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Medic/Bodyguard trying to earn rep.

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If you need patching up or need a body guard for a patient, I'll be online for a couple hours. Flunkdust, MrScrubbles or SoulShaper2 may be able vouch for my loyalty. I have TS and Steam if you want voice chat.

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tetters/



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I am currently online and mobile. Add me on Steam if you need help.

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If it wasn't for Tetters, I would now merely be a zombie snack.

It all started when I discovered my first helicopter crash site. Excited as I was, holding shotgun firmly, I stormed the crash site, because it only seemed as 2 zombies were wandering around the downed steel bird. Guess I couldn't be more wrong.

After losing a substantial amount of blood, and the needed running, I ended up back at the crash site. Only to see, that the zombitches I just lost, have spawned again. Running was again, my only option. Now to realise that I'm heavily bleeding, with only 1500 blood to lose.

That's when I searched a "safe" spot, a treeline near the NW Airfield, and decided to ring a medic. Tetters was the one whom responded within seconds. Driving a few km just to help a complete stranger is noble, but to do so within an imaginable timespan, is just hero-like.

So this is my thank you to Tetters, as he is the first stranger I have met in the vast wasteland, who didn't shoot my face off, and helped me as he could.

Tetters, you're my hero!

This guy is a true and honest medic, and can be fully trusted. I can vouch for him.

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Hey Tetters, would you like a well geared buddy to help you "protect" people? :)

Skype: Ezra Ngo

I have several months of DayZ and i'm well geared.

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Seek out The Coalition. In exchange for only your dedication to who you are and what we stand for - to stand together, survive, and create an experience the likes of which the DayZ community has never seen before- your services will not only be fully realized, but you will save many lives. All you need is to check the thread link for The Coalition thread below, and you will see just how strong the brotherhood of Humanity is.


I am Demyan, proud member of The Coalition, The Chernarus Quarantine Force, and servant of the people. Join us in reclaiming Chernarus, and no amount of Bandits or Hackers will ever take it back. Godspeed comrade.

Edited by Red Statham

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