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Interface bug/problems ?

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hi guys.....first of all...this mod is amazing...yeah bugs and all that shit but hey its alpha an for it to be that i think its great :D

here is my problem

when i open my interface lets say i want to take some painkillers or a bandage...i right click on it...and the actionbar appears behind the interface....its really anoying..i allways have to keep the banages on the very right side so the actionbar is shown only a little bit so i can use it.

can someone pls help me on this one

thanks guys

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Quite a few people are having this problem, I'm not sure why.

Some have said that the Steam overlay effects the gear interface.

If you are using Arma2 free, some say delete the (A2 free) IU files, they conflict with retail CO/DayZ.

Make sure you have the correct DayZ files.

Check your video settings...

Screen & 3D resolution with the same aspect ratio.

Make sure the square within a circle icon is round and not oval.

If you fix the problem, let me know.


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ok guys i fixed it....

what inve done is i went into steam an checked if the files where broken.... it told me that 4 r broken and it started to download 30,5 mb.

after that u have to install the latest patch new and just start it normal......now my interface works and i dont have to make sure that the bandages are on the right side XD hope this helps u guys out :D

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