes epic re-track indeed!

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This is true yes, i'll stick to drawing my Non Porn ponies.... witch reminds me, i need to upload a few more to DeviantArt in the near future!

You got a Deviantart? Send me a link! Whenever I get bored I just look for random artists.

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To presume the brony as the usual sterotype of distrubing, overweight individuals or creepily worship the show (in a different manner apart from ours) is quite a common assumption in the fandom, and there are a couple of people who actually do that. However, they do not make up the majority of our fandom.

Actually I only presumed what the definition of a brony is as its written on your wikia - an older male who likes the show. That was what the guy googled for, Brony. I am certain the majority of the fandom are children or other including some mothers. The Bronys are the porn freaks was all i meant not actual MLP fans.

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Actually I only presumed what the definition of a brony is as its written on your wikia - an older male who likes the show. That was what the guy googled for, Brony. I am certain the majority of the fandom are children or other including some mothers. The Bronys are the porn freaks was all i meant not actual MLP fans.

Again wrong, the high majority of the fan base happen to be older, and the term "cloppers" is used for those into the pony porn, Brony is just a term for Bro's who like MLP.... never believe everything on the internet.

Again please stick to the Thread Topic.... you're pointless trollin' is just well.... pointless

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never believe everything on the internet

Yeah I'll start with you LOL :) Honestly you are classic.

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Yeah I'll start with you LOL :) Honestly you are classic.

Dear Celestia you are annoying.... Go watch an episode then come back with your opinion, until then please vanish :) thank you

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Dear Celestia you are annoying.... Go watch an episode then come back with your opinion, until then please vanishthank you

Oh so now you are passing me off as someone impersonating someone else, nice tactic of the many you have to normalise your behaviour. I suppose an impersonator would be a cowardly dishonest person. Nice try. Maybe you are projecting? I'm sure too that the line between a "Brony" and a "clopper" is even thinner than the line between what cloppers enjoy and what is outright illegal. Anyway man you seem to have an avatar of a pony's rear end, perking up its ass? You realise that is sort of killing your distinction lol, if you are supposed to be one of the regular-joe older men who have an interest in this pony thing..

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Oh so now you are passing me off as someone impersonating someone else, nice tactic of the many you have to normalise your behaviour. I suppose an impersonator would be a cowardly dishonest person. Nice try. Maybe you are projecting? I'm sure too that the line between a "Brony" and a "clopper" is even thinner than the line between what cloppers enjoy and what is outright illegal. Anyway man you seem to have an avatar of a pony's rear end, perking up its ass? You realise that is sort of killing your distinction lol, if you are supposed to be one of the regular-joe older men who have an interest in this pony thing..

wait what? to what end did i even mention impersonation, i merely said you are annoying and for you to at least watch an episode before you criticize. What part of my avatar shows a ponies "rear end"?? to me it looks like Derpy in combat uniform. I assure you im no clopper nor am i an impersonator of any sort, you sir need to go away, do some studying on the subject of Bronies then come back with the attitude you carry now. You are straying this Thread off topic and generally are beginning to make very little sense to me. Good day to you sir.

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Oh so now you are passing me off as someone impersonating someone else, nice tactic of the many you have to normalise your behaviour. I suppose an impersonator would be a cowardly dishonest person. Nice try. Maybe you are projecting? I'm sure too that the line between a "Brony" and a "clopper" is even thinner than the line between what cloppers enjoy and what is outright illegal. Anyway man you seem to have an avatar of a pony's rear end, perking up its ass? You realise that is sort of killing your distinction lol, if you are supposed to be one of the regular-joe older men who have an interest in this pony thing..

Here's an idea for you and you can apply it to any thread on any forum. If you don't understand what's being discussed or simply don't agree with it, it's usually best to become well informed first before making a post. That way you'll avoid making yourself look stupid and save everyone a lot of typing. If you're here to troll then I suggest you don't. Again, that applies to any thread here.

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Here's an idea for you and you can apply it to any thread on any forum. If you don't understand what's being discussed or simply don't agree with it, it's usually best to become well informed first before making a post. That way you'll avoid making yourself look stupid and save everyone a lot of typing. If you're here to troll then I suggest you don't. Again, that applies to any thread here.

Thank you Fraggle, hopefully a few people will see this post of yours and take something from it before critisicing or trolling Threads of all sorts... Damn i need mod powers haha, maybe people might actually take me seriously... oh wait this is the internet, that isn't going to happen!

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wait what? to what end did i even mention impersonation, i merely said you are annoying and for you to at least watch an episode before you criticize.

"Dear Celestia". I quoted it just above you. That is another member of the forum according to a search. So clearly you were implying I was pretending to be someone else, namely Celestia. You really do under-estimate the intelligence of forum readers to think you will lose anyone like that.<p>
What part of my avatar shows a ponies "rear end"??

The bit which shows a pony's rear end in a suggestive way.To the Fraggle guy - I am far more informed than you if you are letting these sorts of people on the forum..

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Clearly not. If you don't like it I suggest you make an official complaint. Please don't post on here again unless you have something besides trolling/derailing to offer.

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Clearly not.

That's preloaded and presumptious. Just because you say it, it's not true. But yeah okay I will stop posting on this thread..

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<p>"Dear Celestia". I quoted it just above you. That is another member of the forum according to a search. So clearly you were implying I was pretending to be someone else, namely Celestia. You really do under-estimate the intelligence of forum readers to think you will lose anyone like that.<p>

The bit which shows a pony's rear end in a suggestive way.To the Fraggle guy - I am far more informed than you if you are letting these sorts of people on the forum..

Ok do some research, Celestia is a character from the series, like a god, so instead of Dear God i used Dear Celestia... end of discussion, goodbye :)

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Ok since we are now back on topic how would you guys feel about starting at 5pm GMT tomorrow?? I'll be on most of the day as it is and hopefully we are going to have a DayZ photographer with us (He did the Freeside Trading Article).

Anyone with any ideas feel free to add them here :D

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I would love to see you there, and how well you cope with 20+ targets all descending upon your position :D

Probably a Script Kiddo with God Mode and Insta Kill Hack

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