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Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

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I've still got some special brownies here, but I doubt they will enhance your concentration.

hmmm maybe thats what im missing.. time to maybe mellow out a bit ;)

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Sensitive bunch arnt you...

'Brony - A name typically given to the male viewers/fans (whether they are straight, gay, bisexual, etc.) of the My Little Pony show or franchise.'

Well ive still got my doubts that some of you are straight...but whatever enjoy your meatup.

Given the fact that about 50% of the male population are gay, chances are that 50% of us are gay. But we also have to consider the fact that no-one on the internet has sex anyway, so it doesn't matter.

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Yes, love and tolerating for da win.

EDIT: Still, you can't have the muffins.

Edited by SonicRainbrony

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Sensitive bunch arnt you...

'Brony - A name typically given to the male viewers/fans (whether they are straight, gay, bisexual, etc.) of the My Little Pony show or franchise.'

Well ive still got my doubts that some of you are straight...but whatever enjoy your meatup.

Congratulations on using google, now leave this thread please, discuss in the correct threads in this forum.

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Yes, love and tolerating for da win.

EDIT: Still, you can't have the muffins.


Congratulations on using google, now leave this thread please, discuss in the correct threads in this forum.

Well said!

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Well, are we making this a weekly thing, or more eventful? I was at 2.0, as Sunday evenings suit me very well, but I wasn't sure if we wanted to do one every week or if we wanted to organise bigger but less frequent events. Heh, maybe I just need to find a clan that likes Privite Hiving on the weekends.

Anywho, this Sunday at 22:00 UTC is ideal for me, and I believe allows both US and EU bronies to play at reasonable times.

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Any time will be a good time for me. And for those saying this is becoming a weekly thing, well that's because when the meet is over we start a new thread to plan for the next. Sometimes it'll be the next week other times, like this one, it might not.

Edited by RazorsEdge

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im sure this meet shall be alot better than the last, don't have a time or date set yet, i might even have to miss it due to work. but nothing is confirmed yet!

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I could potentially have a server for us to use, although last I checked we weren't going to continue the payments and it might be nearing the end of the last month, but if its still up we could use it. And depending on the time this happens I might be able to make it and if mines still up, admin the server.

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Never been to one of these but sounds like fun. I'm in, put me down on the list please! :D

Edited by GotOwned

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well we need proof of Bronyship before i can add you to the list ;) i think we are looking at a private server, this is if i can play this weekend as Lingor Island has broke some things!

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it's cool man, so am i at the moment, though managed to get today off work.... but think im gonna be busy all weekend too so no meetup for me :(

I'm out. Thanks and have fun.

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