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How Long Does It Take For A Huey To Spawn?

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I know it's only 1 huey for each server, but when do they respawn and stuff?

I'm at the airfield and can't seem to find it.

Is it out in the open or inside a hangar?

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The Huey doesn't spawn at Airfield, it spawns at Skalisty Island

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1 week depending on server restarts and if anyones gotten one or if a hacker has spawned one... the times may have changed since last update.

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In most servers tents and vehciles dont save so it will respawn on the island each restart

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Beware of the hacker spawned Hueys. :( A friend of mine was spawning as a new life on the coast and there was a Huey there. On the coast. Fully operational. He was thrilled, and came to pick up my husband and I in it. We flew around for a while (he'd been practicing in the Arma tutorial) and then suddenly he was teleported to the middle of the ocean and the helicopter crashed, killing my husband and I.

I said at the time "Well you know this was too good to be true. At least it was fun while it lasted, right?"

That said, I did find the chopper on Skalisty Island once. It needed everything, but if I'd thought ahead and brought it all with me (or some friends with all of it) we'd have had a helicopter, lol.

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1 chopper per server, spawns at the same place EVERY time it spawns..

Will not save so when you have repaired it and flown off the island, whenever the server restarts it will de-spawn, then respawn back on the island 24 hours later needing to be fixed again..

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My buddy and I found our first one by chance today....it was empty :(

But still, not bad for two Day 2 survivors I guess, hope that there will be ones with loot sometime <_<

it spawned near a forest, south of NWAF (the rumors of rampant death around this place weren't exaggerated one bit, as we learned....)

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My buddy and I found our first one by chance today....it was empty :(

But still, not bad for two Day 2 survivors I guess, hope that there will be ones with loot sometime <_<

it spawned near a forest, south of NWAF (the rumors of rampant death around this place weren't exaggerated one bit, as we learned....)

You're talking about a heli crash site. OP is talking about the fixable helicopter that only spawns on the island.

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Our Huey just got captured by a hacker with godmode. We think it crashed later but even afetr restarts there is no new huey spawning. New bug?

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Im not sure about that they spawn only on the island. I was just south west of Pobeda(spelling map got to blurry read properly) Dam and just north of Gvozdno. It needed repairs but the guns worked. Something in red some in yellow. Also was empty of gear. And was just sitting in an open field. I was tempted to fly it but i think i read some where that you dont fly choppers unless they are all in the green so i didnt want to take a chance. But now that i know it easy to re-gear minus NVGs I would of flown the thing and repaired it. Which i tried doing but by the time i got back up there it was gone. So yeah it might spawn in other location, cuz i doubt someone would just leave it out in the open like that broken or not. Im just sayin....

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Im not sure about that they spawn only on the island. I was just south west of Pobeda(spelling map got to blurry read properly) Dam and just north of Gvozdno. It needed repairs but the guns worked. Something in red some in yellow. Also was empty of gear. And was just sitting in an open field. I was tempted to fly it but i think i read some where that you dont fly choppers unless they are all in the green so i didnt want to take a chance. But now that i know it easy to re-gear minus NVGs I would of flown the thing and repaired it. Which i tried doing but by the time i got back up there it was gone. So yeah it might spawn in other location, cuz i doubt someone would just leave it out in the open like that broken or not. Im just sayin....

wellllllllllllllllllllll, maybe he thought I'll go and get that huey some fuel, hueys love fuel. And being alone, I'll land on the outskirts of town so I don't get my face eaten off when I land. Just sayin...

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If it has been destroyed shouldnt be longer than 48h if it hasnt been touched for a week it will respawn... if somebody is using it it will never respawn.

this is 100% legit shit have tried it on my own ;)

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Beware of the hacker spawned Hueys. :( A friend of mine was spawning as a new life on the coast and there was a Huey there. On the coast. Fully operational. He was thrilled, and came to pick up my husband and I in it. We flew around for a while (he'd been practicing in the Arma tutorial) and then suddenly he was teleported to the middle of the ocean and the helicopter crashed, killing my husband and I.

I said at the time "Well you know this was too good to be true. At least it was fun while it lasted, right?"

That said, I did find the chopper on Skalisty Island once. It needed everything, but if I'd thought ahead and brought it all with me (or some friends with all of it) we'd have had a helicopter, lol.

Same thing happened to me... Found a tent packed full of a hacker's goodies, then as I'm sorting through all my new gear I get teleported to the ocean... LOL.

Playing with fire...

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