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Baskerville (DayZ)

What happens if you on a boat/helicopter and the server crashes

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Vehicles are going to be buggy as hell for the next few weeks, but what I can say is what they SHOULD do:

Position sync request is sent when you get in/out of a vehicle. That is a forced save (instant). Inventory sync request happens if your inventory changes near a vehicle.

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it's alpha man, as everything else, play, have fun while it lasts, whine when you die (due to players, zombies or bugs), drop the mod saying it's forever, come back two days later. :)

in topic: i have no idea.

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Vehicles are going to be buggy as hell for the next few weeks' date=' but what I can say is what they SHOULD do:

Position sync request is sent when you get in/out of a vehicle. That is a forced save (instant). Inventory sync request happens if your inventory changes near a vehicle.


I think the major question was, what happens if your most recent save was in flight? I think a good-enough solution, and perhaps the one you meant to imply, would just be to reset the aircraft (and its passengers) to the location where it took off (or more simply, where the engine was last turned on), if that's feasible code-wise.

That way you could be sure it was somewhere safe, and if you wanted to guarantee that your helo didn't get restored in a hotzone while you're not connected, you could just keep the engine running until you put down somewhere safe.

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Earlier today me and a friend were in a car when the server crashed. More importantly the server stayed down for quite a period of time. Our big concern was what would happen if we tried playing on a different server.

Eventually we gave up and tried logging in on a different server. I was fully expecting to spawn in the middle of nowhere facing an imminent, if not immediate death. However, not sure if its the intended outcome, but we spawned in at where we would have been about 10 seconds before we got in the car in the first place. So I guess we were lucky in that regard (slightly less lucky having lost the car changing servers but oh well).

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In summary:

You do not sync your position while in a vehicle.

Vehicles do not sync while they are moving.

Vehicles/tents are local to that server

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In 1.5.3 whenever I was driving a vehicle and the server restarted (twice) I would get warped to the coast and all of my passengers would remain at the vehicle (though on the outside of it). In 1.5.4 I appear to not warp to a beach anymore when the server restarts, and wind up next to the vehicle with my comrades! Yay! Though this is only with cars, I haven't been in a whirlybird when a restart occurs.

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In summary:

You do not sync your position while in a vehicle.

Vehicles do not sync while they are moving.

Vehicles/tents are local to that server

Are there any plans to have just a few official servers to host the game using some major hardware, so that there could be 300 slots or something? What about having those official servers use their own character database?

Sort of like realms in WoW.

Sorry if that's thinking too far ahead. I'd definitely donate for that, though.

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