HamTheBacon 76 Posted August 26, 2012 Well its finally come to this, they broke my spirit, i dont enjoy Dayz anymore, they broke me.After months of playing this mod i have had good times, bad times, and some epic times, but now i just dont see the point. To elaborate im going to start with a couple stories.So earlier in the months my friends Denton and Travis whom i no longer talk to due to differences in game opinion, got me playing Dayz, they had numerous laughs at my expence while i was learning how to play, including but not limited to giving me the Makarov pistol they dubbed the "Loyalty" Pistol and sending me after a group of ghillie snipers just to watch me get my head blown off by an AS50, or when they gave me a M36 grenade and told me to throw it at a wall, and due to a "bug" the grenade will knock the building down, so it was all fun and games for them while ol Ham learns how to play well eventually i got good at this mod, better than them and apperently the only way they have fun in Dayz, is if i suck, so they both quit and havent played since i became better.Well since then i have played with many fine people, some very retarded people, and some who are the bottom of the barrel, scum of the earth. And here is story number 1.So i met a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy who know a clan who was taking on new members but only from people they trust, so he hooked me up and got in, i looked at their forum post which is no longer up i assume taken down or locked by a Moderator or soemthing. Well the forum post stated they are a "Legit" clan that playes together and doesnt have camps and shit or dupes or anything like that, well after i joined, i added 8 people, i quickly struck the "Always on" portion of the post to full of shit because in the 3 weeks i had that trash on my skype only 1 was ever playing Dayz, and everyone time i met up with him he had a Hacked AS50 TWS he "got off a hackers body" but ill get into that later.So eventually the owned and host of the server Cole, got on and he told everyone on the teamspeak that the servers going down and everyone can go "Shopping" this confused me but lo and behold when the server came back up, tents fucking everwhere, Hacked AS50 TWS, an AK with a long ranged scope, some kind of GSR SD or something, a big fucking snipers that took up your backpack and main weapon slot, every hacked gun you could think of and then some.and i was dumbfounded, after 3 weeks i find out these guys are doing the EXACT FUCKING OPPOSITE of everything they said they were doing, right under your noses these people who claim to be the shining light in the ever growing darkness, are the embodiment of hackers and dupers, They have a very large number of tents in elektro and Misty Peak, as well as one very far off map only findable with a helicopter, and all their hacked gear is on an island about 10k off map to the east over the ocean. Oh and if you want the server number? US 220 you can only find it if you do the following steps:-Open Six Launcher or Dayz Commander then open any normal server-Instead of joining the server, click disconnect and go to multiplayer then search it there.If the server is locked, they changed it to the item server (When they explained it to me they changed worldspace to a server where they "Farmed" guns and decided to keep them in tents on a different worldspace and the hacked guns they "Traded" for. Anyway moving on, after i found out about it i took their more legit items, stuff you can actually find in Dayz and i left, removed them all and went along my merry way.Now comes to why i cant find joy playing Dayz, the day before yesterday me and my buddy Marcus, one of the only people who i can play Dayz with because he isnt like the rest of them, when we met i was trying to kill him because i thought he was the guy who killed me and i lost all my gear to, but later when we talked over direct chat turns out he was a new spawn who just found a gun and stuff, i tried killing him with a revolver but due to his quick thinking he eluded me till i ran out of ammo then asked why i tried killing him, hes the nicest guy in Dayz, but anyway me and him kept finding hackers and snipers and shit, so we found a low pop to run around and play and stuff, when we log in he find a V3S in the quarry, almosed fully repaired, so i run 5000m to him and we repair it and start driving north when we find a Hippy van, 2 vehicles! so we repair it and start heading even more north, and we find 2 boats spawned at one docking station!.So we are now 4 for 4. 2 Cars and 2 Boats, we decide to make camp up north, well on our way there we get a server message, today was the first day that server came up, thats why we found those spawns there, and quickly i thought hell we should check NW and NE for helicopters, so we brought the vehicles up north and hid them then ran to NE, from there to Berezino once there our Hippy van ran out of gas so we stopped to get some, and wouldnt you believe what we found, FUCKING SHIT ALL, no jerry cans or replacement parts or nothing, oh and then it got better, on my way back to the van i saw a guy filling it with gas, and as i approched him he had a ghillie will i pulled my M4A1 CCO SD out and lit him up, a full clip into his head and body and it did fuck all to him, no blood or nothing, great sign for this server, so he pulls his gun and starts shooting and i ran up the hill, when all of a fucking sudden ghillie suits start appearing, everywhere, like 8 of them teleported to us, after i got shot and killed i look and there were around 40 people on the server 2 hours after we got on, and then everyone on the server was killed, 30 deaths in the span of 2 minutes, great so all that work taken by hackers, after spawning in solnichy i ran up to where our camp was, demolished, the barbed wire was still there, the V3S was destoryed and still smoking, and there was a hacker box, with nothing but a Makarov with 1 clip. So thats it for me, im done spending hours finally having fun, then the rampant hacking just makes it not worth playing, and i now see the truth, every person who gives the "ITS ALPHA" speech, you are one of them, in one way or another you are one of them, you either have a dupe camp or 7, or you are a hacker, either way fuck you i dont care anymore, you win. Enjoy this "Alpha" 15 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bohdan77 15 Posted August 26, 2012 Join a privite server. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skat3rat 1633 Posted August 26, 2012 Don't get attached to your gear. End of story. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chris p. bacon 182 Posted August 26, 2012 (edited) I feel you, bro. This game is an egg omelette stuffed with green peppers, sausages, bacon, and cheese, but also a whole lot of dogshit.Don't get attached to your gear. End of story.Didn't expect this to appear here.I'm almost certain that you didn't read the thread. You came here and spewed the standard vomit over the reply section to raise your post count. Edited August 26, 2012 by chris p. bacon 14 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spart248 80 Posted August 26, 2012 (edited) Quit being a drama whore.You are not the only one. Plenty of people are pissed and plenty have also left. The majority, if not all, are simply coming back when the standalone comes out and there are almost no hackers or bullshit glitches. Don't expect everyone to give you sympathy or feel sorry for you. Just leave the mod and come back to the full game, it is not a big deal. This is not a "Goodbye Forever" kind of thing. So just chill your ass and come back later.And you are a jackass to generalize everyone who gives the "it's alpha" speech as a hacker. The correct generalization would be that they are all retarded. That is because being Alpha is no excuse for the game to be full of hackers. The only excuse Rocket has for this (though it is a good excuse) is that the mod is free (not to mention that it is NOT EVEN HIS FAULT; the engine itself of Arma 2 is the main problem that there are so many hackers and that is not fixable until the standalone is released with a new engine) . That does, in essence, let him do whatever he wants, seeing as it is free to play and there is no obligation from players to do something, as they have not spent anything towards the game. Neither is Alpha an excuse for the game to have a shitload of game-breaking graphical glitches that are not fixed almost immediately after they pop up. However, simply because it is free, like I said, Rocket can do whatever the fuck he feels. However, that will certainly not be the case on the standalone, I am sure of it. Edited August 26, 2012 by Spart248 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DonkiiPuncH 6 Posted August 26, 2012 Totally feel your pain. I play games for fun. I play within the rules of the game but you are right. The fun has been taken out of this game. Which is such a shame, because I honestly think that this game, when played fairly, is one of the best and most enjoyable experiences in gaming (if you overlook the quirky bugs and stuff). I think everyone who plays legit is just hoping that when the real deal is released it will be a lot harder for these jerk off's to ruin it for us. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EndlessNight 103 Posted August 26, 2012 A good solution for this were if you could make a privat server your homeserver, I did that too and havent met a hacker in 2 weeks, the only problem is that you cant change to a daytime server when its night because its a privat hive, but its still better than getting killed by a hacker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chris p. bacon 182 Posted August 26, 2012 A good solution for this were if you could make a privat server your homeserver, I did that too and havent met a hacker in 2 weeks, the only problem is that you cant change to a daytime server when its night because its a privat hive, but its still better than getting killed by a hackerThat's whats good about private hives, so that people are less urged to switch to a daytime server the moment it starts getting dark. Playing this game in the dark is a whole new world. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dynami 18 Posted August 26, 2012 Join a privite server.This.I did read your post however, and still I say you should play on a private server. Sure there is an occasional hacker, but once they're banned from the private hive they're gone for good. And if you do by chance lose all your gear, you can get it back pretty quickly with the high amounts of vehicles on the server.So yeah.. play a private hive. I usually play on ZUST or Finders. Survival Ops is pretty intense too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Porkroll 7 Posted August 26, 2012 and the biggest butt hurt post of the year goes to... 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wargunner 55 Posted August 26, 2012 Don't get attached to your gear. End of story.How about instead of spewing all the bullshit that seems to be endlessly regurgitated on this forum try using your brain instead.People are going to be pissed off when their hard work is destroyed in a matter of seconds in an illegitimate way. Running around Cherno with an Enfield isnt everyones cup of tea.There is no easy solution. If people enjoy part of the game that is there, but is wrecked by 'hackers' then maybe they should take a break and give stand alone a go when it comes out. Sure, it's not the most desirable solution and that's why I believe people vent their frustration on the forum, people want to play the game, but can't in its current state.But until then, we shall be reminded atleast 1000 times a day by people like you. Yes, we all know 'bro', it's alpha. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HamTheBacon 76 Posted August 26, 2012 Quit being a drama whore.You are not the only one. Plenty of people are pissed and plenty have also left. The majority, if not all, are simply coming back when the standalone comes out and there are almost no hackers or bullshit glitches. Don't expect everyone to give you sympathy or feel sorry for you. Just leave the mod and come back to the full game, it is not a big deal. This is not a "Goodbye Forever" kind of thing. So just chill your ass and come back later.And you are a jackass to generalize everyone who gives the "it's alpha" speech as a hacker. The correct generalization would be that they are all retarded. That is because being Alpha is no excuse for the game to be full of hackers. The only excuse Rocket has for this (though it is a good excuse) is that the mod is free (not to mention that it is NOT EVEN HIS FAULT; the engine itself of Arma 2 is the main problem that there are so many hackers and that is not fixable until the standalone is released with a new engine) . That does, in essence, let him do whatever he wants, seeing as it is free to play and there is no obligation from players to do something, as they have not spent anything towards the game. Neither is Alpha an excuse for the game to have a shitload of game-breaking graphical glitches that are not fixed almost immediately after they pop up. However, simply because it is free, like I said, Rocket can do whatever the fuck he feels. However, that will certainly not be the case on the standalone, I am sure of it.I understand where you are coming from but your wrong and i hate you. If and only IF the standalone has no hackers or dupers then i may come back, but i sure as hell will not buy the game until the reviews say there are none of problems that this had. and yea i get it you think im generalizing, mabey i am but am i wrong? no im not wrong because yes the majority of alpha sayers are retarded and only say anything in forums to raise their count, but those 2 stories i have posted are just the tip of this iceburg.Over the 4 months i have been playing these are just the 2 stories that stand out the most, and it isnt just the fact that these happened, its the fact that people go out of there way to decieve everyone so they can abuse the system to be better than everyone else, im not leaving because i died a whole bunch of times im leaving because, 99.9% of people i have met in dayz, are hackers, exploiters, and general douchebags. the other tiny % are good hearted people like Marcus who make Dayz worth playing, but 1 good thing per 200 bad things is just not worth putting the time in. 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
puppetworx 474 Posted August 26, 2012 The last two paragraphs are similar to my experience these last few days and I'll be dialing back my play slightly too. It's an entirely natural thing though, you play a game, get really into it and then hit a wall after which you just play less. It's unfortunate that like so my first person shooters out there that the 'wall' is rampant scripting but if it wasn't that it would be something else. I'll be playing less but when new features roll out I'll be testing then the fuck out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HamTheBacon 76 Posted August 26, 2012 Put yourself in my shoes, you just logged into a server, and you found 3 cars and 2 boats, legit non hacked in non scripted real fucking deal vehicles. And you spent 4 hours repairing them and fixing them up and getting them up north, and then after all that work of farming barbed wire to keep them safe, hackers come along, teleport to you and kill you, take your stuff, blow up your cars and then leave like they didnt do anything wrong or they didnt just ruin 30 peoples day by script killing the server, it was just the lucky 3 or 4 of us in Berezino that deserved the teleport shoot routine, the rest just got script killed.Yea its pretty bad that we had all that good stuff that just instantly went away by dbags, but this happenes every day, on 90% of servers and about 50% or more of the time, it goes unchecked, battleeye has banned mabey about 15000 people who have been hacking, there are now 1,200,000 playing dayz, thats about 2% of the population, and yet every server i have ever been on save 2 or 3 have had hackers on them doing this shit, they havnt even chipped the block when it comes to hackers and i doubt they ever will, so until the game becomes standalone im going to host my own private server, im going to play on it with only people i allow onto the server and im going to try to make it as enjoyable as i can. And i will only go onto real hive servers if i feel like dying a million times for some good video footage. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TaterHead 8 Posted August 26, 2012 I understand how you feel though. We've all been thru the ordeal where we build up our gear just to get it wiped by some punk hacker. I would much rather have died from someone legitimately sneaking up behind me and blowing me away than have a hacker appear on my six out of nowhere and fill me with a round of mak shots.As far as private hives... aren't they mostly locked and you have to know someone to get on? I've tried Special Ops and a couple others and can never get on them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skat3rat 1633 Posted August 26, 2012 How about instead of spewing all the bullshit that seems to be endlessly regurgitated on this forum try using your brain instead.People are going to be pissed off when their hard work is destroyed in a matter of seconds in an illegitimate way. Running around Cherno with an Enfield isnt everyones cup of tea.There is no easy solution. If people enjoy part of the game that is there, but is wrecked by 'hackers' then maybe they should take a break and give stand alone a go when it comes out. Sure, it's not the most desirable solution and that's why I believe people vent their frustration on the forum, people want to play the game, but can't in its current state.But until then, we shall be reminded atleast 1000 times a day by people like you. Yes, we all know 'bro', it's alpha.I collected enough gear to survive the entire game in the woods and never leave the woods if I wanted. Then some hackers showed up and killed me. I got over it. Yes I put a lot of effort into that gear but those type things you just can't help. The mod is free so what do you expect? A perfect game free of hackers? Well if that is the case, buddy, your living in a fantasy world. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sausagekingofchicago 4711 Posted August 26, 2012 Too long, didn't get to the point. I imagined the point was how some hacker or someone kicked his sand castle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 38 Posted August 26, 2012 (edited) Put yourself in my shoes, you just logged into a server, and you found 3 cars and 2 boats, legit non hacked in non scripted real fucking deal vehicles. And you spent 4 hours repairing them and fixing them up and getting them up north, and then after all that work of farming barbed wire to keep them safe, hackers come along, teleport to you and kill you, take your stuff, blow up your cars and then leave like they didnt do anything wrong or they didnt just ruin 30 peoples day by script killing the server, it was just the lucky 3 or 4 of us in Berezino that deserved the teleport shoot routine, the rest just got script killed.Just as soon as that server gets restarted all your work for fixing/keeping vehicles will be gone. In v1.7.2.5 all cars are reset to respawn on server restarts. Tents remain if saved, but bye bye vehicles. No reason to get upset about it. Me and my friends do it every night and it is the experience with friends that make this game fun even if a hacker comes along. Whatever we laugh and then help whoever died.A buddy of mine runs a server and they have tents with all heli repair parts, so when he restarts his server (every 8 hours) they fix the chopper and keep it. Kinda lame tbqh. Edited August 26, 2012 by -JMP- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Womb Raider 92 Posted August 26, 2012 How about instead of spewing all the bullshit that seems to be endlessly regurgitated on this forum try using your brain instead.People are going to be pissed off when their hard work is destroyed in a matter of seconds in an illegitimate way. Running around Cherno with an Enfield isnt everyones cup of tea.There is no easy solution. If people enjoy part of the game that is there, but is wrecked by 'hackers' then maybe they should take a break and give stand alone a go when it comes out. Sure, it's not the most desirable solution and that's why I believe people vent their frustration on the forum, people want to play the game, but can't in its current state.But until then, we shall be reminded atleast 1000 times a day by people like you. Yes, we all know 'bro', it's alpha.The reason why you get reminded a thousand times a day is you someone haven't figured it out yet it is an alpha. You clearly have no fucking idea what an alpha is.I hate these forums sometimes, especially people like you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fat Toggaf 10 Posted August 26, 2012 (edited) OP1: you are a fucking snitch rat2: you seem to think people give a fuck about you as a person. We do not.3: you seem to think online videogames have an allegiance, or insinuated trust between group members... You are wrong.4: your naivety makes me think you get taken advantage of in real life by every person you meet.Go cry somewhere else pansyboy , we do not give a fuck about your tears.*Warning point issued for abusive language* Fraggle Edited August 26, 2012 by Fraggle Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Imafighter 236 Posted August 26, 2012 OP1: you are a fucking snitch rat2: you seem to think people give a fuck about you as a person. We do not.3: you seem to think online videogames have an allegiance, or insinuated trust between group members... You are wrong.4: your naivety makes me think you get taken advantage of in real life by every person you meet.Go cry somewhere else pansyboy , we do not give a fuck about your tears.And we don't give a fuck about you, you fucking tryhard 12 year old.Haven't been killed by hackers yet, but seeing dumbasses like these make me wish they had.Also, a fucking snitch rat? Are you saying you're the hacker? In that case, I'll gladly report to the admins to get you banned. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tatatito 14 Posted August 26, 2012 Yea its pretty bad that we had all that good stuff that just instantly went away by dbags, but this happenes every day, on 90% of serversAgree to most of what you have said, but 90 percent?? I agree that 99 percent of people on the game are too trigger twitchy, I have been too.. but I have only ever come across anything of a 'hack' once and that was on a US server!Pick your servers wisely, I know its easy to say, but I only really play this game (when I can play any game on free time) and really dont come across haxxors as much as you have ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tatatito 14 Posted August 26, 2012 OP1: you are a fucking snitch rat2: you seem to think people give a fuck about you as a person. We do not.3: you seem to think online videogames have an allegiance, or insinuated trust between group members... You are wrong.4: your naivety makes me think you get taken advantage of in real life by every person you meet.Go cry somewhere else pansyboy , we do not give a fuck about your tears.LOOK OUT!!!Words of a true badass... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mconnolly 0 Posted August 26, 2012 If you dont like the difficulties of playing an Alpha, why did you start playing an alpha.They get hacked, they have a ton of bugs, it is concept of a game, not a full production, get over it.Kids crying over games is ridiculous to me. If you're quitting just quit, dont right a novel on the rage you have. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Asterix (DayZ) 6 Posted August 26, 2012 If you dont like the difficulties of playing an Alpha, why did you start playing an alpha.They get hacked, they have a ton of bugs, it is concept of a game, not a full production, get over it.Kids crying over games is ridiculous to me. If you're quitting just quit, dont right a novel on the rage you have.I believe it is pretty clear that the OP wrote what you call a 'novel' in an attempt to get enough support so that something is done to improve the game in the current state. Yes, alpha implies in development, and consequently it could be in any state, stable or unstable, and in an ever changing state. That's how DayZ was in the early days. It had its problems, but it was playable for the most part. Things would get broken, and the more crucial bugs would eventually get fixed. Updates came about very frequenrly. But it is not like that anymore. The last two updates, which by the way took quite a long time, fixed nearly nothing (graphical glitches, vehicles, teleports, etc). I believe it is pretty clear that the MOD is being left behind, and given no attention anymore because of the standalone efforts, which by the way, I am really looking forward to. However, I also believe it would be smart for Rocket and BI to at least bring the MOD to a more stable state, fix some of the more crucial issues, and that way people can play until the standalone comes out. Alpha or not, the game does create an impression on people. Most game companies don't release Alpha to the public, and that's because it can generate negative feedback on the game. So the OP is probably trying to appeal to Rocket so that the game he likes so much doesn't suffer from negative impressions. I see no problem with this post. It is a valid post. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites