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c0nscript (DayZ)

Why troll?

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I am obviously new to DayZ but not new to the genre of <insert random insults> aka Eve Online play-style.

This is more of a blog than a post.

I was playing in a server as a brand new character scavenging for supplies. I was actually very excited because for the first time I found an ax and was able to kill zombies. Spending almost an hour in a settlement luring zombies into buildings just to hack them down as a form of revenge for as often as they chased me was fun.

Then I get to a settlement, not sure where, with two massive silo's and a warehouse. I load up on heat packs, food, drinks, and ammo for when I would find a gun and start to head out across a bridge.

"Hey man how you doing! That hatchet is a rare commodity we like it!" I hear over VoIP and turn around to hear three people giggling frantically over the microphone with guns running behind me. I ignore them, heading to the woods knowing exactly what their plan was as they continue to talk in their fake foreign accents.

I simply reply, "If you're going to speak to me, speak proper English" over the microphone and a few minutes later I end up with a bullet in the back of my head and the 'You Are Dead' screen creeping up.

The point of the story was, why bother? You knew you were going to shoot me, I knew you were going to shoot me - Why troll me before doing so, just shoot and move on. Don't bother posting your reasons as to why people troll, it was a rhetorical question.

While I understand that DayZ cannot easily be compared to Eve Online (if you don't know this game I will put it frank - A Sci-Fi MMORPG Sandbox game completely player driven) mainly because there is no... reputation to uphold.

In a game such as DayZ you don't have to care what other people think of you, simply change your name. It is always interesting to watch how people will behave when they know that they are under the veil of anonymity. By anonymity I don't mean the demographics of your life, instead I mean the reputation you put forth as a persona you create.

And I'll repeat, the question about trolling was rhetorical which means I do not intend on receiving an answer. I'll close by saying anyone who enjoys trolling just remember, you only succeed if you actually make the other person angry.

A tip for trolling, you are far more likely to enrage your opponent when you simply do not speak. People are far more likely to become angry when they don't know what provoked the action that was taken against them.

Quite simply, if I was genuinely new to this style of game play I probably would of gotten upset if I saw three random people come up to me and without saying a word shoot me in the face. The moment I can see the reason behind your actions is the moment you have failed your troll attempt.


TL;DR - Just a lesson on gameplay and a lesson on trolling.

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They troll to get a reaction -- which carried fruit once again.

Edit; Well damn, you beat me to it in the next sentence I read.

Edit2; Let me go back several years, when the word "trolling" wasn't used as a synonym to everything people did that you didn't like.

People do stupid things to other people to get a reaction from them. I have to say that it is quite amusing to sit in a deerstand next to a road with a DMR and shoot right next to a guy who is either running or crouching, and watch them run around in panic and zig-zag their way to the nearest bush and disconnect.

Edit3; I know you said that you're not looking to get an answer as to why people troll, but that's what you get for placing a QUESTION in the title, as well as doing nothing besides talk about trolling, and mentioning the same question again.

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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People troll because it's fun. Everyone here has done some type of trolling in the past. Only thing is in dayz it can be more painful... With the loading times and loot rarity.

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