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About Tetters

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  1. Online as of now. If you need help, feel free to add me.
  2. I am currently online and mobile. Add me on Steam if you need help.
  3. Tetters

    Best Heli Loot!

    After stealing someone's ATV from the NWAF I drove off and found a crash site with: M14 AIM and 3 mags. FN FAL and 2 mags. FN FAL w/ NV scope and 1 mag. DMR w/ 3 mags. All that plus my M4A1 CCO SD (3 mags) and my new ATV makes for a good day :D
  4. If you need patching up or need a body guard for a patient, I'll be online for a couple hours. Flunkdust, MrScrubbles or SoulShaper2 may be able vouch for my loyalty. I have TS and Steam if you want voice chat. Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tetters/ Thanks. -Tetters
  5. Tetters

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm in a need of a medic who can administer a bloodbag to me. I have one in my backpack. I'm in the Stary Sobor area. Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tetters/
  6. A/some hacker/s attacked my server with a kill everyone script. I managed to alt+f4 in time but my character is stuck in the death pose. I can look around, open my pack, use items. But I can't shoot, reload or move. And there's no respawn button. Can anyone suggest a fix? EDIT: THREAD CLOSED. I relogged about 4 times and it fixed itself.
  7. Tetters

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey there, I was recently a patient for SoulShaper2 and we discussed that the medics needed more "logistics". I'd like to know more about what that entails and possibly help you guys out. None of my buddies have DayZ and, frankly, I've run out of things to do. And I think this community needs less ass holes. If you'll have me, my Steam is: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tetters/ or you can PM me on here. Thanks. -Tetters
  8. Tetters

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    SoulShaper2 gave me morphine and a blood pack. :) +rep +beans
  9. Tetters

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If there are any Medics between NWAF and Stary, I'm lying in a field. Hacker got to me. -.- Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tetters/
  10. Well considering I have no murders, I don't alt+f4 and I've been playing lone wolf I think it's a fair effort.
  11. I have like 4 STANAG and like 3 STANAG SD. I don't need other guns or ammo. I'm looking for GPS, NVG, Ghille Suit etc.
  12. I don't need other guns or ammo. I'm looking for GPS, NVG, Ghille Suit etc.
  13. Tetters

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I need help with a blood transfusion. Add me on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tetters/ I have blood bags. Edit: I'm at the NWAF but I can sneak out.
  14. Tetters

    Weird hack/bug

    The abort button was in the "You're not allowed to press me" mode.
  15. Tetters

    Weird hack/bug

    So I was playing on SG #500 and I had just come out of a town near Stary, forgot the name. I was wondering through the forest when some subtitles appeared on the screen. It went something like, "If we met in heaven would you recognise me?" After the subtitles faded I started floating up into the air, I saw a couple of other people died as well. I panicked and Ctrl+Alt+Deleted in an attempt to same my Coyote backpack and L85. I logged into another server and bam, "You are dead." Not quite sure whether this was a hack or bug but it is still annoying. Has anyone else experienced this? Edit: I re-spawned on the coast with all my items. 0.o