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Notes from NPCs and PCs

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I had this idea the other day when stumbling upon someones tent. It occured to me that the individual might not be a bandit (unlikely considering the gear) and I wanted to leave a little note behind thanking them for the food and soda as I was about to die before stumbling onto it.

Then I started thinking about all of the cool forum lore in here and how it could be added by players to the game. A note on green mountain about someones night spent there would be a hysterical find. How about a note "Smile you son of a bitch" on a tent that you are watching with your sniper rifle... I could almost see their face as they read that one.

As far as NPCs, it would add alot of depth to the game to find a note on a zombies body. Something along the lines of "Dear Chris, I had to risk taking amanda into town today with joey because her arm has started to fester from that cut she got yesterday. It is all hot and swollen and the aspirin isnt bringing down her fever. I know you are a volunteer and took an oath to help the community but WHERE ARE YOU? WE NEED YOU! If I am not back by tonight, please come find us at the berenzino hospitol."

Something along those random finds could be weapons caches, treasure maps, random stories from day 0 and other assorted works of general fiction (possibly some red herrings as well)

What do you think?

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I like this idea, it would be excellent for the standalone, or even a must, and for the mod too actually.

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I saw in another post that they are considering "pen and paper" notes which would be great. I do think the NPC notes and stories would add a lot of depth and that additional rare "possible treasure hunt" element

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