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How did you kill your first victim?

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For the love of god man don't ever do that again 15 threads is not necessary reported for douchebaggery

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Cleaned them. Should be ok now.

OP , gotta be a little less trigger happy there when posting. The forums are abit laggy, give it time.

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Tried to chop me with an axe, I got scared, used 1000000000 bullets, to kill him, so it was his own fault. Haven't killed anyone since, I only die from other or some people are friendly and give me chopper rides :D

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Cleaned them. Should be ok now.

OP , gotta be a little less trigger happy there when posting. The forums are abit laggy, give it time.

Much better *high five*

Was filling my canteen and some axe murdering tele hacker spawned right behind me but he must have lagged turned and put 3 rounds into him from a .50 guess he forgot god mode and I dropped him. I don't view him as a victim though but it did count as a murder so I guess that counts.

Edited by Corpselooter

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My first night...

My friend and I got a ride to Cherno, and found some guns, then ran to the hillside and decided we should look around. We wandered around the outside of Cherno for about 15 minutes, and by then, it was pitch dark. We parked ourselves on a hill, and decided what to do. Just then, a flash, and a gunshot.

We looked out over the hill, and I could barely see. I saw a figure with something in his hands. I aimed for center of mass, and fired. He dropped.

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First kill... Found a CZ 550 south of NW airfield in a barn on the road. I was with some friends and we were tracking a group to the south barracks. We never actually got to see any of them as we tracked them through Stary > Barracks, but their gunshots surely told us which way to run! My 2 friends went in first and 4 death messages followed. I played it safe, went to the hill behind the runway and staked out for a few minutes, spotted two guys running across with aggro, zeroed in; 2 shots, 2 kills. Hands were shaking like crazy from being so nervous hahaha!

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Me and my friend where looting the barracks on the nw airfield, when we left there was a guy and a girl beneat a tree. He shot my friend and I shot him and his friend.

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First senseless murder?

I encountered a guy with only a hatchet, he was friendly.

I also had only a hatchet, but I am a superior axe warrior.

He fell and I took his axe as a trophey.

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2 Winchester shots to the chest. I called out friendly so many times upon entering that firestation there was no way he didnt see it. My one and only murder to date for my main character. My private hive server characters have a few more murders due to bandit hunting.

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I was running through the forest with my new M1014, heading to Balota. I started get fired at with a Lee Enfield. It was still dark out, the sun was rising, so I used the cover of dusk and forest to loop around him and blow him to bits. After looting his beans I went into a barn and was subsequently killed by a fresh noob and his makarov...

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was in the elctro market. guy takes shots at me from the hotel across the street. made like i was fleeing, doubled back and slayed his ass.

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First kill: I was at the top of Zub. Suddenly a surviver spawns behind me at the top of the tower.

Seems he's looking at me for a while with his silenced MP5. I, too, looked back at him. It was probably only for about half a second, but it seemed like minutes.

I remember a rush of thoughts coming into my mind. "Is he friendly? Is he writing something?" Instead of finding out, I lobbed my shotgun into his face and pulled the trigger. One shot didn't seem to be enough, so I shot again. He fell, and immediately another surviver spawned next to him. To say the least, I was perplexed. The other guy also looked a bit perplexed seeing his friend bleeding out right in front of him. So I just lobbed the pipe in his general direction and pulled the trigger again.

This time I didn't hit so well, and nicked him in the chest. While squirting blood all over the place, he went for the stairs. Meanwhile, I was insecure if the dude I first shot might wake up, so I decided to stay instead of pursuing the second spawn. He was unarmed anyway, so I guess it was OK to let him get away. Pretty sure he DC'd moments later.

And that's how I got to try the MP5 SD for the first time.

Edited by kebman

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I was near Cherno getting ready to head North, but was to chicken to loot the hospital because of all the warfare going on, so ran North through Nadezhino, then suddenly some guy announces in GC that he is approaching Nadezhino on the way to meet up with his group, so I sat in the trees above the road out of the village, within a few minutes I see him running with a train of zeds, I carefully aim my Einfiled and hit him the first time, dispatch 5 zeds fiesting on his corpse. The poor guy had a full set of med supplies.

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I encountered a guy at the outskirts of Elektro and gunned him down while he was busy shooting zombies. Moments later a bandit ambushed and incapacitated me, but he didn't finish the job, so I got back up on my feet and emptied a clip into his face while he was looting me. It was back when everyone started with the Makarov.

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I said halt, who are you...no response from him and I was jacked cuz it was a total surprise. Shot him.

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I am playing for three weeks (I think) with breaks and today I have killed the first time. I was at the firestation in Balota, looted a M4A1, turn around and there is a guy standing right next to the stairs. He had night vision goggles and an AS50. So I panicked and shot him. He d/c a bit after the kill That was my first murder and I felt really bad. So I switched my flashlight on and examined his body to see if he was a hero. He wasn't. As he had d/c I took the Goggles, the AS50 TWS, a GPS, a Compass and a silenced M9.

After that I went to NWA. It began to rain so I took shelter in the barn south of NWA. Once the rain stopped I got out of the barn and ran right into a guy with a ghillie. He shot at me, my blood was down to 4000 something, I ran away but I was on a open field with one single tree. I ran to the tree, tried to stop the bleeding but he got me there.

Spawned in Elektro, it is pitch black and I am really missing the Goggles. I hit the usual spots get some stuff for my journey to NWA and hope the guy hasn't hidden my body. So I ran up there and I am almost there but didn't have enough time because the server was going to restart in 4 minutes. I managed to find my body but before I could loot it the server restarted.

Once the server has restarted I decide to hit NWA. BTW I got a silenced MP5 from Stary while I was running to NWA. The sun was slowly coming up and I ran to the radiotower. There I saw a guy in a ghillie coming out from the tower and slowly walking to the Firestation. That was my opportunity for revenge and I shot with my silenced MP5 at him but he managed to run into the firestation. I waited for few minutes but there was no sign of him. It was almost day and I was surrounded by Zeds. I tossed a smoke grenade to clear the area and went around the firestation. He was not in there. Maybe he d/c or he went out from the back door. So I waited few minutes in the firestation and decided to hit the next spot because the firestation was blocked with barbwire.

Right when I came out from the back entrance I saw him slowly approaching the firestation. He saw me too and we both shot at eachother. I began to bleed, broke my bones and thought I am as good as dead thanks to the awkward reload system of DayZ. But luck was on my side. He got surrounded by Zeds. I reloaded my silenced MP5 and killed him. That was my second murder and the second time I have regretted shooting someone. I think he wasn't the guy who killed me during my first trip to NWA.

I am sorry TKRussian...something and k!llername.

Edited by bankst3r

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My first victim was very unfortunate for me.

I was doing my normal looting spree in cherno, only had a revolver so i wasn't very prepared. I was being stalked by two guys whom had obviously been playing for a while.They kept shooting at me every chance they got. I couldn't fight them off because I only had one mag so I stood no chance.

I ran into a cafe place by the international hotel still being chased by them. I ran upstairs but they didn't see me. They were cautious going in and checked every room. I was cowaring in the furthest one, the one at the end of the corridore. I was crouching in the corner, waiting for the inevitable. One came in.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!

I unleashed my entire load into his body (no homo) and he fell. His friend heard these shots and he came rushing in. He didn't notice me for a bit. Just wacthing his murdered friend lifeless on the ground. He finally saw me when I was clicking my empty revolver at his head. He shot me in the face with a single silenced shot

Game over.

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with a hatchet. it was in the elektro hospital. he tried to kill me with an enfield but couldnt aim well inside the building i guess..

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2 armed bandits chasing me, holding mha Axe. Entered a building and waited for them, where i could get up close and personal, cause of the cramped space. I exited that building full with weapons and provisions. I was shacking with adrenaline ! :D

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Saved him from a zombie attack, started bleeding, had no bandages, killed him and took his bandages so I could live.

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