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m.w. vindicator

Weapon dmg increase in standalone?

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First I searched and couldn't find anything so...

In Arma 2 patch 1.62 (or was 1.63?) many weapons were nerfed. These changes are okay for arma but for DayZ's blood system the are unauthentic. The M9 and other 9mm take about 13 shots to kill a player .

This isn't authentic. I mean pistols are more effective in Halo were everyone is wearing MJONLIR.

The pistol damage is okay against Zeds. I like that the M1911 and the revolver are no longer one shots against zombies. But like I said earlier, a human surviving 5+ shots from a 9mm is ridiculous let alone 13.

So my question is, in standalone will the guns be restored to their former effectiveness?

I not angry, just curious. Does anyone know for certain?

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