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chris p. bacon

How did your most recent character die?

How did your most recent character die?  

252 members have voted

  1. 1. Tell us how!

    • Hacker
    • PvP (Where gunfire was exchanged)
    • Sniper (Where you returned no gunfire)
    • Glitch
    • Zombies
    • Falling from Heights
    • Hunger/Thirst
    • Explosion
    • Infection
    • Other?

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accidentally ejected out of a chopper... haha. was able to retrieve all my gear, though.

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On my 8th day of survival, I was wandering around in the middle of the night with a flare in hand a couple of klicks north of Elektro. Since there weren't many people online at the time, I didn't think there'd be much danger in consulting my map at an intersection. WRONG. Several shots, seemingly from very close by, and I'm dead.

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Wasn't sure how to categorize this, so I put other. I ejected out of a chopper that ran out of fuel, parachuted from high enough for it to deploy and whatnot, and died when I reached the ground. So it could have either been falling too far, glitch, or explosion...

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Playing on a server with hackers, they've got several SUV's on the main road outside Cherno. I ram one of them with the UAZ kill one of the hackers and then got blown up by an RPG or something.

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Me and my friend got trapped in the platform of the smokestack next to the medical tents in cherno.. All we had were lee enfields and we were being over run by zombies. My friend ran out of ammo and used his axe. He got knocked out and the zombies decided to come after me.. They broke my legs and ate me lol

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Shot in the back of the head looting a chopper. I thought it might have been a hacker as i had recon'd the area and did a complete perimeter search before moving in. I spawned the zeds on the crash, took out a few from an isolated pine about 20m from the crash, began slowly moving in and *BANG* one shot to the back of the head from right behind me. But, since i didnt actually see someone teleport in behind my, im going to chalk it up to being out played.

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Sniper in Berezino, died before I knew what was going on. Can't remember the last time I was in a good gun fight, as opposed to someone taking pot shots at me from 1,000m away.

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I was driving a Hilux 4x4 through Karmeka to pick up a buddy from the coast. Next thing I know there are explosions falling all around me. I got out of the truck (as i thought it might be getting targetted) and ran to the treeline to take cover. The truck blew up and the exposions stopped. I looked around to see what was happening and could see anything. About 30 seconds later I dropped dead with a blood reading of minus about a million. Basically the space where its shows blood as 12k etc was full of a minus number. Not sure how many spaces there are but there was a fair few zeros! Yes I was wearing a Guillie.

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broken leg on Zub castle during crawling. didnt wont to lose one or more hours to go back so i respawned.

Edited by director

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I was killed after racing a tractor around NW airfield blaring out bad music on chat to see how long i would last.

Edited by Half man/Half Biscuit

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Zombies... Mainly because I got my legs broken in 1 hit from a zombie whilst I was at like 9.7k blood. I shot the zombie, more came, couldn't crawl away fast enough, then proceeded to get eaten by several zombies. That was like 3 weeks ago, though. God damn those cardboard bones.

Edited by 8-BitSpirit

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I believe i was flanking a sniper on one hill in Elecktro, and got shot by a sniper on another hill in Elecktro.

I can't win.

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Found an ATV flipped over couldnt use it, moved on to elektro and saw a destroyed building and lots of smoke, went ahead and boom got nuked

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Trying to help someone after they were attacked by zeds. I bandage the guy up and he shoots me point blank in the face; maybe I won't help a man Ina Ghillie suit next time.

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scripter teleported behind me double tap. 30+ day char dead in 2 secs XDDD

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Hacker teleported to me, I unloaded a clip into him. He walked up to me at point blank range. I unload another clip into him. Nothing. He unloads a clip into me and I die.

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Other. Found an ATV, repaired it, took it for a spin, got shot at when refueling, paniced, couldnt see the fence in front of me, crashed,died.

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M249. Went into a barn, was looting, I see a bandit looting beside me. We stare at each other for a few seconds, and he lights me up full auto.

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