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Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

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You answered the wrong question, but still, in.

Woops. I haven't watched the episodes in a month, so I'm a bit rusty, but thanks for accepting my request!

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Woops. I haven't watched the episodes in a month, so I'm a bit rusty, but thanks for accepting my request!

I mean, you answered the question not meant for you.

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KaiKai has been added to the list, anyone i'm forgetting (just too much other things to keep up im afraid)

Basement Lurking Pony Fag you're question is now "What are Rainbow Dash's elements to a good cheer??"

You have until 12pm GMT to get it right! :)

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well im hoping today but i aint heard from KittyWitty in a while and i have no information on a private server either......

Not sure if I am going to make it. Got a few errands to pull off.

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Always time to sign up, just answer this simple question. What are Rainbow Dash's elements to a good cheer?

You're question is.... What did Rainbow Dash crash into while trying to perform a "Sonic Rainboom" for the Young Fliers Competition?

Given the fact that Kaikai answerd the wrong question, ill answer his question.

1: Lots of control.

2: Screaming and hollering.

3: And most importantly, passion.

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Given the fact that Kaikai answerd the wrong question, ill answer his question.

1: Lots of control.

2: Screaming and hollering.

3: And most importantly, passion.

Excellent... they are the elements to a good cheer, i shall add you.. hopefully have something arranged for this evening.

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Damn, well, I will be free for the rest of the week. Just message me for any game.

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Remember, I'm still in on this too!




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Count me in. Never really found use for the forums till just now, lol.

Well, since this wasn't answered before.

What is the longest (FINISHED) fanfiction to date?

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