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PLEASE for the love of god help me launch this fucking game??? =[

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I have spent lots of time and money getting my PC upgraded to play this game, i cant join servers, there is no way i am banned as i am yet to play the game even once.i keeps saying " no entry " and something abot " CAsigns2 " before you try and help me, please note

I CANT launch game via steam as admin ( dont know why )

I have a retail copy of ARMA 2 and a steam copy of OA

I have already got DAYZ COMMANDER and its not helping

This is actually starting to upset me as i have spent most of my free time since wednesday trying to get this game up and running, i really feel like smashing my Comp up at times out of frustration, i think i may have to wait a while until it is ported to the cosoles....

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Have you checked the game paths in DayzCommander options, to make sure they are correct?

Edit: also not sure but this may be relevant?


Also, did you follow the mixed retail/steam install guide?

Edited by chipdemon

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good day sir!

I had the same problem at the start.

What fixed it for me was fixing the gamepaths in dayz commander, also using the "launch using steam" option AND the "replace original Arma 2 [...]" (right below the other one) option.

also you have to start steam as an admin (right click, run as administrator) and open the game through that at least once (arma 2 combined operations)

if all that does not work, possibly you need to install the arma 2 beta files by hand once, following this guide: http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_install_DayZ#ARMA2_Beta_patch

I hope this helps you. have a nice dayz

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Thanks but uninstalling and reinstalling them is not an option as OA took 4 days to download, with my PC left on constantly, no way in hell i am waiting that long again

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start by checking if uve installed both dayz and arma 2 beta patch (if not already, i suggest u do it manually, its quite easy. follow the steps on dayz installation guide for the dayz mod files and for the beta patch, google arma 2 beta patch)

if launched from steam, make sure to launch arma 2 oa with the 4th option (when u star the game ure given 4 options, play arma 2 oa, launch in window mode, reinstall battleye, and the last launch arma 2 combined ops= u launch with this last one)

also, u need to insert the following line in the launch options for arma 2 oa (right click on steam arma 2 oa - properties - launch options)

-beta=Expansion\beta\expansion;@DayZ -mod=@dayz -nosplash -cpuCount=4 -world=chernarus -maxmem=2047 -noFilePatching

(this also is for optimization, set cpucount to the number of ur cpu cores, maxmem is ram and its capped at 2047)

edit: and one last thing, after installing arma 2 beta patch, u need to go to the following directory (...\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta)

copy arma2oa.exe from there and paste it to the main directory of arma 2 operation arrowhead (...\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead)

i hope this helps

Edited by h3retic

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i have not added anything to the game directory yet, how do i do that?

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and every time i launch with the 4th option it just says " data file too short " and dont let me =[

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I also had the arma 2 retail and a steam oa, I had major problems but I solved it after hours.

Make sure to manually go to the arma 2 site and upgrade your boxed retail copy of arma 2 to the latest patch on the official arma2 site<<<<<<

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and every time i launch with the 4th option it just says " data file too short " and dont let me =[

start by checking if uve installed both dayz and arma 2 beta patch (if not already, i suggest u do it manually, its quite easy. follow the steps on dayz installation guide for the dayz mod files and for the beta patch, google arma 2 beta patch)

if launched from steam, make sure to launch arma 2 oa with the 4th option (when u star the game ure given 4 options, play arma 2 oa, launch in window mode, reinstall battleye, and the last launch arma 2 combined ops= u launch with this last one)

also, u need to insert the following line in the launch options for arma 2 oa (right click on steam arma 2 oa - properties - launch options)

-beta=Expansion\beta\expansion;@DayZ -mod=@dayz -nosplash -cpuCount=4 -world=chernarus -maxmem=2047 -noFilePatching

(this also is for optimization, set cpucount to the number of ur cpu cores, maxmem is ram and its capped at 2047)

edit: and one last thing, after installing arma 2 beta patch, u need to go to the following directory (...\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta)

copy arma2oa.exe from there and paste it to the main directory of arma 2 operation arrowhead (...\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead)

i hope this helps

im not very PC gifted, i dont know how to get into the game directory =[ and where can i get the patches from?/

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yep have tried to download that, it was going for 1 hour and 45 minits before it timed out and cancelld, tried it again, same outcome, its like im not supposed to play this fucking game

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I have a retail copy of Arma 2 and a Steam copy of OA also. However I do everything manually. I write out the steps as simply as possible.

1. Download the latest Arma 2 Beta patch from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php At the time of writing the latest patch is 96061, the latest one will always be in the green bar at the VERY top of the page.

2. Extract the .rar that the patch file is in and simply run it, it will update the game very quickly.

3. In the games root directory (for me it is C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead, I am using XP however) there is a folder called Expansion, in the folder there is folder called Beta. You want to copy the arma2oa.exe and paste it in the root directory. Before you do this, backup your original arma2oa.exe. I simply make a new folder called original and put it in there.

4.Now for DayZ. If you go to http://www.dayzmod.com/?Download and click the torrent link it will give you all the game files you need. Once they are done extract the .rar files.

5.Back in the game root directory, make a folder called @DayZ, in that folder, make another folder called "addons", put all the DayZ files in the addons folder.

6.Now to run through Steam. go to your Steam library, right click on Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead. Go down to properties and click Launch Options. Here you will need to paste "-beta=Expansion\beta;ca;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@DayZ;ca -nosplash" Don't copy the "'s.

7.It should work.

I have just woken up, I hope that was clear enough, if you don't have any luck/have any questions just PM me and I will walk you through it.

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You need to run ARMA 2 game, just to the menu is fine.

You need to run Operation Arrowhead as well.

It creates new files for you =)

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Like I said also make sure arma 2 retail copy is patched to 1.11

That was my problem....Bye and GoodLuck

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Thanks but uninstalling and reinstalling them is not an option as OA took 4 days to download, with my PC left on constantly, no way in hell i am waiting that long again

I would change my isp, do you live in the middle of no where?

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Seem to think you have two threads going? Anyway heres the link i promised, all the files in the right place etc. I used DayzCommander at the end though, it worked for me and i'm very new when it comes to mods etc. Oh and don't be put off, most pc games install easily, DayZ was by far the most hassle.

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